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Minifie, Matthew J; Kerr, Andrew C; Ernst, Richard E; Hastie, Alan R; Ciborowski, T Jake R; Desharnais, Guy; Millar, Ian L (2012): (Appendix 1) Lithologic description of thin sections of samples from the Circum Superior Belt [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Minifie, MJ et al. (2013): The northern and southern sections of the western ca. 1880 Ma Circum-Superior Large Igneous Province, North America: the Pickle Crow dyke connection? Lithos, 174, 217-235,

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Median Latitude: 50.459631 * Median Longitude: -90.732840 * South-bound Latitude: 46.094400 * West-bound Longitude: -94.259000 * North-bound Latitude: 55.843800 * East-bound Longitude: -88.158900
Minimum Elevation: 130.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 420.0 m
Fox_River_Belt  * Latitude: 55.814590 * Longitude: -94.047910 * Elevation: 130.0 m * Location: Canada, Fox River Belt
Hemlock_Formation  * Latitude: 46.129226 * Longitude: -88.225813 * Elevation: 420.0 m * Location: Canada
Pickle_Crow  * Latitude: 51.486328 * Longitude: -90.151903 * Elevation: 351.0 m * Location: Canada
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEvent
Sample code/labelSample labelMinifie, Matthew J
Lithologic unit/sequenceUnitMinifie, Matthew J
Rock typeRockMinifie, Matthew J
CommentCommentMinifie, Matthew Jdescription of thin section
Comment 2 (continued)Comm 2Minifie, Matthew J
Comment 3 (continued)Comm 3Minifie, Matthew J
10 Comment 4 (continued)Comm 4Minifie, Matthew J
180 data points


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Fox_River_Belt MMFR08-1Fox River Belt55.8197-94.2361BasaltAltered clinopyroxene blades and plagioclase laths are set in a dusty brown glassy matrix. Maximum size of crystals is ~0.3 mm. Clinopyroxene commonly replaced with chlorite whereas plagioclase laths are sericitised.Opaque minerals present but rare. Dusty appearance of section obliterates textures.
Fox_River_BeltMMFR08-2Fox River Belt55.8118-94.2548Picrite~10% is composed of olivine phenocrysts which have been altered to chlorite, actinolite and carbonate. Occur in a variety of shapes from equant euhedral crystals to elongated blades.Olivines are set in a very dusty brown matrix in which are some very thin blackish needles (?clinopyroxene). Opaque minerals are very small and euhedral. Calcite veins are present.
Fox_River_BeltMMFR08-3Fox River Belt55.8114-94.2569Picrite~15% olivine present as euhedral hexagons, diamonds and squares. Altered mostly to chlorite, but also minor serpentine, tremolite and talc. Clinopyroxene present as skeletal needles and ornamental chains (~5%).These are randomly oriented and much less altered than olivines. The longest needle is ~2.5 mm. Matrix (~80%) is a dusty brown colour and includes some very fine clinopyroxene needles.
Fox_River_BeltMMFR08-4Fox River Belt55.8113-94.2571BasaltOlivine (~3%) often as euhedral to subhedral grains but sometimes more rounded. Average ~0.5 mm in longest dimension. Altered to chlorite and actinolite. Small euhedral opaques (~1%) altering to sphene.Olivines and opaques set in a dusty brown matrix (~96%) with fine clinopyroxene needles.
Fox_River_BeltMMFR08-5Fox River Belt55.8110-94.2590Basalt~2% olivine, ~13% clinopyroxene, ~2% opaques, ~83% brownish groundmass. Small (~0.2 mm) equant grains of olivine altered to chlorite and carbonate.Long thin needles/blades of clinopyroxene (up to ~1.5 mm) randomly oriented and much less altered than olivine. Small euhedral opaque crystals sometimes altering to sphene.Groundmass is mainly dusty brown but also appears to comprise of very fine, wispy needle-like crystals of possibly clinopyroxene.
Fox_River_BeltMMFR08-6Fox River Belt55.8043-94.1575BasaltSlightly coarser than most other Fox River lavas. Opaques (~5%) occur as both small euhedral crystals and larger anhedral masses. Plagioclase phenocrysts (~10%) mainly subhedral to anhedral crystals (up to ~1.2 mm) altering to clays and chlorite.Clinopyroxene (~15%) present as elongate prisms. The longest prism is ~2.5 mm long. Clinopyroxene alters to tremolite. A fine dusty matrix comprises ~70% of the section and appears to contain tiny plagioclase crystals.
