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Winstrup, Mai (2019): Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) ice core: The RICE17 chronology and accumulation record for the past 2700 years [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Winstrup, Mai; Vallelonga, Paul T; Kjær, Helle Astrid; Fudge, Tyler J; Lee, James E; Riis, Marie H; Edwards, Ross L; Bertler, Nancy A; Blunier, Thomas; Brook, Edward J; Buizert, Christo; Ciobanu, Gabriela; Conway, Howard; Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe; Ellis, Aja A; Emanuelsson, B Daniel; Hindmarsh, Richard C A; Keller, Elizabeth D; Kurbatov, Andrei; Mayewski, Paul Andrew; Neff, Peter D; Pyne, Rebecca L; Simonsen, Marius; Svensson, Anders M; Tuohy, Andrea; Waddington, Edwin D; Wheatley, Sarah (2019): A 2700-year annual timescale and accumulation history for an ice core from Roosevelt Island, West Antarctica. Climate of the Past, 15(2), 751-779,

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A 2700-year annual timescale and accumulation history for the RICE (Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution) ice core from Roosevelt Island, Ross Sea region, West Antarctica.
The timescale was constructed by a combination of manual and automated annual-layer counting, and subsequently validated by volcanic and methane matching to the WAIS Divide ice core on the WD2014 chronology. It constitutes the top part of the Roosevelt Island Ice Core Chronology 2017, RICE17.
Past annual accumulation rates were obtained from the annual layer thicknesses, after correction for firn densification and layer thinning due to ice flow. The uncertainty of past accumulation rates was estimated based on the uncertainty in ice flow thinning with depth.
For questions on the use or construction of this chronology and corresponding accumulation rate history, please contact: Mai Winstrup, Centre for Ice and Climate, University of Copenhagen,
For questions regarding the RICE chemistry data: Paul Vallelonga, Centre for Ice and Climate, University of Copenhagen,
For questions regarding the thinning rate reconstruction: T.J. Fudge, Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington,
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Bertler, Nancy A; Conway, Howard; Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe; Emanuelsson, Urban; Winstrup, Mai; Vallelonga, Paul T; Lee, James E; Brook, Edward J; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P; Fudge, Tyler J; Keller, Elizabeth D; Baisden, W Troy; Hindmarsh, Richard C A; Neff, Peter D; Blunier, Thomas; Edwards, Ross L; Mayewski, Paul Andrew; Kipfstuhl, Sepp; Buizert, Christo; Canessa, Silvia; Dadic, Ruzica; Kjær, Helle Astrid; Kurbatov, Andrei; Zhang, Dongqi; Waddington, Edwin D; Baccolo, Giovanni; Beers, Thomas; Brightley, Hannah J; Carter, Lionel; Clemens-Sewall, David; Ciobanu, Viorela G; Delmonte, Barbara; Eling, Lukas; Ellis, Aja A; Ganesh, Shruthi; Golledge, Nicholas R; Haines, Skylar A; Handley, Michael; Hawley, Robert L; Hogan, Chad M; Johnson, Katelyn M; Korotkikh, Elena; Lowry, Daniel P; Mandeno, Darcy; McKay, Robert M; Menking, James A; Naish, Timothy R; Noerling, Caroline; Ollive, Agathe; Orsi, Anais J; Proemse, Bernadette C; Pyne, Alexander R; Pyne, Rebecca L; Renwick, James; Scherer, Reed P; Semper, Stefanie; Simonsen, Marius; Sneed, Sharon B; Steig, Eric J; Tuohy, Andrea; Ulayottil Venugopal, Abhijith; Valero Delgado, Fernando; Venkatesh, Janani; Wang, Feitang; Wang, Shimeng; Winski, Dominic A; Winton, Victoria H L; Whiteford, Arran; Xiao, Cunde; Yang, Jiao; Zhang, Xin (2018): The Ross Sea dipole - temperature, snow accumulation and sea ice variability in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica, over the past 2700 years. Climate of the Past, 14, 193-214,
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Latitude: -79.364000 * Longitude: -161.706000
Minimum DEPTH, ice/snow: 0.530 m * Maximum DEPTH, ice/snow: 343.725 m
RICE * Latitude: -79.364000 * Longitude: -161.706000 * Elevation: 550.0 m * Recovery: 764 m * Location: Roosevelt Island, Antarctica * Method/Device: Ice drill (ICEDRILL)
Version 2, 2019-03-07.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, ice/snowDepth ice/snowmWinstrup, MaiGeocode
2AgeAgea AD/CEWinstrup, Mai
3AGEAgeka BPWinstrup, MaiGeocode – present = 1950
4Age, maximum/oldAge maxkaWinstrup, Mai
5Age, minimum/youngAge minkaWinstrup, Mai
6Annual layer thicknessAnn layer thickmWinstrup, Mai
7Core densityCore densityg/cm3Winstrup, Mai
8Thinning factorThinning factorWinstrup, Maimost likely
9Thinning factorThinning factorWinstrup, Maimin
10Thinning factorThinning factorWinstrup, Maimax
11Accumulation of snow in water equivalent per yearAcc snow m.w.m w.e./aWinstrup, Maimost likely
12Accumulation of snow in water equivalent per yearAcc snow m.w.m w.e./aWinstrup, Maimin
13Accumulation of snow in water equivalent per yearAcc snow m.w.m w.e./aWinstrup, Maimax
29832 data points

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