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Glatthorn, Jonas: RTG 2300 - exact location of research plots (2020) [dataset]. PANGAEA, (unpublished dataset)


This dataset provides information about the exact location of the research plots of the interdisciplinary research training group 'RTG2300: Enrichment of European beech forests with conifers'.
Median Latitude: 52.234496 * Median Longitude: 9.981715 * South-bound Latitude: 51.664759 * West-bound Longitude: 9.281230 * North-bound Latitude: 53.201222 * East-bound Longitude: 10.813566
Please contact Dr. Jonas Glatthorn to get access to the exact locations of RTG2300 research plots.
• UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator
• EPSG-Code - European Petroleum Survey Group Geodesy Code referring to a geographic coordinate reference system
• WKT - Well-known text representation of geometry; defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 19125 standard)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1PlotPlotGlatthorn, Jonas
2LONGITUDELongitudeGlatthorn, JonasGeocode – Approximate longitude of plot center
3LATITUDELatitudeGlatthorn, JonasGeocode – Approximate latitude of plot center
4Center, XC XGlatthorn, JonasEPSG-Codex-coordinate of plot center in UTM grid (EPSG-Code 25832)
5Center, YC YGlatthorn, JonasEPSG-Codey-coordinate of plot center in UTM grid (EPSG-Code 25832)
6Longitude, centerLong CGlatthorn, JonasEPSG-Codelongitude of plot center in (EPSG-Code 4326)
7Latitude, centerLat CGlatthorn, JonasEPSG-Codelatitude of plot center in (EPSG-Code 4326)
8Center pointC pointGlatthorn, JonasEPSG-CodeWKT-representation of the plot center in UTM grid (EPSG-Code 25832)
9Center pointC pointGlatthorn, JonasEPSG-CodeWKT-representation of the plot center in latitudes and longitudes (EPSG-Code 4326)
10Polygon, borderP borderGlatthorn, JonasEPSG-CodeWKT-representation of the plot border polygon in UTM grid (EPSG-Code 25832)
11Polygon, borderP borderGlatthorn, JonasEPSG-CodeWKT-representation of the plot border polygon in latitudes and longitudes (EPSG-Code 4326)
12Polygon, bufferP bufferGlatthorn, JonasEPSG-CodeWKT-representation of the plot buffer polygon in UTM grid (EPSG-Code 25832)
13Polygon, bufferP bufferGlatthorn, JonasEPSG-CodeWKT-representation of the plot buffer polygon in latitudes and longitudes (EPSG-Code 4326)
517 data points

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