Fox_River_BeltMMFR08-7Fox River Belt55.8438-94.1239BasaltQuite altered. ~65% plagioclase, ~33% clinopyroxene, ~2% opaques. Plagioclase occurs as laths (maximum ~0.4 mm length) which have gone to clays and chlorite.Small (~0.1 mm) subhedral crystals and the occasional larger (~0.5 mm) equant crystals are present and may originally have been clinopyroxene, now altered to chlorite, carbonate and actinolite-tremolite. Opaques present mostly as large ragged patches.
Fox_River_BeltMMFR08-8Fox River Belt55.8312-94.1333PicritePolyhedral olivine in a variety of shapes and some clinopyroxene comprise ~30% of section and are set in a finer matrix of a plumose mineral (probably clinopyroxene) and its alteration products. Largest olivine blade is ~2.2 mm in length.Olivine is variably altered. Some crystals are fresh, others have completely gone to serpentine and amphibole. Tiny opaque minerals scattered around.
Fox_River_BeltMMFR08-9Fox River Belt55.8291-94.1339PicriteVariety of shapes of olivine; euhedral hexagons, equant hoppers, elongated blades, ornamental chains. Longest needle is 3.5 mm long. Olivine altered to serpentine, actinolite and chlorite.Clinopyroxene present as fine acicular needles which are randomly dispersed. Small euhedral opaques have gone to sphene. Matrix is a dusty brown, altered glass-like material. ~15% olivine, ~3% clinopyroxene, ~1% opaques, ~81% glass.
Fox_River_BeltMMFR08-10Fox River Belt55.8260-94.1344Picrite~35% olivine, ~5% clinopyroxene, <1% opaques, ~59% matrix. Olivine present as subhedral grains to ~1 mm long elongated blades and all altered to serpentine and actinolite.Clinopyroxene is much less altered and present as elongated prisms ~1 mm in length. Most opaques are diamond-shaped and appear to be altering to sphene.Olivine and clinopyroxene set in a dusty brown matrix which includes lots of fine needles possibly microspinifex clinopyroxene.
Fox_River_BeltMMFR08-11Fox River Belt55.8054-93.8287BasaltSection dominated by fine laths of plagioclase and higher relief blades of clinopyroxene in roughly equal quantities. Laths of plagioclase are randomly oriented and are generally ~0.3 mm in size.Most plagioclase laths are altered to clays and carbonate but a few remain relatively unaltered and are twinned. Clinopyroxene blades range up to ~1.2 mm in size. Opaque minerals rare. Matrix is very fine grained and dusty brown in colour.
Fox_River_BeltMMFR08-12Fox River Belt55.8033-93.8293BasaltMost of the section is composed of a devitrified glassy brown matrix. Small phenocrysts of altered clinopyroxene and plagioclase constitute ~5% of section. Laths of plagioclase, usually ~0.3 mm, are altered to sericite and carbonate.Clinopyroxene present as euhedral and subhedral crystals, many having diamond shapes. The longest diamond is ~0.5 mm. Clinopyroxene has been serpentinised, some crystals surrounded by opaques, and some partially replaced by chlorite.Possible ophitic textures observed. Also present are abundant colourless, very thin needles ~0.2 mm in length. Could be skeletal plagioclase. Carbonate and chlorite veins cut section.
Fox_River_BeltMMFR08-13Fox River Belt55.7981-93.8304PicriteOlivine occurs as euhedral hopper crystals which are altered mostly to serpentine. These are typically ~0.3 mm in size and comprise ~10% of the section. Very few opaques and they occur as tiny euhedral and subhedral blebs within olivines.~90% of section is a dark brown altered glassy matrix which also contains small colourless needles, possibly clinopyroxene?
Fox_River_BeltMMFR08-14Fox River Belt55.7976-93.8319Picrite~20% olivine, ~10% clinopyroxene, ~70% altered glass matrix. Olivines mainly euhedral hopper crystals with a maximum size of 0.5 mm, although some elongated crystals ~1 mm long are present. Altered to serpentine and chlorite.Clinopyroxene much less altered and occurs as skeletal needles and ornamental chains randomly oriented. Longest needle is ~2.5 mm. Trace of opaques which are mostly euhedral square-shapes. Matrix is very fine and a dark brown colour.
Hemlock_Formation MMH08-1Hemlock Formation (Group 2)46.1575-88.2304BasaltFine grained rock with a general green colour. Aphyric. Tiny colourless crystals with low birefringence could be plagioclase. Some of the green material appears to have moderate birefringence and could be actinolite.Other green material is nearly isotropic and could be chlorite. Yellow subhedral crystals of epidote and some opaque minerals scattered around.Rock appears to be foliated which is best defined by actinolite needles. Stretched (~3.5 mm long) chlorite-filled vesicles present as are veins of chlorite.
