Bianchi, Clara; Mendoza, Luciano Pedro Oscar; Fernández, Laura; Natali, María Paula; Meza, Amalia; Moirano, Juan (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour and troposphere zenith total delay, over Central and South America, from a homogeneous GNSS reprocessing (MAGGIA ZTD & IWV Solution 1) [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Bianchi, C et al. (2016): Multi-year GNSS monitoring of atmospheric IWV over Central and South America for climate studies. Annales Geophysicae, 34(7), 623-639,
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Published: 2016-02-21 • DOI registered: 2016-02-25
Atmospheric water vapour has been acknowledged as an essential climate variable. Weather prediction and hazard assessment systems benefit from real-time observations, whereas long-term records contribute to climate studies. Nowadays, ground-based global navigation satellite system (GNSS) products have become widely employed, complementing satellite observations over the oceans. Although the past decade has seen a significant development of the GNSS infrastructure in Central and South America, its potential for atmospheric water vapour monitoring has not been fully exploited. With this in mind, we have performed a regional, 7-year-long and homogeneous analysis, comprising 136 GNSS tracking stations, obtaining high-rate and continuous observations of column-integrated water vapour and troposphere zenith total delay. As a preliminary application for this data set, we have estimated local water vapour trends, their significance, and their relation with specific climate regimes. We have found evidence of drying at temperate regions in South America, at a rate of about 2 % per decade, while a slow moistening of the troposphere over tropical regions is also weakly suggested by our results. Furthermore, we have assessed the regional performance of the empirical model GPT2w to blindly estimate troposphere delays. The model reproduces the observed mean delays fairly well, including their annual and semi-annual variations. Nevertheless, a long-term evaluation has shown systematical biases, up to 20 mm, probably inherited from the underlying atmospheric reanalysis. Additionally, the complete data set has been made openly available as supplementary material.
Further details:
Median Latitude: -11.492245 * Median Longitude: -62.193073 * South-bound Latitude: -71.673796 * West-bound Longitude: -116.889252 * North-bound Latitude: 35.425156 * East-bound Longitude: -2.841783
Date/Time Start: 2007-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2013-12-31T00:00:00
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-NC-3.0)
112 datasets
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Datasets listed in this publication series
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station ABMF_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station ACYA_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station AREQ_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station AUTF_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station AZUL_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station BAIR_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station BAVC_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station BDOS_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station BELE_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station BOAV_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station BOGT_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station BOMJ_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station BRAZ_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station BRFT_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station BRMU_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station BUE2_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station BYSP_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station CALL_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station CART_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station CEEU_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station CEFE_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station CEFT_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station CHAC_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station CHET_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station CHPI_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station CONZ_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station COPO_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station COYQ_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station CRAT_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station CRO1_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station CRUZ_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station CUCU_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station CUIB_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station EBYP_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station FALK_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station GCGT_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station GLPS_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station GOLD_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station GUAT_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station IGM1_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station IMBT_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station IMPZ_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station INEG_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station IQQE_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station IQUI_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station ISPA_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station LPAZ_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station LPGS_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station MABA_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station MANA_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station MAPA_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station MARA_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station MCLA_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station MDO1_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station MERI_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station MGBH_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station MPL2_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station MSCG_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station MTY2_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station MZAC_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station NAUS_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station OAX2_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station OHI2_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station ONRJ_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station PAAT_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station PAIT_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station PALM_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station PARC_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station PBCG_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station PEPE_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station POAL_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station POLI_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station POVE_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station PPTE_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station PRMA_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station RECF_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station RIO2_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station RIOB_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station RIOD_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station RJCG_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station RNMO_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station RNNA_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station ROGM_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station SAGA_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station SALU_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station SAMA_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station SANT_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station SAVO_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station SCCH_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station SCRZ_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station SCUB_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station SJRP_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station SMAR_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station SSA1_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station SSIA_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station STHL_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station TAMP_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station TOPL_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station TUCU_S1.
- Bianchi, C; Mendoza, LPO; Fernández, L et al. (2016): Time series of atmospheric water vapour at station UBER_S1.