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Seillès, Brice; Sanchez Goñi, Maria Fernanda; Ledru, Marie-Pierre; Urrego, Dunia H; Martinez, Philippe; Hanquiez, Vincent; Schneider, Ralph R (2015): Pollen record from sediment core M77/2_056-3 (Bay of Guayaquil, Peru) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Seillès, B et al. (2015): Holocene land-sea climatic links on the equatorial Pacific coast (Bay of Guayaquil, Ecuador). The Holocene, 26(4), 567-577,

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We analyzed the pollen content of a marine core located near the bay of Guayaquil in Ecuador to document the link between sea surface temperatures (SST) and changes in rainfall regimes on the adjacent continent during the Holocene. Based on the expansion/regression of five vegetation types, we observe three successive climatic patterns. In the first phase, between 11,700 and 7700 cal yr BP, the presence of a cloud (Andean) forest in the mid altitudes and mangroves in the estuary of the Guayas Basin, were associated with a maximum in boreal summer insolation, a northernmost position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), a land- sea thermal contrast, and dryness. Between 7700 and 2850 cal yr BP, the expansion of the coastal herbs and the regression of the mangrove indicate a drier climate with weak ITCZ and low ENSO variability while austral winter insolation gradually increased. The interval between 4200 and 2850 cal yr BP was marked by the coolest and driest climatic conditions of the Holocene due to the weak influence of the ITCZ and a strengthening of the Humboldt Current. After 2850 cal yr BP, high variability and amplitude of the Andean forest changes occurred when ENSO frequency and amplitude increased, indicating high variability in land-sea connections. The ITCZ reached the latitude of Guayaquil only after 2500 cal yr BP inducing the bimodal precipitation regime we observe today. Our study shows that besides insolation, the ITCZ position and ENSO frequency, changes in eastern equatorial Pacific SSTs play a major role in determining the composition of the ecosystems and the hydrological cycle of the Ecuadorian Pacific coast and the Western Cordillera in Ecuador.
Latitude: -3.749830 * Longitude: -81.120800
Date/Time Start: 2008-12-11T17:50:00 * Date/Time End: 2008-12-11T17:50:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.035 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 10.620 m
M77/2_056-3 (M77/2_746) * Latitude: -3.749830 * Longitude: -81.120800 * Date/Time: 2008-12-11T17:50:00 * Elevation: -350.0 m * Recovery: 11.01 m * Campaign: M77/2 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmSanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaGeocode
2AGEAgeka BPSanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaGeocode
3Pollen, totalPollen tot#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
4Taxa analyzedTaxa anal#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
5PodocarpusPod#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
6RhizophoraRhiz#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
7AcanthaceaeAcanteae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
8AlchorneaAlchornea#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
9AnnonaceaeAnnonaceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
10AraceaeArae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
11Arecaceae/Palmaceae-typeArecaceae/Palmaceae-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
12Arecacaea dictyocaryumA. dictyocaryum#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
13Arecaceae triangulaireA. triangulaire#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
14AnacardiaceaeAnaae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
15BignoniaceaeBignceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
16BombacaceaeBombacaceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
17Burseraceae-typeBurseraceae-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
18CactaceaeCactaceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
19CucurbitaceaeCucureae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
20DiospyrosDiospyro#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
21Euphorbia/Mabea-typeEuphorbia/Mabea-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
22Fabaceae-typeTab-type#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
23Flacourtiaceae banara-typeF. banara-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
24HyeronimaHyeronima#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
25IriarteaIriartea#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
26lecythidaceaelecythidaceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
27LoranthaceaeLorae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
28MeliaceaeMeliaceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
29MimosaMimosa#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
30MyrtaceaeMytae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
31PhyllanthusPhyllanthus#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
32Rubiaceae alibertia-typeR. alibertia-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
33Rubiaceae borreria-typeR. borreria-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
34Rubiaceae manettia-typeR. manettia-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
35Rubiaceae palicourea-typeR. palicourea-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
36Rubiaceae rudgea-typeR. rudgea-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
37RutaceaeRutae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
38SapiumSapium#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
39SapotaceaeSapeae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
40Sterculiaceae byttneria-typeS. byttneria-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
41Sterculiaceae guazumaS. guazuma#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
42TetrorchidiumTetrorch#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
43UlmaceaeUlmeae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
44Urticaceae/Moraceae-typeUrticaceae/Moraceae-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
45AlnusAln#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
46HedyosmumHedyosmum#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
47AraliaceaeAraae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
48BocconiaBocconia#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
49CaesalpiniaceaeCaesalpiniaceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
50Caesalpinia senna-typeCaesalpinia-Senna-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
