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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Bender, Maren; Mann, Thomas; Stocchi, Paolo; Kneer, Dominik; Schöne, Tilo; Illigner, Julia; Jompa, Jamaluddin; Rovere, Alessio (2020): Fossil Microatoll radiocarbon and elevation records from the Spermonde Archipelago in SW Sulawesi, Indonesia, 2017 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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The sample set includes 25 newly sampled sea-level index points based on fossil microatoll measurements from 5 islands in the Spermonde Archipelago, 21 fossl microatoll samples previously published by Mann et al., 2016 from two Islands in the same study region and 20 marine and terrestrial limiting points (e.g. corals, shells and loamy clay) and one further sea-level index point from a Mangrove swamp published by De Klerk, 1982 and Tjia et al., 1972.
Holocene sea-level changes; marine and terrestrial limiting indicators; sea-level index points; Spermonde Archipelagi; SW Sulawesi
Supplement to:
Bender, Maren; Mann, Thomas; Stocchi, Paolo; Kneer, Dominik; Schöne, Tilo; Illigner, Julia; Jompa, Jamaluddin; Rovere, Alessio (2020): Late Holocene (0–6 ka) sea-level changes in the Makassar Strait, Indonesia. Climate of the Past, 16(4), 1187-1205,
Median Latitude: -4.970022 * Median Longitude: 119.257443 * South-bound Latitude: -5.605990 * West-bound Longitude: 119.059460 * North-bound Latitude: -4.574820 * East-bound Longitude: 119.591160
Date/Time Start: 2017-10-06T06:49:00 * Date/Time End: 2017-10-16T02:21:00
16 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Bender, M; Mann, T; Stocchi, P et al. (2020): Water level logger measurements of Barrang Lompo.
  2. Bender, M; Mann, T; Stocchi, P et al. (2020): Water level logger measurements of Bone Batang.
  3. Bender, M; Mann, T; Stocchi, P et al. (2020): Water level logger measurements of Kodingareng Keke.
  4. Bender, M; Mann, T; Stocchi, P et al. (2020): Water level logger measurements of Panambungan.
  5. Bender, M; Mann, T; Stocchi, P et al. (2020): Water level logger measurements of Sanrobengi.
  6. Bender, M; Mann, T; Stocchi, P et al. (2020): Age determination of fossil microatolls from the Spermonde Archipelago.
  7. Bender, M; Mann, T; Stocchi, P et al. (2020): Elevation and age determination of Sanrobengi.
  8. Bender, M; Mann, T; Stocchi, P et al. (2020): Elevation and age determination of Kodingareng Keke.
  9. Bender, M; Mann, T; Stocchi, P et al. (2020): Elevation and age determination of Bone Batang.
  10. Bender, M; Mann, T; Stocchi, P et al. (2020): Elevation and age determination of Tambakulu.
  11. Bender, M; Mann, T; Stocchi, P et al. (2020): Elevation and age determination of Suranti.
  12. Bender, M; Mann, T; Stocchi, P et al. (2020): Glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) models.
  13. Bender, M; Mann, T; Stocchi, P et al. (2020): X-ray diffraction results of fossil microatolls from the Spermonde Archipelago.
  14. Bender, M; Mann, T; Stocchi, P et al. (2020): Living microatolls average.
  15. Bender, M; Mann, T; Stocchi, P et al. (2020): Water level logger measurements of Suranti.
  16. Bender, M; Mann, T; Stocchi, P et al. (2020): Water level logger measurements of Tambakulu.