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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Vilaseca, Géraud; Deplus, Christine; Escartín, Javier; Ballu, Valérie; Nomikou, Paraskevi; Mével, Catherine; Andreani, Muriel (2016): Seafloor monitoring data (Jul 2012-Sep 2013) within Santorini Caldera recorded by SBE package of sensors [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Vilaseca, G et al. (2016): Oceanographic Signatures and Pressure Monitoring of Seafloor Vertical Deformation in Near-coastal, Shallow Water Areas: A Case Study from Santorini Caldera. Marine Geodesy, 39(6), 401-421,

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Latitude: 36.428133 * Longitude: 25.383967
Date/Time Start: 2012-07-15T12:04:51 * Date/Time End: 2013-04-16T07:28:57
Minimum DEPTH, water: -0.375 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 384.068 m
Santorini_Caldera_SBE * Latitude: 36.428133 * Longitude: 25.383967 * Date/Time Start: 2012-07-15T12:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2013-04-16T07:30:00 * Elevation: -385.0 m * Location: Santorini caldera seafloor, Greece * Campaign: CALDERA2012 * Method/Device: Temperature recorder (TEMP-R) * Comment: Record length: 274.8084 days, sampling interval: 180 s
The sensors records include ambient measurements (onboard the ship), water column measurements (going up and down) and the seafloor monitoring. This sensor was used to measure a geodetic network 3 times(the 2012-07-16 from 7 AM to 4 PM; from 2012-07-20 11 PM to 2012-07-21 3 AM; 2012-07-22 from 11 AM to 13 AM. The battery run out 2013-04-13 at 7 AM.
395727 data points

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