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MacKenzie, Brian R (2014): Compilation of Thunnus thynnus (bluefin tuna) catche in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean 1906–1949 [dataset]. Technical University of Denmark, PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Huse, Geir; MacKenzie, Brian R; Trenkel, Verena M; Doray, Mathieu; Nøttestad, Leif; Óskarsson, Guomundur J (2015): Spatially explicit estimates of stock sizes, structure and biomass of herring and blue whiting, and catch data of bluefin tuna. Earth System Science Data, 7(1), 35-46,

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The data have been extracted and compiled from various sources but mainly from the ICES data base. The ICES data are from catch databases downloaded from the ICES website on 2014-01-14. These data are resolved by ICES area, country and year. During inspection of these data, it was noted that Norwegian data for years before 1950 had not been entered into the catch database on the ICES website. ICES has been notified of this omission by B. R. MacKenzie. The Norwegian data from ICES Bulletins. Statistiques has been added. Additional historical bluefin tuna catch data from other fishery reports and sources have been included in the data file for years preceding those when countries started reported their landings officially to ICES. These additional data have been reported in the literature previously (MacKenzie and Myers 2007, Fisheries Research).
Related to:
MacKenzie, Brian R; Myers, Ransom (2007): The development of the northern European fishery for north Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus during 1900–1950. Fisheries Research, 87(2-3), 229-239,
Further details:
ICES Catch Database - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Catch Database (2014).
ICES 1903-1972. In: ICES Bulletin Statistique des Pêches Maritimes (ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics)
Statistique Pêches Maritimes de la Republique Française 1906-1930.
Brandenburg, Hajo (2003): Hamburg-Altona. In: Die Reihe Archivbilder. Sutton Verlag GmbH, Erfurt, Germany
Duge, F (1924): Der Thunfischfang in der Nordsee. In: Jahresbericht über die Deutsche Fischerei 1924, 216-219
Jägerskiöld, Leonard (1923): Bohusläns Och Göteborgstraktens Djurvärld. In: Göteborgs Litografiska Aktiebolag, Gothernburg, Sweden
Lassen, H; Cross, D; Christiansen, E (2012): One hundred years of catch statistics for the northeast Atlantic. In: ICES Coperative Research Report, 311
Mason, J M; Jones, A C (1995): Historical document: life history and fisheries of Atlantic bluefin tuna. In: NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC, 370, 1-165
Pedersen, T (1997): Tunfiskeriet fra Skagen. In: Vendsyssel Årbog, 83-102
Tangen, M (1996): Størjefisket på vestlandet. Eide Publisher, Bergen, Norway
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), grant/award no. 264933: Basin Scale Analysis, Synthesis and Integration
This work was funded in part by the European project EURO-BASIN, funded by Framework Programme 7 (Contract 264933).
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
CountryCountryMacKenzie, Brian Rfrom where catch data originated
DateDateMacKenzie, Brian R
NameNameMacKenzie, Brian Rof ICES area
Thunnus thynnus, massT. thynnus mkgMacKenzie, Brian R
Reference/sourceReferenceMacKenzie, Brian R
CommentCommentMacKenzie, Brian R
1387 data points


Download dataset as tab-delimited text — use the following character encoding:




T. thynnus m [kg]


France1906IV0Stat. Peche Marit.
France1907IV100Stat. Peche Marit.
France1908IV1850Stat. Peche Marit.
France1909IV0Stat. Peche Marit.
Germany1910IV1100Brandenburg, 2003Catch on 1 day. Catches given in nos. Assumed each tuna = 100 kg.
France1910IV0Stat. Peche Marit.
France1911IV0Stat. Peche Marit.
France1912IV0Stat. Peche Marit.
France1913IV0Stat. Peche Marit.
Sweden1913IIIa38000Jägerskiöld, L.A., 1923Location assumed in Skagerrak-Kattegat.
France1914IV0Stat. Peche Marit.
Sweden1914IIIa12000Jägerskiöld, L.A., 1923Location assumed in Skagerrak-Kattegat.
France1915IV0Stat. Peche Marit.
Sweden1915IIIa687000Jägerskiöld, L.A., 1923Location assumed in Skagerrak-Kattegat.
France1916IV0Stat. Peche Marit.
Sweden1916IIIa170000Jägerskiöld, L.A., 1923Location assumed in Skagerrak-Kattegat.
France1917IV0Stat. Peche Marit.
Sweden1917IIIa0Jägerskiöld, L.A., 1923Location assumed in Skagerrak-Kattegat.
France1918IV0Stat. Peche Marit.
Sweden1918IIIa29000Jägerskiöld, L.A., 1923Location assumed in Skagerrak-Kattegat.
Denmark1919III90Madsen, 1919Catch on 1 day.
France1919IV0Stat. Peche Marit.
Sweden1919IIIa327000Jägerskiöld, L.A., 1923Location assumed in Skagerrak-Kattegat.
France1920IV17500Stat. Peche Marit.
Sweden1920IIIa0Jägerskiöld, L.A., 1923Location assumed in Skagerrak-Kattegat.
Denmark1921III450Pedersen, T. ,1997
France1921IV86000Stat. Peche Marit.
