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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Barnet, James S K; Littler, Kate; Westerhold, Thomas; Kroon, Dick; Leng, Melanie J; Bailey, Ian; Röhl, Ursula; Zachos, James C (2018): Late Cretaceous-Early Paleogene stable isotope and coarse fraction record of ODP Site 208-1262 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Barnet, JSK et al. (2019): A High‐Fidelity Benthic Stable Isotope Record of Late Cretaceous–Early Eocene Climate Change and Carbon‐Cycling. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34(4), 672-691,

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Published: 2018-01-04DOI registered: 2018-02-01

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The Late Cretaceous-Early Paleogene is the most recent period of Earth history that experienced sustained global greenhouse warmth and was characterised by a dynamic carbon cycle. Yet, knowledge of ambient climate conditions and the evolution of atmospheric pCO2 at this time, along with their relation to forcing mechanisms, are still poorly constrained. Here we present an unprecedented 14.75 million year long high-resolution orbitally-tuned record of paired climate change and carbon-cycling (based on the oxygen and carbon isotope composition of benthic foraminiferal tests) compiled to date for the enigmatic Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene, and compare these records to the most up-to-date compilation of atmospheric pCO2 records for this time. We identify eccentricity as the dominant pacemaker of the observed climate and carbon cycle changes, through the modulation of precession. The carbon cycle (e.g., d13C) lagged changes in climate by ~22,800 years within the long eccentricity (405,000 year) band and ~3,000-4,500 years within the short eccentricity (100,000 year) band, suggesting that light carbon was released as a positive feedback to warming induced by small changes in orbital forcing. The majority of the hyperthermals of this time period occur during maxima in the long eccentricity cycle, with the exception of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and Late Maastrichtian warming event, which are likely to have been triggered by Large Igneous Province volcanism.
Median Latitude: -27.185770 * Median Longitude: 1.576990 * South-bound Latitude: -27.186000 * West-bound Longitude: 1.576980 * North-bound Latitude: -27.185650 * East-bound Longitude: 1.577000
Date/Time Start: 2003-03-24T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2003-03-29T05:15:00
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