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-4Hemlock Formation (Group 2)46.1541-88.2177BasaltLaths and ragged plates of plagioclase (up to ~0.75 mm in length) are mostly partly sericitised. Some have partially altered to chlorite and carbonate.Also present are ragged plates of pale green, fibrous actinolite which probably formed from clinopyroxene. No obvious groundmass due to alteration. ~60% plagioclase, ~30% actinolite, ~10% opaques and chlorite.
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-5Hemlock Formation (Group 2)46.1548-88.2189BasaltLaths and ragged blades of colourless plagioclase (~0.3 mm) set in a greenish matrix of plagioclase, carbonate, acicular actinolite, chlorite, opaques and maybe epidote.Also present are thin, elongate minerals which are dark brown and have a masked birefringence and appear speckly in crossed polars (?biotite).These dark brown minerals appear oriented and define foliations in the rock. Plagioclase phenocrysts ~20%, dark brown ?biotite ~2%, ~78% greenish matrix.
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-6Hemlock Formation (Group 2)46.1494-88.1821DaciteSection cut too thick. Quartz and feldspar appear orange. 'Eyes' of quartz, quartz and sericite, and sericitised feldspar comprise ~5% of thin section. Set in a much finer grained matrix dominated by quartz.Eyes vary in shape from circular to more elongated oval shapes (up to ~1.5 mm) possibly due to deformation. Some eyes composed of a single quartz crystal showing undulose extinction, some quartz eyes show mosaic textures.Some patches of elongated sericite may be stretched feldspar pseudomorphs. Only a few eyes are composed of sericitised feldspar. The groundmass is mostly very fine grained quartz with very little feldspar.Some apatite, biotite and zircon observed. Opaque minerals also occur mainly in cracks presumably created during deformation events.
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-7Hemlock Formation (Group 1)46.0958-88.1610BasaltPlagioclase present as subrounded grains as well as thin laths (longest is ~0.5 mm) Some plagioclase going to chlorite. Fibrous pale green actinolite forms ragged prisms, typically also ~0.5 mm long.These are set in a fine matrix of plagioclase, acicular actinolite, chlorite, opaques and scattered epidote. Rough estimate ~55% plagioclase, ~30% actinolite, ~ 15% other minerals.
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-8Hemlock Formation (Group 1)46.0944-88.1589BasaltPrisms of pale green actinolite and laths of sericitised plagioclase ~0.5 mm long set in a fine groundmass which contains plagioclase, acicular actinolite, chlorite, epidote and opaque minerals.
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-9Hemlock Formation (Group 2)46.1129-88.2085BasaltLaths of altered plagioclase and prisms of actinolite are the dominant two minerals and are set in a greenish chloritised matrix. Plagioclase is altered mainly to sericite. Some actinolite going to chlorite.Maximum length of plagioclase laths is 1 mm. A few opaque minerals scattered around.
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-11Hemlock Formation (Group 3)46.1178-88.2204BasaltFew phenocrysts present. Scattered blades and laths of plagioclase (up to ~1 mm in size) set in a finer, chloritised matrix. Also present in the matrix are plagioclase laths, epidote, carbonate and opaques. Plagioclase altered to sericite and chlorite.
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-12Hemlock Formation (Group 2)46.1161-88.2207BasaltPrisms of actinolite and ragged blades of plagioclase present. Blades of plagioclase extend for up to ~1.5 mm. Plagioclase altered to sericite and clays and appears dusty.Groundmass is a greenish colour and appears to be composed of actinolite, plagioclase and chlorite. Small (<0.1 mm) brownish crystals present and appear to be lozenge-shaped. ~15% actinolite, ~15% plagioclase, ~70% green matrix.
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-13Hemlock Formation (Group 3)46.1144-88.2191BasaltRagged blades of plagioclase (~1 mm) and subhedral prisms of pale green actinolite set in a fine grained matrix. Plagioclase variably altered to chlorite and sericite.Matrix appears to be composed of chloritised laths of plagioclase and needles of actinolite, plus epidote and opaque minerals.
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-14Hemlock Formation (Group 2)46.1095-88.2257BasaltPhenocryst-poor. Only a few laths and blades of plagioclase set in a finer grained matrix. Longest blade is ~3 mm in length. Green patches in plagioclase phenocrysts are chlorite. Plagioclase also alters to clays and sericite.Matrix consists of very fine laths of plagioclase, epidote, opaques and chlorite. Veins of chlorite and carbonate present.
