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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Stepanova, Anna Yu; Obrochta, Stephen P; Quintana Krupinski, Nadine B; Hyttinen, Outi; Kotilainen, Aarno T; Andrén, Thomas (2017): Distribution of ostracod species during IODP Expedition 347 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Stepanova, AY et al. (2019): Late Weichselian to Holocene history of the Baltic Sea as reflected in ostracod assemblages. Boreas, 48(3), 761-778,

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Ostracoda counts during Exp 347
Median Latitude: 57.217410 * Median Longitude: 14.571738 * South-bound Latitude: 55.004750 * West-bound Longitude: 10.107828 * North-bound Latitude: 58.622500 * East-bound Longitude: 18.254467
Date/Time Start: 2013-09-13T19:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2013-10-31T12:45:00
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