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D'Amario, Barbara; Ziveri, Patrizia; Grelaud, Michaël; Oviedo, Angela Maria; Kralj, Martina (2017): Heterococcolithophores and holococcolithophores in the Mediterranean Sea during the MedSeA and Meteor M84/3 cruises (May 2013, April 2011) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: D'Amario, B et al. (2017): Coccolithophore haploid and diploid distribution patterns in the Mediterranean Sea: can a haplo-diploid life cycle be advantageous under climate change? Journal of Plankton Research, 1-14,

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Related to:
Oviedo, Angela Maria; Ziveri, Patrizia; Álvarez, Marta; Tanhua, Toste (2017): Coccolithophore distribution in the Mediterranean Sea during spring 2011 (M84/3 cruise) [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Median Latitude: 35.967707 * Median Longitude: 12.647437 * South-bound Latitude: 33.502360 * West-bound Longitude: -6.651420 * North-bound Latitude: 38.750000 * East-bound Longitude: 35.172500
Date/Time Start: 2011-04-08T22:48:00 * Date/Time End: 2013-05-15T16:27:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 175 m
M84/3_291 (M291) * Latitude: 34.066500 * Longitude: 32.999830 * Date/Time: 2011-04-08T21:28:00 * Elevation: -2454.0 m * Location: Eastern Basin * Campaign: M84/3 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
M84/3_292 (M292) * Latitude: 33.989830 * Longitude: 35.172500 * Date/Time: 2011-04-09T10:14:00 * Elevation: -1631.0 m * Location: Eastern Basin * Campaign: M84/3 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
M84/3_293 (M293) * Latitude: 33.999830 * Longitude: 34.420170 * Date/Time: 2011-04-09T15:44:00 * Elevation: -1984.0 m * Location: Eastern Basin * Campaign: M84/3 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
For all the absolute coccolithophore abundances during the Meteor M84/3 cruise, see Oviedo et al. (2017) doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.875202.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventPI: Grelaud, Michael (eMail: (MedSeA2013); Tanhua, Toste (eMail: (Meteor Cruise)
2Optional event labelEvent 2PI: Grelaud, Michael (eMail: (MedSeA2013); Tanhua, Toste (eMail: (Meteor Cruise)
3Bottle numberBottlePI: Grelaud, Michael (eMail: (MedSeA2013); Tanhua, Toste (eMail: (Meteor Cruise)
4DATE/TIMEDate/TimeGeocode – PI: Grelaud, Michael (eMail: (MedSeA2013); Tanhua, Toste (eMail: (Meteor Cruise)
5Latitude of eventLatitudePI: Grelaud, Michael (eMail: (MedSeA2013); Tanhua, Toste (eMail: (Meteor Cruise)
6Longitude of eventLongitudePI: Grelaud, Michael (eMail: (MedSeA2013); Tanhua, Toste (eMail: (Meteor Cruise)
7DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode – PI: Grelaud, Michael (eMail: (MedSeA2013); Angela, Oviedo (eMail:
8Holococcolithophore prevalence indexHOLP indexD'Amario, Barbaracalculated on the absolute abundance of Calcidiscus leptoporus, Coccolithus pelagicus, Coronosphaera mediterranea, Syracosphaera bannockii, Syracosphaera histrica, Syracosphaera molischii and Syracosphaera pulchra
9CoccospheresCoccosp#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)total
10HeterococcolithophoresHeterococcolithophores#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)total
11Acanthoica quattrospinaA. quattrospina#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
12Algirosphaera cucullataA. cucullata#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
13Algirosphaera robustaA. robusta#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
14Alisphaera capulataA. capulata#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
15Alisphaera extentaA. extenta#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
16Alisphaera gaudiiA. gaudii#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
17Alisphaera ordinataA. ordinata#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
18Calcidiscus leptoporusC. leptoporus#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)HET
19Calciopappus rigidusC. rigidus#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
20Calciopappus sp.Calciopappus sp.#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)including Calciopappus/Ophiaster/Michaelsarsia sp.
