van der Does, Michèlle; Brummer, Geert-Jan A; van Crimpen, Fleur C J; Korte, Laura F; Mahowad, Nathalie M; Merkel, Ute; Yu, Hongbin; Zuidema, Paquita; Stuut, Jan-Berend W (2020): Fluxes of Saharan dust deposition across the tropical North Atlantic Ocean [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,
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Published: 2020-02-20 • DOI registered: 2020-04-21
Dataset includes sediment-trap data of Saharan dust deposition along a trans-Atlantic transect at 12°N, Model simulations of dry- and wet deposited dust across the same transect, and satellite observations of Dust Optical Depth (DOD) and precipitation.
Fig. 2 includes dust deposition fluxes for sampling years 2013 and 2014, precipitation obtained from TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) at 1x1° resolution, and DOD calculated from Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) from MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) Collection 6 data also at 1x1° resolution.
Fig. 3 shows the monthly averages of dust deposition fluxes (average for 2013 and 2014 sampling years), dust concentrations obtained at the monitoring station at Barbados (13.2°N, 59.4°W) averaged for 2013-2014, model simulations of dry and wet dust deposition using the Community Earth System Model (CESM), at 5°x10° resolution, between 10 and 15°N and 10 and 60°W, and averaged monthly precipitation at the sediment-trap sites (1x1° resolution) from TRMM for 2013-2014 sampling years.
Supplement to:
van der Does, Michèlle; Brummer, Geert-Jan A; van Crimpen, Fleur C J; Korte, Laura F; Mahowald, Natalie M; Merkel, Ute; Yu, Hongbin; Zuidema, Paquita; Stuut, Jan-Berend W (2020): Tropical Rains Controlling Deposition of Saharan Dust Across the North Atlantic Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(5), 2019GL086867,
Further details:
Korte, Laura F; Brummer, Geert-Jan A; van der Does, Michèlle; Guerreiro, Catarina V; Hennekam, Rick; van Hateren, Johannes Albert; Jong, Dirk; Munday, Chris I; Schouten, Stefan; Stuut, Jan-Berend W (2017): Downward particle fluxes of biogenic matter and Saharan dust across the equatorial North Atlantic. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17(9), 6023-6040,
Median Latitude: 12.641555 * Median Longitude: -38.774012 * South-bound Latitude: 12.000000 * West-bound Longitude: -59.471670 * North-bound Latitude: 13.810000 * East-bound Longitude: -23.010000
Date/Time Start: 2012-01-03T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2014-12-29T00:00:00
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
7 datasets
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Datasets listed in this publication series
- van der Does, M; Brummer, G-JA; van Crimpen, FCJ et al. (2020): Dust optical depht of Saharan dust deposition across the tropical North Atlantic Ocean.
- van der Does, M; Brummer, G-JA; van Crimpen, FCJ et al. (2020): Fluxes of Saharan dust deposition across the tropical North Atlantic Ocean.
- van der Does, M; Brummer, G-JA; van Crimpen, FCJ et al. (2020): Precipitation of Saharan dust deposition across the tropical North Atlantic Ocean.
- van der Does, M; Brummer, G-JA; van Crimpen, FCJ et al. (2020): Dust concentrations obtained at the monitoring station at Barbados averaged for 2013-2014.
- van der Does, M; Brummer, G-JA; van Crimpen, FCJ et al. (2020): Model simulations of dry and wet dust deposition using the Community Earth System Model (CESM), at 5°x10° resolution, between 10 and 15°N and 10 and 60°W.
- van der Does, M; Brummer, G-JA; van Crimpen, FCJ et al. (2020): Monthly averages of dust deposition fluxes (average for 2013 and 2014 sampling years).
- van der Does, M; Brummer, G-JA; van Crimpen, FCJ et al. (2020): Averaged monthly precipitation at the sediment-trap sites (1x1° resolution) from TRMM for 2013-2014 sampling years.