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Schulz, Alexander: Eddy-Covariance measurements at Barentsburg/Spitsbergen (eddypro 08) [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review), In: Schulz, A: Eddy-Covariance measurements at Barentsburg/Spitsbergen - QUARCCS-Barentsburg [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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20Hz; Eddy-Covariance; turbulence
Latitude: 78.061944 * Longitude: 14.214444
Date/Time Start: 2018-03-01T17:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-04-01T00:00:00
Barentsburg * Latitude: 78.061944 * Longitude: 14.214444 * Location: Svalbard * Method/Device: Monitoring station (MONS)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1File nameFile nameSchulz, Alexander
2DATE/TIMEDate/TimeSchulz, AlexanderGeocode
3Day of the yearDOYdaySchulz, Alexander
4Time of dayTime of daySchulz, Alexander1 = daytime
5Number of observationsNOBS#Schulz, Alexanderfile records
6Number of observationsNOBS#Schulz, Alexanderused records
7Momentum, fluxMomentum fluxkg/m/s2Schulz, Alexandercorrected
8Quality flagQFSchulz, AlexanderTau (Momentum flux)
9Heat, flux, sensibleQhW/m2Schulz, Alexandercorrected
10Quality flagQFSchulz, Alexandersensible heat flux
11Heat, flux, latentQeW/m2Schulz, Alexandercorrected
12Quality flagQFSchulz, Alexandercorrected latent heat flux
13Carbon dioxide, fluxCO2 fluxµmol/m2/sSchulz, Alexandercorrected
14Quality flagQFSchulz, Alexandercorrected CO2 flux
15Water vapour, fluxH2O fluxmmol/m2/sSchulz, Alexandercorrected
16Quality flagQFSchulz, Alexandercorrected H2O flux
17Heat, flux, sensibleQhW/m2Schulz, Alexanderstorage, estimate
18Heat, flux, latentQeW/m2Schulz, Alexanderstorage, estimate
19Carbon dioxide, fluxCO2 fluxµmol/m2/sSchulz, Alexanderstorage, estimate
20Water vapour, fluxH2O fluxmmol/m2/sSchulz, Alexanderstorage, estimate
21Carbon dioxide, fluxCO2 fluxµmol/m2/sSchulz, Alexandervertical advection, estimate
22Water vapour, fluxH2O fluxmmol/m2/sSchulz, Alexandervertical advection, estimate
23Carbon dioxideCO2mmol/m3Schulz, Alexander
24FractionFractionSchulz, AlexanderCO2 mole fraction in mmol/mol
25Carbon dioxide mixing ratioCO2 mix ratioµmol/molSchulz, Alexander
26Time in secondsTimesSchulz, AlexanderCO2 time lag used to synchronize gas time series
27FlagFlagSchulz, AlexanderCO2, whether the reported time lag is the default (T) or calculated (F)
28Water vapourWVmmol/m3Schulz, Alexander
29FractionFractionSchulz, AlexanderH2O mole fraction in mmol/mol
30Carbon dioxide mixing ratioCO2 mix ratioµmol/molSchulz, Alexander
31Time in secondsTimesSchulz, AlexanderH2O time lag used to synchronize gas time series
32FlagFlagSchulz, AlexanderH2O, whether the reported time lag is the default (T) or calculated (F)
33Sonic temperatureTs°CSchulz, AlexanderAnemometer
34Temperature, airTTT°CSchulz, Alexandercalculated from high frequency air T readings, or estimated from sonic T
35Pressure, atmosphericPPPPhPaSchulz, Alexander
36Density, airDensity airkg/m3Schulz, Alexander
37Specific heat, airSpec heat airJ/kg/KSchulz, Alexander
38Molar volume, airVm airm3/molSchulz, Alexander
39EvapotranspirationETmm/hSchulz, Alexander
40Density, water vapourDensity H2Okg/m3Schulz, Alexander
41Water vapour partial pressureePaSchulz, Alexander
42Water vapour partial pressureePaSchulz, Alexanderat saturation
43Humidity, specificHumidity specg/kgSchulz, Alexander
44Humidity, relativeRH%Schulz, Alexander
45Vapour pressure deficitVPDhPaSchulz, Alexander
46Dew/frost pointTdTdTd°CSchulz, Alexander
47Wind velocity, west-eastUm/sSchulz, Alexanderunrotated wind
48Wind velocity, south-northVm/sSchulz, Alexanderunrotated wind
49Wind velocity, verticalWm/sSchulz, Alexanderunrotated wind
50Wind velocity, west-eastUm/sSchulz, Alexanderrotated wind, mean
51Wind velocity, south-northVm/sSchulz, Alexanderrotated wind, should be zero
52Wind velocity, verticalWm/sSchulz, Alexanderrotated wind, should be zero
53Wind speedffm/sSchulz, Alexandermean
54Wind speed, maximumff maxm/sSchulz, Alexander
55Wind directiondddegSchulz, Alexander
56Yaw angleYawdegSchulz, Alexander
57Pitch anglePitchdegSchulz, Alexander
58Friction velocityu*m/sSchulz, Alexander
59Turbulence kinetic energyTKEm2/s2Schulz, Alexander
60Monin-Obukhov-lengthMOSmSchulz, Alexander
61Monin-Obukhov stabilityMO stability#Schulz, Alexander
62Bowen ratioBSchulz, Alexander
63Numbern#Schulz, Alexanderscaling temperature in K
64Method commentMethod commSchulz, Alexandermodel for footprint estimation 0=KJ/1=KM/2=HS
65Distance, relative, XDist rel XmSchulz, AlexanderAlong-wind distance providing the highest (peak) contribution to turbulent fluxes
