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Patzak, Roman: Lichen plots of Fraxinus excelsior and Quercus robur at the Leipzig Canopy Crane Facility [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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Using the Leipzig Canopy Crane Facility situated in the temperate floodplain forest of Leipzig, epiphytic lichens on Fraxinus excelsior and Quercus robur were sampled between fall of 2016 until summer of 2017. A layered design was applied: Tree crowns were divided into five equally-spaced crown layers, with the trunk below the crown as an extra layer. In each layer a number of plots proportional to that layers bark surface area was placed. In each plot (100 cm²), lichen cover was documented. In addition, descriptors, such as branch diameter, height, position within the tree and LAI were measured. And supporting information on the identification the the lichen species. The goal was to determine epiphytic lichen diversity and distribution patterns and to infer mechanistic explanation of their emergence.
Fraxinus excelsior; lichens; Quercus robur
Supplement to:
Patzak, Roman; Richter, Ronny; Engelmann, Rolf A; Wirth, Christian (in review): Tree crowns as meeting points of diversity generating mechanisms - a test with epiphytic lichens in a temperate forest. bioRxiv,
Latitude: 51.367300 * Longitude: 12.309100
Date/Time Start: 2016-10-14T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-09-15T00:00:00
Minimum HEIGHT above ground: 1.50 m * Maximum HEIGHT above ground: 33.40 m
Leipzig_Canopy_Crane (LCCF) * Latitude: 51.367300 * Longitude: 12.309100 * Location: Leipzig, Saxony, Eastern Germany * Comment: Average coordinates.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1IdentificationIDPatzak, Romanidentification number for tree individuals
2Layer numberLayerPatzak, Romanheight layer, trunk (0) and 5 equally spaced crown layers, beginning at the crown base
3PlotPlotPatzak, Romanplot serial number per tree and layer
4HEIGHT above groundHeightmPatzak, RomanTape measureGeocode
5AzimuthAzimuthgonPatzak, RomanCompassplot angle in reference to the trunk
6DistanceDistancemPatzak, RomanLaser rangefinder (L R)
7DiameterØmPatzak, RomanCaliper/tape measure (C/T measure)
8InclinationIncldegPatzak, RomanInclinometer (IN)branch inclination, with level being 0° and vertical 90°. Negative values refer too branches which are slanted downwards
9Bark roughness, descriptionBark roughness descrPatzak, Roman
10Leaf area indexLAIPatzak, Romanmeasure of canopy openness (leaf area/ground area), measured during leaf-on using LI-COR Plant Canopy Alyzer LAI-2200C in m²/m².
11PlotPlotPatzak, Romanplot identifier, aggregate ID including tree individual, height layer and plot number
12DATE/TIMEDate/TimePatzak, RomanGeocode – sampling date
13DATE/TIMEDate/TimePatzak, RomanGeocode – LAI date
14CommentCommentPatzak, Romanadditional plot descriptions
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
6634 data points

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