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De Deckker, Patrick (2019): Geochemical fingerprints of Australian dusts at their source [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: De Deckker, P (2019): Airborne dust traffic from Australia in modern and Late Quaternary times. Global and Planetary Change, 103056,

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The data sets relate to field campaigns conducted in various parts of Australia aimed at collecting samples from potential source areas of dust deflation. These are:
Dust OZ-2 encompassing regions of South Australia and western New South Wales
DUST OZ-3 covering parts of northern Western Australia
DUST OZ-7 covering the Lake Eyre region in South Australia and along the Darling River up to Bourke in New South Wales
DUST A-C samples taken by Franz Gingele in northern South Australia and the northwestern corner of Western Australia
In addition, the data set labelled Murray Darling Basin (MDB) covers samples form rivers taken by Franz Gingele and already documented in Gingele, F.X. and De Deckker, P., 2005.
Geochemical fingerprinting; Nd isotopes; Particle source area; Pb isotopes; Sr isotopes
Further details:
Gingele, Franz; De Deckker, Patrick (2005): Clay mineral, geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic fingerprinting of sediments in the Murray–Darling fluvial system, southeast Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 52(6), 965-974,
Median Latitude: -27.367664 * Median Longitude: 133.403683 * South-bound Latitude: -36.176230 * West-bound Longitude: 114.035300 * North-bound Latitude: -17.433830 * East-bound Longitude: 150.311120
Date/Time Start: 2005-07-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-07-06T00:00:00
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