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Kronrod, Tatiana; Panza, Giuliano; Radulian, Mirchea (2012): Integrated transnational macroseismic data set for the strongest earthquakes of Vrancea [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Kronrod, T et al. (2013): Integrated transnational macroseismic data set for the strongest earthquakes of Vrancea (Romania). Tectonophysics, 590, 1-23,

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A unique macroseismic data set for the strongest earthquakes occurred since 1940 in Vrancea region, is constructed by a thorough review of all available sources. Inconsistencies and errors in the reported data and in their use are analyzed as well. The final data set, free from inconsistencies, including those at the political borders, contains 9822 observations for the strong intermediate-depth earthquakes: 1940, Mw=7.7; 1977, Mw=7.4; 1986, Mw=7.1; 1990, May 30, Mw=6.9 and 1990, May 31, Mw=6.4; 2004, Mw=6.0. This data set is available electronically as supplementary data for the present paper.
From the discrete macroseismic data the continuous macroseismic field is generated using the methodology developed by Molchan et al. (2002) that, along with the unconventional smoothing method Modified Polynomial Filtering (MPF), uses the Diffused Boundary (DB) method, which visualizes the uncertainty in the isoseismal's boundaries. The comparison of DBs with previous isoseismals maps represents a good evaluation criterion of the reliability of earlier published maps. The produced isoseismals can be used not only for the formal comparison between observed and theoretical isoseismals, but also for the retrieval of source properties and the assessment of local responses (Molchan et al., 2011).
Median Latitude: 45.778714 * Median Longitude: 26.871714 * South-bound Latitude: 45.554000 * West-bound Longitude: 26.587000 * North-bound Latitude: 45.890000 * East-bound Longitude: 26.997000
macro_1940 (Vrancea earthquake) * Latitude: 45.753000 * Longitude: 26.932000 * Location: Vrancea, Romania * Comment: Depth=124 km, Mw=7.7, Io=X MSK
macro_1977 (Vrancea earthquake) * Latitude: 45.851000 * Longitude: 26.969000 * Location: Vrancea, Romania * Comment: Depth=98 km, Mw=7.4, Io=IX MSK
macro_1986 (Vrancea earthquake) * Latitude: 45.554000 * Longitude: 26.587000 * Location: Vrancea, Romania * Comment: Depth=135 km, Mw=7.1, Io=VIII MSK
Intensity I is given in MSK scale. Contrary to the definition of all macroseismic scales (discrete integer values) but according to the values given in the original documents, I is a real value with the format n.m, where the fractional part m may have two values, 0 or 5, with the exception of 1940 event in Romania and Bulgaria, where author's designation "9+" is coded as I=9.2, "5-" is coded as I=4.7.
Site name is given by capital letters; words in a name are subdivided by underscore symbol (see example below).
The IDPs with the same name in the country are sorted out by adding to the name a slash followed by an abbreviation of the province name. If IDPs named identically are located in the same province or the province name is unknown, a numeral index is added to the name after the underscore symbol. In the Serbian data, for IDPs out of Serbia, the abbreviation identifying the real country is added to the site name after a slash: BIH (Bosnia and Herzegovina), CRO (Croatia), MAC (Macedonia).
If the settlement (with fixed name) is represented by several IDPs, for each of these IDPs a unique ordinal index is added to the fixed name after a comma.
The name of each IDP is expanded with the country code (after one space, in square brackets [.]). Used country codes are: ROM (Romania), BUL (Bulgaria), MLD (Moldova), UKR (Ukraine), RUS (Russian Federation), HUN (Hungary), SRB (Serbia), MAC (Macedonia), BEL (Byelorussia), LIT (Lithuania), LAT (Latvia), GRG (Georgia), ARM(Armenia), TUR (Turkey), POL (Poland), FR (France), FRG (Germany), EST (Estonia).
Site name defines observation point uniquely. In the simplest case the name ALBAC [ROM] means village Albac in Romania, represented by a single IDP. Some names are more complicated, e.g., name NOVA_ANTONOVKA_2/VIN,3 [UKR] means that in the data set there is more than one village with the same name (NOVA_ANTONOVKA) located in Vinnitsa (/VIN) province of Ukraine [UKR] and that reference is made to the second village in the list (_2) which is represented by more than one IDP and reference is made to the third IDP (,3).
Comments may contain an alternative name of a site and/or an alternative I-value. Asterisk means that coordinates are checked/corrected using Google Earth, UC, GG or GN. The word "uncertainty" means impossibility of associating an IDP to a specific village. If IMCS is recalculated to MSK scale, the original value of IMCS is given in the comments. Additional information useful for future data updating (digitizing code, reference to Table or publication, etc.) is provided.
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