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Glatthorn, Jonas; Feldmann, Eike; Pichler, Viliam; Hauck, Markus; Leuschner, Christoph: Plot data of three primeval European beech forests in eastern Slovakia [dataset]. PANGAEA, (unpublished dataset), In supplement to: Glatthorn, J et al. (2018): Biomass Stock and Productivity of Primeval and Production Beech Forests: Greater Canopy Structural Diversity Promotes Productivity. Ecosystems, 21(4), 704-722,

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Median Latitude: 48.981665 * Median Longitude: 22.296841 * South-bound Latitude: 48.857372 * West-bound Longitude: 22.017701 * North-bound Latitude: 49.081010 * East-bound Longitude: 22.541119
Minimum Elevation: 500.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 844.0 m
Havesova_A1-299 * Latitude: 49.009919 * Longitude: 22.319347 * Elevation: 500.0 m * Location: Slovakia, Europe
Havesova_B2-301 * Latitude: 49.010361 * Longitude: 22.320042 * Elevation: 533.0 m * Location: Slovakia, Europe
Havesova_B3-302 * Latitude: 49.010811 * Longitude: 22.320054 * Elevation: 547.0 m * Location: Slovakia, Europe
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventGlatthorn, Jonas
2Area/localityAreaGlatthorn, Jonas
3PlotPlotGlatthorn, Jonas
4IdentificationIDGlatthorn, Jonasof plot
5Latitude of eventLatitudeGlatthorn, Jonas
6Longitude of eventLongitudeGlatthorn, Jonas
7Elevation of eventElevationmGlatthorn, Jonas
8DescriptionDescriptionGlatthorn, Jonasof management
9DescriptionDescriptionGlatthorn, Jonasof stage
10TypeTypeGlatthorn, Jonasof plot
11AspectAspectgonGlatthorn, JonasRange [1, 400] - pi/200 rad - The angle towards the slope is facing in gon
12Slope inclinationSlope inc%Glatthorn, Jonas
13Trees, basal areaTree BAm2/haGlatthorn, Jonas
14Tree densityTrees#/haGlatthorn, Jonastree counts per hectare
15Tree heightTree heightmGlatthorn, JonasDominant tree height (DOM) of all living trees on the plot
16Wood, alive, biomassWood alive biomt/haGlatthorn, Jonas
17Tree, alive, biomassTree alive biomt/haGlatthorn, Jonas
18Regeneration, biomassRegen biomt/haGlatthorn, Jonas
19Snag, biomassSnag biomt/haGlatthorn, Jonas
20Stump, biomassStump biomt/haGlatthorn, Jonas
21Downed logs, biomassDowned logs biomt/haGlatthorn, Jonas
22Debris, biomassDebris biomt/haGlatthorn, Jonas
23Increment in hectare per year, biomassIncr ha/a biomt/ha/aGlatthorn, Jonas2014
24Increment in hectare per year, biomassIncr ha/a biomt/ha/aGlatthorn, Jonas2015
25IndexIndexGlatthorn, Jonasof the growth developement stage
26IndexIndexGlatthorn, Jonasof the optimal developement stage
27IndexIndexGlatthorn, Jonasof the terminal developement stage
2844 data points

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