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De Deckker, Patrick (2019): Strontium, neodymium and lead isotopes in dust from source area in northern South Australia and the northwestern corner of Western Australia, samples A, B and C [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: De Deckker, P (2019): Airborne dust traffic from Australia in modern and Late Quaternary times. Global and Planetary Change, 103056,

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Geochemical fingerprinting; Nd isotopes; Particle source area; Particle source area. Sr Nd Pb isotopes; Pb isotopes; Sr isotopes
Further details:
De Deckker, Patrick (2019): An evaluation of Australia as a major source of dust. Earth-Science Reviews, 194, 536-567,
Gingele, Franz; De Deckker, Patrick; Norman, Marc D (2007): Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate of SE Australia reconstructed from dust and river loads deposited offshore the River Murray Mouth. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 255(3-4), 257-272,
Median Latitude: -22.933383 * Median Longitude: 121.803750 * South-bound Latitude: -25.305500 * West-bound Longitude: 114.035300 * North-bound Latitude: -19.789750 * East-bound Longitude: 130.700000
Dust_A (Site A) * Latitude: -25.305500 * Longitude: 130.700000 * Method/Device: Dust sample (DUST)
Dust_B (Site B) * Latitude: -19.789750 * Longitude: 120.675950 * Method/Device: Dust sample (DUST)
Dust_C (Site C) * Latitude: -23.704900 * Longitude: 114.035300 * Method/Device: Dust sample (DUST)
Analyses performed by Dr Marc Norman, ANU
#0 = n.d.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventDe Deckker, PatrickLocality
2SiteSiteDe Deckker, Patrick
3Latitude of eventLatitudeDe Deckker, PatrickLocality
4Longitude of eventLongitudeDe Deckker, PatrickLocality
5Sample materialSamp matDe Deckker, Patrick
6Lead-208208Pbmg/kgDe Deckker, Patrickppm
7ThoriumThmg/kgDe Deckker, Patrickppm
8UraniumUmg/kgDe Deckker, Patrickppm
9Lead-206/Lead-204 ratio206Pb/204PbDe Deckker, Patrick
10Lead-207/Lead-204 ratio207Pb/204PbDe Deckker, Patrick
11Lead-208/Lead-204 ratio208Pb/204PbDe Deckker, Patrick
12Strontium-87/Strontium-86 ratio87Sr/86SrDe Deckker, Patrick
13Neodymium-143/Neodymium-144 ratio143Nd/144NdDe Deckker, Patrick
14ε-Neodymium (0)ε-Nd(0)De Deckker, PatrickeNd (0)
30 data points

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