Schwestermann, Tobias; Huang, Jyh-Jaan Steven; Konzett, Jürgen; Kioka, Arata; Wefer, Gerold; Ikehara, Ken; Moernaut, Jasper; Eglinton, Timothy Ian; Strasser, Michael (2020): XRF core scanning, magnetic susceptibility and density data from the central Japan Trench [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,
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Published: 2020-05-08 • DOI registered: 2020-06-10
The data set compiles gamma-ray wet bulk density, magnetic susceptibility (MS), and XRF core scans of the three cores GeoB16433-1 (38° 07.843'N, 144° 00.135'E, 7,525 m water depth), GeoB16431-1 (38° 00.177'N, 143° 59.981'E, 7,542 m water depth), and GeoB16444-1 (37° 42.017'N, 143° 52.377'E, 7,529 m water depth) retrieved from the central Japan Trench during Sonne Cruise SO219A in 2012. Gamma-ray wet bulk density and MS were measured by using the Geotek multi-sensor core logger at MARUM, University of Bremen. XRF core scans (elements: Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, Br, Rb, Sr, Zr) were analyzed by using the Avaatech XRF core scanner at MARUM, University of Bremen.
Supplement to:
Schwestermann, Tobias; Huang, Jyh-Jaan Steven; Konzett, Jürgen; Kioka, Arata; Wefer, Gerold; Ikehara, Ken; Moernaut, Jasper; Eglinton, Timothy Ian; Strasser, Michael (accepted): Multivariate statistical and multi-proxy constraints on earthquake-triggered sediment remobilization processes in the central Japan Trench.
Median Latitude: 37.946947 * Median Longitude: 143.957642 * South-bound Latitude: 37.700280 * West-bound Longitude: 143.872950 * North-bound Latitude: 38.130717 * East-bound Longitude: 144.003817
Date/Time Start: 2012-03-28T07:58:00 * Date/Time End: 2012-04-01T20:59:00
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
3 datasets
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Datasets listed in this publication series
- Schwestermann, T; Huang, J-JS; Konzett, J et al. (2020): XRF core scanning, magnetic susceptibility and density of sediment core GeoB16431-1.
- Schwestermann, T; Huang, J-JS; Konzett, J et al. (2020): XRF core scanning, magnetic susceptibility and density of sediment core GeoB16433-1.
- Schwestermann, T; Huang, J-JS; Konzett, J et al. (2020): XRF core scanning, magnetic susceptibility and density of sediment core GeoB16444-1.