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Bender, Maren; Mann, Thomas; Stocchi, Paolo; Kneer, Dominik; Schöne, Tilo; Illigner, Julia; Jompa, Jamaluddin; Rovere, Alessio (2020): Age determination of fossil microatolls from the Spermonde Archipelago [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Bender, M et al. (2020): Fossil Microatoll radiocarbon and elevation records from the Spermonde Archipelago in SW Sulawesi, Indonesia, 2017 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Holocene sea-level changes; marine and terrestrial limiting indicators; sea-level index points; Spermonde Archipelagi; SW Sulawesi
Related to:
Bender, Maren; Mann, Thomas; Stocchi, Paolo; Kneer, Dominik; Schöne, Tilo; Illigner, Julia; Jompa, Jamaluddin; Rovere, Alessio (2020): Late Holocene (0–6 ka) sea-level changes in the Makassar Strait, Indonesia. Climate of the Past, 16(4), 1187-1205,
Median Latitude: -5.089430 * Median Longitude: 119.372068 * South-bound Latitude: -5.605990 * West-bound Longitude: 119.059460 * North-bound Latitude: -4.574820 * East-bound Longitude: 119.591160
Minimum ELEVATION: -1.480 m a.s.l. * Maximum ELEVATION: 6.500 m a.s.l.
Barrang_Lompo * Latitude: -5.049050 * Longitude: 119.328870 * Location: Barrang Lompo * Comment: Microatolls: FMA / LMA
Bone_Batang_island * Latitude: -5.017110 * Longitude: 119.325280 * Location: Bone Batang * Comment: Microatolls: FMA
Bone_Tambung * Latitude: -5.036150 * Longitude: 119.277460 * Location: Bone Tambung
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventBender, Maren
2International Generic Sample NumberIGSNBender, Maren
3Laboratory code/labelLab labelBender, Maren
4Sample IDSample IDBender, Maren
5LocationLocationBender, Maren
6Age, datedAge datedkaBender, MarenAge, 14C AMS14C age
7Age, dated standard deviationAge dated std dev±Bender, MarenAge, 14C AMS14C
8Age, commentCommBender, Maren
9Calendar ageCal ageka BPBender, MarenAge, 14C calibratedMean age [cal ka BP]
10Calendar age, standard deviationCal age std dev±Bender, MarenAge, 14C calibrated
11ELEVATIONElevationm a.s.l.Bender, MarenGeocode – with respect to msl
12HeightHeightmBender, MarenHLC [m]
13Sea level, relativeSea lev relmBender, Maren
14ErrorErrorBender, MarenVertical error ± [m]
15ErrorErrorBender, MarenErosion error (σEr) [m]
16CommentCommentBender, MarenMarine (1) / Terrestrial limiting (-1)
649 data points

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