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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Alam, Naveed; Olsthoorn, Theo N: Unlocking the groundwater potential in the Indus Basin [dataset]. PANGAEA, (unpublished dataset)

This database allows the simulated vertical profile of the salt concentration (mg TDS/L) to be extracted for any location within the Chaj doab, Indus basin, Pakistan.
Related to:
Alam, Naveed; Olsthoorn, Theo N (submitted): Unlocking the groundwater potential in the Indus Basin. Hydrogeology Journal
This database (gwPot.mat) gives simulated vertical profile of the salt concentration (mg TDS/L) of groundwater in the Indus basin. The position of the 10,900 computed points is given in terms of UTM and WGS84. Please see the detail as below.
Please call the variable by "cel" after loading "gwPot.mat" in the MATLAB workspace. e.g., cel =
1x10900 struct array with fields:
x [m] %UTM coordinates (zone: '42N')
y [m] %UTM coordinates (zone: '42N')
Lat [decimal degrees] %WGS84
Lon [decimal degrees] %WGS84
NSL [m] %NSL=Natural surface level (i.e., elevation of the ground surface). This elevation is above the mean sea level.
z [m] %depth-intervals below the NSL
c [mg TDS/L] %simulated salt concentration of groundwater corresponding to z depth intervals
1.4 MBytes

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