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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Gutow, Lars; Poore, Alistair G B; Díaz Poblete, Manuel A; Villalobos, Vieia; Thiel, Martin: Stipe morphology of Lessonia berteroana collected in Playa Blanca in 2017 and within-stipe distribution of breakages and amphipod domiciles [dataset]. Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, PANGAEA, (dataset in review), In: Gutow, L et al.: Domiciles of stipe-boring amphipods on subtidal individuals of the kelp Lessonia berteroana [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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algal detritus; Ampithoidae; Kelp; mesograzers; Phaeophyceae; Plant-herbivore interaction
Latitude: -28.166670 * Longitude: -71.166670
Minimum DISTANCE: cm * Maximum DISTANCE: 344 cm
Playa_Blanca * Latitude: -28.166670 * Longitude: -71.166670 * Location: Chile * Method/Device: Biology (BIO)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1NumberNoGutow, Lars
2SiteSiteGutow, Lars
3IdentificationIDGutow, Larsstipe no.
4Stipe lengthStipe lcmGutow, Lars
5Internode levelInternode levelGutow, Lars
6Numbern#Gutow, Larsof internodes in level (including complete ones, breakages and stage 4 domiciles)
7ReplicateReplGutow, Larsinternode no.
8Internode lengthInternode lcmGutow, Lars
9DISTANCEDistancecmGutow, LarsGeocode – to stipe base
10Numbern#Gutow, Larsof breakages in level without stage 4 domiciles
11Numbern#Gutow, Larsof breakages in level due to stage 4 domiciles
12CommentCommentGutow, Larsnumber of blades in terminal level/no. of terminals
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
6234 data points

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