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-15bHemlock Formation (Group 2)46.1076-88.2322BasaltQuite an altered sample. Cannot make out original mineralogy or texture. Amygdales comprise ~10% of section. Most are rounded but some are stretched, one is even fractured and the two halves are displaced.Most are composed of quartz with mosaic textures but some also contain chlorite and some biotite. The largest amygdale is ~4 mm in diameter. Amygdales sit in a chloritised matrix with some biotite and opaque minerals which appear aligned in bands.~25% of section is quartz with patches of chlorite. The quartz shows mosaic textures and undulose extinction.
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-18Hemlock Formation (Group 4)46.1129-88.2110BasaltPlagioclase laths (~0.6 mm) are partially altered to sericite and chlorite. Subhedral grains of pale green, weakly pleochroic actinolite. Set in a matrix containing very fine grained plagioclase laths, epidote, chlorite, and euhedral opaque minerals.
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-19Hemlock Formation (Group 2)46.1127-88.2079BasaltLaths of plagioclase ~0.5-0.75 mm in length. These are partly altered to sericite and chlorite. Some ophitic texture observable as plagioclase laths 'protrude' into plates of pale green actinolite. Chlorite replaces actinolite and plagioclase.Minor amounts of biotite occur and are associated with chlorite. Brown, euhedral, high relief, masked birefringence minerals present (?sphene). ~30% chlorite, ~25% actinolite, ~40% plagioclase, ~5% sphene and other minerals.
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-20Hemlock Formation (Group 3)46.1307-88.2251BasaltPale green actinolite prisms and ~1.5 mm long laths of plagioclase set in a green, chloritised matrix. Matrix also contains fine laths of plagioclase, epidote and opaque minerals. Plagioclase laths are variably altered to sericite and chlorite.
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-21Hemlock Formation (Group 3)46.1296-88.2241BasaltAphyric. Fine groundmass-like section composed of small plagioclase laths and stubs and needles of actinolite which are all variably altered to chlorite.Also included in the fine grained assemblage is epidote, zoisite, carbonate and lots of tiny brown minerals (possibly sphene).
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-22Hemlock Formation46.1306-88.2281BasaltIntersertal texture with plagioclase laths (~0.3 mm) and squarer plates set in a finer grained matrix. Evidence of alteration to sericite and chlorite. The squarer plates are more altered to chlorite and appear green.Opaques are most abundant within the chlorite. The matrix appears green due to the presence of chlorite and actinolite.Also the matrix contains plagioclase, opaques and high relief, dark brown minerals (?sphene). ~15% plagioclase phenocrysts, ~85% greenish matrix. One quartz vein cuts through sample.
Hemlock_FormationMMH08-23bHemlock Formation46.1209-88.3367BasaltPlagioclase laths and rounder phenocrysts have altered to sericite and/or chlorite. The laths are up to ~0.5 mm in length whereas the rounded crystals are ~0.7 mm in diameter. They are set in a near isotropic matrix probably dominated by chlorite.Chlorite and carbonate veins present. All of the section is stained a reddish-brown colour.
Pickle_Crow MMPC07-1Pickle Crow dyke51.4878-90.1478Dolerite~50% plagioclase mostly in the form of laths (maximum ~0.6 mm in length) but also as subrounded crystals. These are not too altered. Small rectangular and small, rounder opaque crystals with ragged edges present (~1%).Hornblende present (~1%) as brown pleochroic prisms which are partly altered to chlorite. Colourless prisms possibly of clinopyroxene also present (~1%). Ophitic textures observed but not abundant.~47% of section composed of dusty brown material which may be badly altered clinopyroxene and plagioclase to clays. Opaque minerals present.
Pickle_CrowMMPC07-2Pickle Crow dyke51.4873-90.1499GabbroCoarse grained gabbro with some ophitic textures preserved. ~55% plagioclase, ~35% pyroxene and amphibole, ~10% opaques. Clinopyroxene appears to alter to actinolite and chlorite. A minor amount of primary hornblende.Prisms of clinopyroxene ~2.5 mm long. Plagioclase occurs as thick laths with albite twinning and varying degrees of alteration to clays and sericite. Chlorite occasionally surrounds plagioclase.
Pickle_CrowMMPC07-3Pickle Crow dyke51.4863-90.1560GabbroCoarse grained gabbro very similar to previous sample. Same mineralogy and textures as noted above.