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MacKenzie, Brian R (2014): Compilation of Thunnus thynnus (bluefin tuna) catche in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean 1906–1949 [dataset]. Technical University of Denmark, PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Huse, Geir; MacKenzie, Brian R; Trenkel, Verena M; Doray, Mathieu; Nøttestad, Leif; Óskarsson, Guomundur J (2015): Spatially explicit estimates of stock sizes, structure and biomass of herring and blue whiting, and catch data of bluefin tuna. Earth System Science Data, 7(1), 35-46,

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The data have been extracted and compiled from various sources but mainly from the ICES data base. The ICES data are from catch databases downloaded from the ICES website on 2014-01-14. These data are resolved by ICES area, country and year. During inspection of these data, it was noted that Norwegian data for years before 1950 had not been entered into the catch database on the ICES website. ICES has been notified of this omission by B. R. MacKenzie. The Norwegian data from ICES Bulletins. Statistiques has been added. Additional historical bluefin tuna catch data from other fishery reports and sources have been included in the data file for years preceding those when countries started reported their landings officially to ICES. These additional data have been reported in the literature previously (MacKenzie and Myers 2007, Fisheries Research).
Related to:
MacKenzie, Brian R; Myers, Ransom (2007): The development of the northern European fishery for north Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus during 1900–1950. Fisheries Research, 87(2-3), 229-239,
Further details:
ICES Catch Database - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Catch Database (2014).
ICES 1903-1972. In: ICES Bulletin Statistique des Pêches Maritimes (ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics)
Statistique Pêches Maritimes de la Republique Française 1906-1930.
Brandenburg, Hajo (2003): Hamburg-Altona. In: Die Reihe Archivbilder. Sutton Verlag GmbH, Erfurt, Germany
Duge, F (1924): Der Thunfischfang in der Nordsee. In: Jahresbericht über die Deutsche Fischerei 1924, 216-219
Jägerskiöld, Leonard (1923): Bohusläns Och Göteborgstraktens Djurvärld. In: Göteborgs Litografiska Aktiebolag, Gothernburg, Sweden
Lassen, H; Cross, D; Christiansen, E (2012): One hundred years of catch statistics for the northeast Atlantic. In: ICES Coperative Research Report, 311
Mason, J M; Jones, A C (1995): Historical document: life history and fisheries of Atlantic bluefin tuna. In: NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC, 370, 1-165
Pedersen, T (1997): Tunfiskeriet fra Skagen. In: Vendsyssel Årbog, 83-102
Tangen, M (1996): Størjefisket på vestlandet. Eide Publisher, Bergen, Norway
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), grant/award no. 264933: Basin Scale Analysis, Synthesis and Integration
This work was funded in part by the European project EURO-BASIN, funded by Framework Programme 7 (Contract 264933).
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1CountryCountryMacKenzie, Brian Rfrom where catch data originated
2DateDateMacKenzie, Brian R
3NameNameMacKenzie, Brian Rof ICES area
4Thunnus thynnus, massT. thynnus mkgMacKenzie, Brian R
5Reference/sourceReferenceMacKenzie, Brian R
6CommentCommentMacKenzie, Brian R
1387 data points

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