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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Martinez, Andres; Awad, Andrew M; Herkert, Nicholas J; Hornbuckle, Keri C (2018): PCB congener data of gas-phase, freely-dissolved water, air-water fugacity ratios and air-water fluxes in Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal, IN, USA [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Martinez, Andres; Awad, Andrew M; Herkert, Nicholas J; Hornbuckle, Keri C (2019): Determination of PCB fluxes from Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal using dual-deployed air and water passive samplers. Environmental Pollution, 244, 469-476,

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Published: 2018-10-01DOI registered: 2018-11-13

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We report the levels of airborne and water freely dissolved PCB concentrations at one location in Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal, IN, USA. Airborne measurements were obtained using polyurethane foam passive air samplers (PUF-PAS), while water measurements were obtained using LDPE. Both measurements were carried out simultaneously for ten consecutive periods, from November 2016 to October 2017, ranging from 21 to 62 days of deployment times, with an average of 35 days. Effective volumes and fractions of equilibrium for PUF-PAS and LDPE, respectively, were calculated from previously published models and included here. Limit of detection from the PUF and LDPE for individual PCB congeners are included, together with the masses of the PCB congeners measured in the PUF and LDPE. Individual PCB congener fugacity air-water ratios are included, as well as air-water fluxes results. Further, PCB chemical properties and meteorological conditions during the sampling periods are also included.
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), grant/award no. P42ES013661: Iowa Superfund Research Program
Latitude: 41.648780 * Longitude: -87.468400
Date/Time Start: 2016-11-23T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2017-10-19T00:00:00
Change history:
2022-01-31T09:13:20 – Abstract updated: paper abstract was replaced by dataset abstract
15 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Martinez, A; Awad, AM; Herkert, NJ et al. (2018): Individual PCB congener LDPE-water partition coefficient.
  2. Martinez, A; Awad, AM; Herkert, NJ et al. (2018): Fraction of equilibrium for individual PCB congener between LDPE and water.
  3. Martinez, A; Awad, AM; Herkert, NJ et al. (2018): Effective volume of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners obtained using passive samplers in IHSC.
  4. Martinez, A; Awad, AM; Herkert, NJ et al. (2018): Limits of quantification for individual PCB congeners obtained from 6 blank LDPEs analyzed as samples.
  5. Martinez, A; Awad, AM; Herkert, NJ et al. (2018): Limits of quantification for individual PCB congeners obtained from 9 blank PUFs analyzed as samples.
  6. Martinez, A; Awad, AM; Herkert, NJ et al. (2018): PCB fugacity water-air ratio obtained using passive samplers in IHSC.
  7. Martinez, A; Awad, AM; Herkert, NJ et al. (2018): Polychlorinated biphenyl concentration in water obtained using passive samplers in IHSC.
  8. Martinez, A; Awad, AM; Herkert, NJ et al. (2018): Polychlorinated biphenyl mass in polyurethane foam obtained using passive samplers in IHSC.
  9. Martinez, A; Awad, AM; Herkert, NJ et al. (2018): Polychlorinated biphenyl air-water absorption flux obtained using passive samplers in IHSC.
  10. Martinez, A; Awad, AM; Herkert, NJ et al. (2018): Polychlorinated biphenyl air-water net flux obtained using passive samplers in IHSC.
  11. Martinez, A; Awad, AM; Herkert, NJ et al. (2018): Polychlorinated biphenyl air-water volatilization flux obtained using passive samplers in IHSC.
  12. Martinez, A; Awad, AM; Herkert, NJ et al. (2018): PCB-Kow and PCB-DUow at the IHSC, link to files.
  13. Martinez, A; Awad, AM; Herkert, NJ et al. (2018): Polychlorinated biphenyl concentration in air obtained using passive samplers in IHSC.
  14. Martinez, A; Awad, AM; Herkert, NJ et al. (2018): Polychlorinated biphenyl mass in low density polyethylene obtained using passive samplers in IHSC.
  15. Martinez, A; Awad, AM; Herkert, NJ et al. (2018): Water temperature and meteorological observations at the Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal.