Fontanelli, Giacomo; Azar, Ramin; Villa, Paolo: CROP-X BIOPAR dataset for assessing sensitivity of X-band SAR backscatter to summer crop biophysical parameters from 2014 to 2016 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)
Timely information about agricultural crops is crucial for proper agronomic planning and microwave satellite data, i.e. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), have demonstrated notable capabilities in delivering such information: e.g. crop type, intra-annual cycles, and growth status monitoring. The CROP-X BIOPAR dataset was specifically collected for the aim of assessing the operability of X-band SAR satellite data in a crop monitoring scenario, focusing on the sensitivity of X-band backscatter to biophysical and agronomic features of major summer crops grown in Northern Italy. The test site is located on a flat area in southeastern portion of Lombardy region, framed within the Po river Plain and the Ticino river basin, and covers two farms located in Rosasco municipality (45.25° N, 8.58° E). Field campaigns have been conducted on 30 fields (area covered ranging from 1 to 4.5 ha) cultivated with three summer crop types: 14 for rice, 11 for maize, 5 for soybean. In situ data were collected on 14 dates, spanning over three growing seasons from 2014 to 2016 (May to September). During fieldwork, observations and measurements were collected for biophysical and agronomic parameters related to: i) agronomic practices (crop species and cultivar, sowing date, sowing scheme and density), ii) substrate (soil moisture, flooding conditions), iii) crop phenology (BBCH scale stage, context and detail photos), iv) plant morphology (plant height, number of leaves, leaf size, stem size), and v) biomass and density (biomass, plant water content, PAI).
Simultaneously to in situ data, 14 SAR satellite scenes were acquired from the DLR - TerraSAR-X (TSX) sensor on the study area, including 9 HH/HV (in 2014 and 2015) and 5 VV/HH (in 2016). SAR data were X-band Stripmap dual-pol scenes, acquired under local incidence angle θ=40° (Orbit 116, beam 012). TSX data were collected in the context of three TSX scientific use proposals: LAN2412 (2014), LAN2984 (2015) and LAN3228 (2016).
Supplement to:
Fontanelli, Giacomo; Montomoli, Francesco; Azar, Ramin; Macelloni, Giovanni; Villa, Paolo (2021): Assessing Interactions Between Crop Biophysical Parameters and X-Band Backscattering Using Empirical Data and Model Sensitivity Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1-12,
Further details:
Latitude: 45.250000 * Longitude: 8.570000
Date/Time Start: 2014-04-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2016-09-08T00:00:00
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
9 datasets
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Datasets listed in this publication series
- Fontanelli, G; Azar, R; Villa, P (in review): Static data measured on CROP-X BIOPAR crop fields in year 2014.
- Fontanelli, G; Azar, R; Villa, P (in review): Static data measured on CROP-X BIOPAR crop fields in year 2015.
- Fontanelli, G; Azar, R; Villa, P (in review): Static data measured on CROP-X BIOPAR crop fields in year 2016.
- Fontanelli, G; Azar, R; Villa, P (in review): Dynamic data measured on CROP-X BIOPAR crop fields in year 2014.
- Fontanelli, G; Azar, R; Villa, P (in review): Dynamic data measured on CROP-X BIOPAR crop fields in year 2015.
- Fontanelli, G; Azar, R; Villa, P (in review): Dynamic data measured on CROP-X BIOPAR crop fields in year 2016.
- Fontanelli, G; Azar, R; Villa, P (in review): Vector polygons of CROP-X BIOPAR crop fields monitored in year 2014.
- Fontanelli, G; Azar, R; Villa, P (in review): Vector polygons of CROP-X BIOPAR crop fields monitored in year 2015.
- Fontanelli, G; Azar, R; Villa, P (in review): Vector polygons of CROP-X BIOPAR crop fields monitored in year 2016.