Sweden1921IIIa2000Jägerskiöld, L.A., 1923Location assumed in Skagerrak-Kattegat.
France1922IV51600Stat. Peche Marit.
Norway1922II9600Tangen, M., 1999Catches given in nos. Assumed mean wt. = 100 kg.
Sweden1922IIIa1000Jägerskiöld, L.A., 1923Location assumed in Skagerrak-Kattegat.
France1923IV124000Stat. Peche Marit.
Norway1923II10000Tangen, M., 1999Catches given in nos. Assumed mean wt. = 100 kg.
Germany1924IV2700Duge, F., 1925Catch by one boat. Catches given in nos. Assumed each tuna = 100 kg.
France1924IV116600Stat. Peche Marit.
Norway1924II3300Tangen, M., 1999Catches given in nos. Assumed mean wt. = 100 kg.
Spain1925IXa3358000ICES database 2014
Spain1925VIII400000ICES database 2014
France1925IV105500Stat. Peche Marit.
Norway1925II12500Tangen, M., 1999Catches given in nos. Assumed mean wt. = 100 kg.
France1926IV29100Stat. Peche Marit.
Norway1926II5300Tangen, M., 1999Catches given in nos. Assumed mean wt. = 100 kg.
France1927IV7600Stat. Peche Marit.
Norway1927IIa50000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Denmark1928III1000Pedersen, T. ,1997
Denmark1928III650Pedersen, T. ,1997
France1928IV51200Stat. Peche Marit.
Norway1928IIa116000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Denmark1929III22500Pedersen, T. ,1997
France1929IV91200Stat. Peche Marit.
Norway1929IIa114000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1929IV17000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Denmark1930III3925Pedersen, T. ,1997
France1930IV46500Stat. Peche Marit.
Norway1930IIa47000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1930III7000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1930IV7000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Germany1931IV33000ICES database 2014
Denmark1931III17131Pedersen, T. ,1997
Norway1931IIa29000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1931III18000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1931IV12000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Germany1932IV54000ICES database 2014
Denmark1932IIIa-c43000ICES database 2014
Denmark1932IVb75000ICES database 2014
France1932IV48000ICES database 2014
France1932UNK118000ICES database 2014
France1932VIII160000ICES database 2014
Norway1932IIa59000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1932III12000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1932IV12000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
UK - England1932IV2100Mather et al., 1995Sportfishery catches given in nos. Assumed mean wt. = 100 kg.
Germany1933IV26000ICES database 2014
Denmark1933IIIa-c6000ICES database 2014
Denmark1933IVb30000ICES database 2014
France1933IV39000ICES database 2014
France1933UNK181000ICES database 2014
France1933VIII241000ICES database 2014
Norway1933IIa15000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1933III28000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1933IV1000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1933IXa1712000ICES database 2014
Sweden1933IIIa,c7000ICES database 2014
UK - England1933IV8000Mather et al., 1995Sportfishery catches given in nos. Assumed mean wt. = 100 kg.
Germany1934IV22000ICES database 2014
Denmark1934IIIa,b8000ICES database 2014
Denmark1934IVb13000ICES database 2014
France1934IV12000ICES database 2014
France1934UNK253000ICES database 2014
France1934VIII623000ICES database 2014
Norway1934IIa38000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1934III20000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1934IV1000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1934IXa1195000ICES database 2014
Sweden1934IIIa14000ICES database 2014
UK - England1934IV5400Mather et al., 1995Sportfishery catches given in nos. Assumed mean wt. = 100 kg.
Germany1935IV21000ICES database 2014
Denmark1935IIIa,b8000ICES database 2014
Denmark1935IVb36000ICES database 2014
France1935IV23000ICES database 2014
France1935UNK174000ICES database 2014
France1935VIII282000ICES database 2014
Norway1935IIa116000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1935III34000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1935IV2000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1935IXa2378000ICES database 2014
UK - England1935IV5300Mather et al., 1995Sportfishery catches given in nos. Assumed mean wt. = 100 kg.
Germany1936IV20000ICES database 2014
Denmark1936IIIa,b8000ICES database 2014
Denmark1936IVb157000ICES database 2014
France1936IV2000ICES database 2014
France1936UNK129000ICES database 2014
France1936VIII1132000ICES database 2014
Norway1936IIa53000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1936III40000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1936IV5000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1936IXa3553000ICES database 2014
Sweden1936IIIa9000ICES database 2014
UK - England1936IV3300Mather et al., 1995Sportfishery catches given in nos. Assumed mean wt. = 100 kg.
