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Martinez, Andres; Herkert, Nicholas J; Jahnke, Jacob C; Hornbuckle, Keri C (2022): Dataset for airborne polychlorinated biphenyl congener concentrations using PUF-PAS from Chicago, Il, 2011-2013 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2022-02-04DOI registered: 2022-02-11

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We report the levels of airborne PCB concentrations from 180 samples from 18 locations, from 2011 to 2013 in the metropolitan Chicago area, Il, USA. Measurements were obtained using polyurethane foam passive air samplers (PUF-PAS), deployed for ~45 days. Effective volumes for individual PCB congeners were calculated from a previously published model and included here. Further, individual PCB congener masses from 24 laboratory blank PUFs are included, as well as the masses of the individual PCB congeners measured in the PUF-PAS.
airborne concentration; Chicago; effective volumes; PCB congeners; PUF-PAS
Supplement to:
Jahnke, Jacob C; Martinez, Andres; Hornbuckle, Keri C (2022): Distinguishing Aroclor and non-Aroclor sources to Chicago Air. Science of the Total Environment, 823, 153263,
Further details:
Herkert, Nicholas J; Martinez, Andres; Hornbuckle, Keri C (2016): A Model Using Local Weather Data to Determine the Effective Sampling Volume for PCB Congeners Collected on Passive Air Samplers. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(13), 6690-6697,
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), grant/award no. P42ES013661: Iowa Superfund Research Program
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), grant/award no. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Great Lakes National: Iowa Superfund Research Program Project 4: Sources of Airborne PCB Congeners
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), grant/award no. GL-00E00515-0: Great Lakes National Program
Median Latitude: 41.872906 * Median Longitude: -87.960534 * South-bound Latitude: 41.468465 * West-bound Longitude: -88.329374 * North-bound Latitude: 42.363092 * East-bound Longitude: -87.602717
Date/Time Start: 2011-03-10T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2014-01-29T00:00:00
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