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Carrasquinho, Isabel; Freire, João; Rodrigues, Abel; Tomé, Margarida: Stone pine cone production in Portuguese plots from 2004 to 2007 [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review), Supplement to: Carrasquinho, I et al. (2010): Selection of Pinus pinea L. plus tree candidates for cone production. Annals of Forest Science, 67(8), 814-814,

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This database concerns stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) cone production per tree obtained from 61 Portuguese permanent plots during three production periods (2004/05, 2005/06 and 2006/07). Data were collected before the western conifer seed bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann (Hemiptera: Coreidae)) pest appearance in Portugal in 2010. Stand and tree biometric measurements obtaind during 2004 were also included. Field data collection methodology is detailed in Carrasquinho et al (2010) and Rodrigues et al (2014).
Related to:
Rodrigues, Abel; Silva, G L; Casquilho, M; Freire, João; Carrasquinho, Isabel; Tomé, Margarida (2014): Linear Mixed Modelling of cone production for stone pine in Portugal. Silva Lusitana, 22(1), 1-28
Median Latitude: 38.584676 * Median Longitude: -8.543489 * South-bound Latitude: 38.027780 * West-bound Longitude: -8.790220 * North-bound Latitude: 39.123470 * East-bound Longitude: -8.302970
Ameira_1 * Latitude: 38.383060 * Longitude: -8.531390 * Location: Portugal * Method/Device: Biology (BIO)
Ameira_2 * Latitude: 38.382500 * Longitude: -8.532500 * Location: Portugal * Method/Device: Biology (BIO)
Barradas_da_Serra_2 * Latitude: 38.193110 * Longitude: -8.605330 * Location: Portugal * Method/Device: Biology (BIO)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventCarrasquinho, Isabel
2Latitude of eventLatitudeCarrasquinho, Isabel
3Longitude of eventLongitudeCarrasquinho, Isabel
4IdentificationIDCarrasquinho, Isabelstand ID
5IdentificationIDCarrasquinho, Isabelstand full name
6IdentificationIDCarrasquinho, Isabelplot ID
7IdentificationIDCarrasquinho, Isabeltree ID
8Pinus pinea, diameter at breast heightP. pinea DBHcmCarrasquinho, Isabelover bark, at 1.3 m height
9Pinus pinea, heightP. pinea hmCarrasquinho, Isabel
10Pinus pinea, crown base heightP. pinea CBHmCarrasquinho, Isabel
11Pinus pinea, basal area per treeP. pinea BAcm2Carrasquinho, Isabel
12Pinus pinea, crown widthP. pinea CWmCarrasquinho, Isabel
13Pinus pinea, crown areaP. pinea CAm2Carrasquinho, Isabel
14Pinus pinea, height to diameter ratioP. pinea h-d ratioCarrasquinho, Isabel
15Pinus pinea, basal areaP. pinea BAm2/haCarrasquinho, Isabel
16Trees, basal areaTree BAm2/haCarrasquinho, Isabelall trees
17Pinus pinea densityP. pinea#/haCarrasquinho, Isabeltotal alive
18Tree densityTrees#/haCarrasquinho, Isabeltotal alive
19Stem diameterStem diamcmCarrasquinho, Isabelquadratic mean diameter of the dominant trees
20Tree heightTree heightmCarrasquinho, Isabeldominant height, average height of the 100 largest trees per ha
21ConesCones#Carrasquinho, Isabelobtained in the period 2004/05
22ConesCones#Carrasquinho, Isabelobtained in the period 2005/06
23ConesCones#Carrasquinho, Isabelobtained in the period 2006/07
24Cones, massCones mkgCarrasquinho, Isabelobtained in the period 2004/05
25Cones, massCones mkgCarrasquinho, Isabelobtained in the period 2005/06
26Cones, massCones mkgCarrasquinho, Isabelobtained in the period 2006/07
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
25086 data points

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