Peucker-Ehrenbrink, Bernhard (2018): Land2Sea database, Version 2.0 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Expansion (version 2.0) of the original Land2Sea database of exorheic rivers (Peucker-Ehrenbrink, 2009, doi:10.1029/2008GC002356) that contains information on 1519 rivers, with additional literature estimates of basin size, water discharge (runoff) under current conditions and prior to human intervention, suspended sediment discharge under current conditions and prior to human intervention, estimate of sediment bedload flux, dissolved strontium concentration and radiogenic isotope value as well as particulate (silt or clay) neodymium concentration, isotope composition and Nd model ages. A large addition to the original river database that contains a significant amount of data from the compilation of Meybeck and Ragu (1996) is from Milliman and Farnsworth (2011). The compilation is not yet geo-referenced. The 2156 rivers are sorted alphabetically within each large-scale drainage region (Graham et al., 1999, 2000). In addition, the compilation includes data on sizes of, and sediment discharge from 48 small islands in Oceania with very high sediment yields.
Any errors in transcribing data or converting units from their primary sources into this compilation are entirely mine.
Acknowledgements: BPE acknowledges financial support from NSR-EAR-0087697, -0125873, -1226818 and ICER-1639557, as well as from WHOI's Investment in Research and Development Fund.
Related to:
Graham, S T; Famiglietti, James S; Maidment, D R (1999): Five-minute, 1/2°, and 1° data sets of continental watersheds and river networks for use in regional and global hydrologic and climate system modeling studies. Water Resources Research, 35(2), 583-587,
Graham, S T; Famiglietti, James S; Maidment, D R (2000): Five-minute, 1/2°, and 1° data sets of continental watersheds and river networks for use in regional and global hydrologic and climate system modeling studies: Watershed and drainage network data evaluated at three spatial resolutions with supporting documentation, digital data on 5 minute, 1/2 degree and 1 degree resolution, geographic (lat/long) global grids, nine spatial layers with multiple attributes. National Geophysical Data Centre, NOAA, Boulder, Colorado, CO
Meybeck, Michel; Ragu, Alain (1996): iver discharges to the oceans: An assessment of suspended solids, major ions and nutrients. Report, U.N. Environ. Programme, Nairobi.
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