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Ebeling, Anne; Hertzog, Lionel R; Weisser, Wolfgang W; Meyer, Sebastian Tobias (2016): Collection of data on aboveground invertebrates in the Jena Experiment (time series since 2002) [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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This collection contains measurements of abundance and diversity of different groups of aboveground invertebrates sampled on the plots of the different sub-experiments at the field site of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing.
The following series of datasets are contained in this collection: 1. Measurements of ant abundance (number of individuals attracted to baits) and ant occurrence (binary data) in the Main Experiment in 2006 and 2013. Ants where sampled using two types of baited traps receiving ~10g of Tuna or ~10g of honey/Sucrose. After 30min the occurrence (presence = 1 / absence = 0) and abundance (number) of ants at the two types of baits was recorded and pooled per plot.
Related to:
Hertzog, Lionel R; Ebeling, Anne; Meyer, Sebastian Tobias; Eisenhauer, Nico; Fischer, Christine; Hildebrandt, Anke; Wagg, Cameron; Weisser, Wolfgang W (2016): High Survival of Lasius niger during Summer Flooding in a European Grassland. PLoS ONE, 11(11), e0152777,
Further details:
Roscher, Christiane; Schumacher, Jens; Baade, Jussi; Wilcken, Sara; Gleixner, Gerd; Weisser, Wolfgang W; Schmid, Bernhard; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef (2004): The role of biodiversity for element cycling and trophic interactions: an experimental approach in a grassland community. Basic and Applied Ecology, 5(2), 107-121,
Latitude: 50.946100 * Longitude: 11.611300
Date/Time Start: 2006-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2013-12-31T00:00:00
This data set is an ongoing collection of data on aboveground invertebrates in the Jena Experiment. Please refer to the individual datasets below. Additional data might be available (more recent years, other invertebrate groups). If you are interested in this data, please directly contact the authors via the Jena Experiment data manager [].
In case you want to cite this collection please use: “Anne Ebeling, Lionel Hertzog, Wolfgang W. Weisser, Sebastian T. Meyer (2016): Collection of data on aboveground invertebrates in the Jena Experiment (time series since 2002), (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865172) (downloaded [DATE])”
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