Hartmann, Jens; Lauerwald, Ronny; Moosdorf, Nils (2019): GLORICH - Global river chemistry database [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.902360, Supplement to: Hartmann, J et al. (2014): A Brief Overview of the GLObal RIver Chemistry Database, GLORICH. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 10, 23-27, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeps.2014.08.005
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Over the last decade the number of regional to global scale studies of river chemical fluxes and their steering factors increased rapidly, entailing a growing demand for appropriate databases to calculate mass budgets, to calibrate models, or to test hypotheses. The presented GLObal RIver CHemistry database GLORICH combines an assemblage of hydrochemical data from varying sources with catchment characteristics of the sampling locations. The information provided include e.g. catchment size, lithology, soil, climate, land cover, net primary production, population density and average slope gradient, a.o. .
The dataset includes information from more than 1.27 million samples and more than 18 000 sampling locations. The focus of the dataset is on major compounds, nutrients, carbon species and physical properties.
The database consists of four tables in csv-format, shapefiles of georeferenced catchments, and a documentation file and brief description of the database. In addition, calculated partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and saturation indices for calcite, used in previous publications, are included.
The data can be referenced with the overview article: Hartmann et al. (2014) A Brief Overview of the GLObal RIver Chemistry Database, GLORICH. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 10, 23-27: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeps.2014.08.005
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