51Cerastium/Stellaria-typeCerastium/Stellaria-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
52ClethraClethra#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
53ClusiaceaeClusiaceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
54Convolvulaceae marIpa-typeC. marIpa-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
55ConvolvulaceaeConae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
56DaphnopsisDaphnopsis#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
57DodoneaDodonea#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
58DrimysDrimys#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
59IlexIle#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
60JuglansJug#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
61LamiaceaeLamae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
62MalpighiaceaeMalpceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
63Melastomataceae-typeMelastomataceae-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
64MyricaMyr#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
65MyrsinaceaeMyrsinaceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
66OnagraceaeOnaae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
67PassifloraPassiflora#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
68Polylepis/Acaena-typePolylepis/Acaena-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
69ProteaceaeProteaceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
70RapaneaRapanea#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
71SymplocosSymplocos#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
72ValleaVallea#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
73ViciaVic#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
74VismiaVismia#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
75WeinmanniaWeinmannia#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
76AcalyphaAcalypha#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
77ApiaceaeApiae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
78Apiaceae daucus-typeA. daucus-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
79Baccharis/Taraxacum-typeBaccharis/Taraxacum-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
80CampanulaceaeCamae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
81Chenopodiaceae/Amarantaceae-typeChenopodiaceae/Amarantaceae-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
82EricaceaeEriae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
83GentianaceaeGenae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
84MalvaceaeMalvae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
85PlantagoPla#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
86PolygonaceaePolae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
87SolanaceaeSolae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
88RenonculaceaeRenonculaceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
89ThalictrumTha#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
90Ambrosia-typeAmb-T#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
91PoaceaePoac#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
92BromeliaceaeBromeliaceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
93Scrophulariaceae lamouroxiaS. lamouroxia#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
94CyperaceaeCypae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
95JuncaceaeJucae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
96NympheaceaeNympheaceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
97PontederiaPontederia#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
98TyphaTyp#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
99Indeterminable: brokenInd.brok#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
100Indeterminable: hiddenInd.hidd#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
101Indeterminable: corrodedInd.corr#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
102Indeterminable: crumpledInd.crum#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
103Indeterminable: unknownInd.unkn#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
104Pollen indeterminataPollen indet#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 1
105Pollen indeterminataPollen indet#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 2
106Pollen indeterminataPollen indet#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 3
107Pollen indeterminataPollen indet#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 4
108AspleniaceaeAspleniaceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
109CyatheaCyathea#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
110CyatheaceaeCyatheaceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
111ElaphoglossumElaphoglossum#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
112EquisetumEqu#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
113LycopodiaceaeLycae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
114OphioglossaceaeOphae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
115PolypodiumPpd#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
116PteridaceaePteridae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
117SelaginellaSel#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
118GrammitidaceaeGrammitidaceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
119Anthocerotaceae anthocerosA. anthoceros#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
120AdiantaceaeAdiantaceae#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynology
121Spores, triletetrilete spores#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 1
122Spores, triletetrilete spores#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 2
123Spores, triletetrilete spores#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 3
124Spores, triletetrilete spores#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 4
125Spores, triletetrilete spores#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 5
126Spores, triletetrilete spores#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 6
127Spores, triletetrilete spores#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 7
128Spores, triletetrilete spores#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 8
129Spores, monoletemonolete#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 1
130Spores, monoletemonolete#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 2
131Spores, monoletemonolete#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 3
132Spores, monoletemonolete#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 4
133Spores, monoletemonolete#Sanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaCounting, palynologytype 5
16375 data points

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