Germany1937IV14000ICES database 2014
Denmark1937IIIa,b47000ICES database 2014
Denmark1937IVb118000ICES database 2014
France1937IV6000ICES database 2014
France1937UNK423000ICES database 2014
France1937VIIa,f1000ICES database 2014
France1937VIII500000ICES database 2014
Norway1937IIa16000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1937III91000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1937IV7000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1937IXa5449000ICES database 2014
Sweden1937IIIa12000ICES database 2014
Sweden1937IVa,b5000ICES database 2014
Germany1938IV123000ICES database 2014
Denmark1938IIIa,b114000ICES database 2014
Denmark1938IVb66000ICES database 2014
France1938IV6000ICES database 2014
France1938UNK439000ICES database 2014
France1938VIII1325000ICES database 2014
Norway1938IIa50000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1938III105000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1938IV22000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1938IXa966000ICES database 2014
Sweden1938IIIa265000ICES database 2014
Sweden1938IVa,b100000ICES database 2014
Germany1939IIa47000ICES database 2014
Germany1939IV41000ICES database 2014
Denmark1939IIIa,b84000ICES database 2014
Denmark1939IVb55000ICES database 2014
France1939UNK1251000ICES database 2014
Norway1939IIa33000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1939III92000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1939IV14000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1939IXa838000ICES database 2014
Sweden1939IIIa527000ICES database 2014
Denmark1940IIIa,b597000ICES database 2014
Denmark1940IVb3000ICES database 2014
Spain1940VIII11581000ICES database 2014
France1940UNK127000ICES database 2014
Norway1940IIa37000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1940III90000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1940IV6000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1940IXa751000ICES database 2014
Sweden1940IIIa681000ICES database 2014
Denmark1941IIIa,b95000ICES database 2014
Denmark1941IVb13000ICES database 2014
Spain1941VIII9280000ICES database 2014
France1941UNK11000ICES database 2014
Norway1941IIa148000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1941III107000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1941IV14000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1941IXa1227000ICES database 2014
Sweden1941IIIa436000ICES database 2014
Denmark1942IIIa,b790000ICES database 2014
Denmark1942IVb20000ICES database 2014
Spain1942VIII11705000ICES database 2014
France1942UNK58000ICES database 2014
Norway1942IIa304000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1942III144000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1942IV7000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1942IXa1119000ICES database 2014
Sweden1942IIIa2060000ICES database 2014
Sweden1942IIIb,d8000ICES database 2014
Denmark1943IIIa,b72000ICES database 2014
Denmark1943IVb8000ICES database 2014
Spain1943VIII17061000ICES database 2014
France1943UNK37000ICES database 2014
Norway1943IIa46000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1943III21000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1943IV5000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1943IXa3238000ICES database 2014
Sweden1943IIIa4000ICES database 2014
Denmark1944IIIa,b335000ICES database 2014
Denmark1944IVb45000ICES database 2014
Spain1944VIII18507000ICES database 2014
Norway1944IIa176000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1944III195000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1944IV6000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1944IXa2287000ICES database 2014
Sweden1944IIIa221000ICES database 2014
Denmark1945IIIa,b511000ICES database 2014
Denmark1945IVb39000ICES database 2014
Spain1945VIII20966000ICES database 2014
France1945UNK4351000ICES database 2014
Norway1945IIa382000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1945III329000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1945IV11000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1945IXa1908000ICES database 2014
Sweden1945IIIa542000ICES database 2014
Denmark1946IIIa,b231000ICES database 2014
Denmark1946IVb359000ICES database 2014
Spain1946VIII16985000ICES database 2014
France1946UNK202000ICES database 2014
Norway1946IIa138000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1946III77000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1946IV12000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1946IXa3828000ICES database 2014
Sweden1946IIIa11000ICES database 2014
Sweden1946IVa,b168000ICES database 2014
Germany1947IV1000ICES database 2014
Denmark1947IIIa,b202000ICES database 2014
Denmark1947IVb190000ICES database 2014
Spain1947IXa7158000ICES database 2014
Spain1947UNK976000ICES database 2014
Spain1947VIII520000ICES database 2014
France1947VIII83000ICES database 2014
Norway1947IIa116000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1947III71000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1947IV23000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1947IXa3140000ICES database 2014
Sweden1947IIIa8000ICES database 2014
Sweden1947IVa,b290000ICES database 2014
Germany1948IV7000ICES database 2014
Denmark1948IIIa,b224000ICES database 2014
Denmark1948IVb251000ICES database 2014
Spain1948IXa7068000ICES database 2014
Spain1948UNK4207000ICES database 2014
Spain1948VIII15024000ICES database 2014
France1948VIII536000ICES database 2014
Netherland1948IV4000ICES database 2014
Norway1948IIa210000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1948III124000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1948IV34000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1948IXa1942000ICES database 2014
Sweden1948IIIa68000ICES database 2014
Sweden1948IVa,b59000ICES database 2014
Germany1949IIIa1000ICES database 2014
Germany1949IV168000ICES database 2014
Denmark1949IIIa,b1445000ICES database 2014
Denmark1949IIIc9000ICES database 2014
Denmark1949IVb577000ICES database 2014
Spain1949IXa12734000ICES database 2014
Spain1949UNK3760000ICES database 2014
Spain1949VIII18801000ICES database 2014
Netherland1949IV18000ICES database 2014
Norway1949IIa2340000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1949III83000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Norway1949IV139000ICES Annual Bulletin of Marine Fishery Statistics 1903-1972Data were not included in ICES catch database. Were extracted by BRM from ICES Bull. Stat.
Portugal1949IXa2610000ICES database 2014
Sweden1949IIIa444000ICES database 2014
Sweden1949IVa,b112000ICES database 2014