66Distance, relative, XDist rel XmSchulz, AlexanderAlong-wind distance offset
67Distance, relative, XDist rel XmSchulz, AlexanderAlong-wind distance providing <1% contribution to turbulent fluxes
68Distance, relative, XDist rel XmSchulz, AlexanderAlong-wind distance providing 10% (cumulative) contribution to turbulent fluxes
69Distance, relative, XDist rel XmSchulz, AlexanderAlong-wind distance providing 50% (cumulative) contribution to turbulent fluxes
70Distance, relative, XDist rel XmSchulz, AlexanderAlong-wind distance providing 70% (cumulative) contribution to turbulent fluxes
71Distance, relative, XDist rel XmSchulz, AlexanderAlong-wind distance providing 90% (cumulative) contribution to turbulent fluxes
72Momentum, fluxMomentum fluxkg/m/s2Schulz, Alexanderuncorrected
73CorrectioncorrSchulz, Alexanderspectral correction factor for momentum flux
74Heat, flux, sensibleQhW/m2Schulz, Alexanderuncorrected
75CorrectioncorrSchulz, Alexanderspectral correction factor for sensible heat flux
76Heat, flux, latentQeW/m2Schulz, Alexanderuncorrected
77CorrectioncorrSchulz, Alexanderspectral correction factor for latent heat flux
78Carbon dioxide, fluxCO2 fluxµmol/m2/sSchulz, Alexanderuncorrected
79CorrectioncorrSchulz, Alexanderspecial correction factor for co2 flux
80Water vapour, fluxH2O fluxmmol/m2/sSchulz, Alexanderuncorrected
81CorrectioncorrSchulz, Alexanderspecial correction factor for h2o flux
82FlagFlagSchulz, AlexanderHard flags for individual variables for spike test, 8u/v/w/ts/co2/h2o/ch4/none
83FlagFlagSchulz, AlexanderHard flags for individual variables for amplitude resolution, 8u/v/w/ts/co2/h2o/ch4/none
84FlagFlagSchulz, AlexanderHard flags for individual variables for drop-out test, 8u/v/w/ts/co2/h2o/ch4/none
85FlagFlagSchulz, AlexanderHard flags for individual variables for absolute limits, 8u/v/w/ts/co2/h2o/ch4/none
86FlagFlagSchulz, AlexanderHard flags for individual variables for skewness and kurtosis, 8u/v/w/ts/co2/h2o/ch4/none
87FlagFlagSchulz, AlexanderSoft flags for individual variables for skewness and kurtosis test, 8u/v/w/ts/co2/h2o/ch4/none
88FlagFlagSchulz, AlexanderHard flags for individual variables for discontinuities test, 8u/v/w/ts/co2/h2o/ch4/none
89FlagFlagSchulz, AlexanderSoft flags for individual variables for discontinuities test, 8u/v/w/ts/co2/h2o/ch4/none
90FlagFlagSchulz, AlexanderHard flags for gas concentration for time lag test, 8co2/h2o/ch4/none
91FlagFlagSchulz, AlexanderSoft flags for gas concentration for time lag test, 8co2/h2o/ch4/none
92FlagFlagSchulz, AlexanderHard flag for attack angle test, 8aa
93FlagFlagSchulz, AlexanderHard flag for non-steady horizontal test, 8U
94SpikesSpikes#Schulz, Alexanderdetected and eliminated for variable u
95SpikesSpikes#Schulz, Alexanderdetected and eliminated for variable v
96SpikesSpikes#Schulz, Alexanderdetected and eliminated for variable w
97SpikesSpikes#Schulz, Alexanderdetected and eliminated for variable ts
98SpikesSpikes#Schulz, Alexanderdetected and eliminated for variable co2
99SpikesSpikes#Schulz, Alexanderdetected and eliminated for variable h20
100Number of observationsNOBS#Schulz, Alexanderfor diagnostic flag chopper_LI-7500
101Number of observationsNOBS#Schulz, Alexanderfor diagnostic flag detector_LI-7500
102Number of observationsNOBS#Schulz, Alexanderfor diagnostic flag pll_LI-7500
103Number of observationsNOBS#Schulz, Alexanderfor diagnostic flag sync_LI-7500
104Numbern#Schulz, Alexandermean_value_RSSI_LI-7500
105VarianceVarSchulz, AlexanderVariance of variable u [m²/s²]
106VarianceVarSchulz, AlexanderVariance of variable v [m²/s²]
107VarianceVarSchulz, AlexanderVariance of variable w [m²/s²]
108VarianceVarSchulz, AlexanderVariance of variable ts [K²]
109VarianceVarSchulz, AlexanderVariance of variable co2 --
110VarianceVarSchulz, AlexanderVariance of variable h2o --
111CovarianceCovSchulz, AlexanderVariance of variable w/ts_cov [m/K/s]
112CovarianceCovSchulz, AlexanderCovariance between w and variable h2o --
113CovarianceCovSchulz, AlexanderCovariance between w and variable co3 --
114ParameterParameterarbitrary unitsSchulz, Alexandermean value for non sensitive vin_sf
115ParameterParameterarbitrary unitsSchulz, Alexandermean value for non sensitive co2
116ParameterParameterarbitrary unitsSchulz, Alexandermean value for non sensitive h2o
117ParameterParameterarbitrary unitsSchulz, Alexandermean value for non sensitive dew point
118ParameterParameterarbitrary unitsSchulz, Alexandermean value for co2-signal-strength-7500
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
166755 data points

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