21Calciosolenia brasiliensisC. brasiliensis#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
22Calciosolenia murrayiC. murrayi#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
23Coccolithus pelagicus ssp. braarudiiC. pelagicus ssp. braarudii#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)HET
24Coronosphaera binodataC. binodata#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
25Coronosphaera mediterraneaC. mediterranea#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
26Discosphaera tubiferaD. tubifera#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
27Emiliania huxleyiE. huxleyi#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
28Florisphaera profundaF. profunda#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
29Gephyrocapsa ericsoniiG. ericsonii#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
30Gephyrocapsa muelleraeG. muellerae#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
31Gephyrocapsa oceanicaG. oceanica#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
32Gephyrocapsa ornataG. ornata#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
33Gephyrocapsa spp.Gephyrocapsa spp.#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
34Gladiolithus flabellatusG. flabellatus#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
35Helicosphaera carteriH. carteri#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
36Helicosphaera pavimentumH. pavimentum#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
37Michaelsarsia elegansM. elegans#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
38Ophiaster sp.Ophiaster sp.#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
39Palusphaera vandeliiP. vandelii#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
40Palusphaera sp.Palusphaera sp.#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)sp. 1 (sensu Cros & Fortuno 2002)
41Pappomonas sp.Pappomonas sp.#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
42Pappomonas sp.Pappomonas sp.#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)type 2
43Pappomonas sp.Pappomonas sp.#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)type 3
44Pappomonas sp.Pappomonas sp.#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)including Papposphaera sp.
45Papposphaera lepidaP. lepida#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
46Polycrater galapagensisP. galapagensis#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
47Polycrater spp.Polycrater spp.#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
48Reticulofenestra parvulaR. parvula#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
49Rhabdosphaera clavigeraR. clavigera#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
50Rhabdosphaera styliferaR. stylifera#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
51Rhabdosphaera xiphosR. xiphos#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
52Syracosphaera bannockiiS. bannockii#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
53Syracosphaera corollaS. corolla#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
54Syracosphaera dilatataS. dilatata#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
55Syracosphaera hirsutaS. hirsuta#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
56Syracosphaera histricaS. histrica#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
57Syracosphaera laminaS. lamina#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
58Syracosphaera marginiporataS. marginiporata#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
59Syracosphaera molischiiS. molischii#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
60Syracosphaera nodosaS. nodosa#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
61Syracosphaera orbiculusS. orbiculus#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)including S. delicata
62Syracosphaera ossaS. ossa#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
63Syracosphaera protrudensS. protrudens#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
64Syracosphaera pulchraS. pulchra#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
65Syracosphaera rotulaS. rotula#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
66Syracosphaera tumularisS. tumularis#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
67Syracosphaera sp.Syracosphaera sp.#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)type A
68Syracosphaera spp.Syracosphaera spp.#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
69Umbellosphaera irregularisU. irregularis#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
70Umbellosphaera tenuisU. tenuis#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
71Umbilicosphaera foliosaU. foliosa#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
72Umbilicosphaera sibogaeU. sibogae#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
73Heterococcolithophores indeterminataHeterococcolithophores indet#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
74HolococcolithophoraHolococcolithophora#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)total
75Acanthoica quattrospinaA. quattrospina#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)HOL
76Anthosphaera lafourcadiiA. lafourcadii#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
77Anthosphaera periperforataA. periperforata#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
78Anthosphaera sp.Anthosphaera sp.#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
79Calcidiscus leptoporus ssp. quadriperforatusC. leptoporus ssp. quadriperforatus#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)HOL
80Calicasphaera blokiiC. blokii#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
81Calicasphaera concavaC. concava#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
82Calyptrolithophora dentataC. dentata#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
83Calyptrolithina multiporaC. multipora#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
84Calyptrosphaera cialdiiC. cialdii#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
85Coccolithus pelagicus ssp. braarudiiC. pelagicus ssp. braarudii#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)HOL
86Corisphaera spp.Corisphaera spp.#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
87Coronosphaera mediterraneaC. mediterranea#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)HOL hellenica type
88Coronosphaera mediterraneaC. mediterranea#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)HOL wettsteinii type
89Helicosphaera carteriH. carteri#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)HOL perforate
90Helicosphaera carteriH. carteri#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)HOL solid
91Helladosphaera corniferaH. cornifera#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
92Helladosphaera corniferaH. cornifera#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)including H. spinosa
93Homozygosphaera arethusaeH. arethusae#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
94Homozygosphaera spinosaH. spinosa#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
95Homozygosphaera vercelliH. vercelli#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
96Pontosphaera japonicaP. japonica#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)HOL
97Sphaerocalyptra adenensisS. adenensis#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
98Sphaerocalyptra quadridentataS. quadridentata#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
99Syracolithus sp.Syracolithus sp.#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)Type A
100Sphaerocalyptra spp.Sphaerocalyptra spp.#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
101Syracosphaera anthosS. anthos#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)HOL
102Syracosphaera bannockiiS. bannockii#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)HOL
103Syracosphaera histricaS. histrica#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)HOL
104Syracosphaera molischiiS. molischii#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)HOL
105Syracosphaera pulchraS. pulchra#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)HOL oblonga type
106Syracosphaera pulchraS. pulchra#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)HOL pirus type
107Holococcolithophora indeterminataHolococcolithophora indet#/lD'Amario, BarbaraCounting coccolithophores after Bollmann et al. (2002)
4570 data points

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