Barash, Max S (1988): Planktonic foraminifera and Quaternary paleoceanology of the Atlantic Ocean [dataset publication series]. P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Barash, MS (1988): Chetvertichnaya Paleookeanologiya Atlanticheskogo Okeana (Quaternary Paleoceanology of the Atlantic Ocean). Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 272 pp
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Published: 1988 (exact date unknown) • DOI registered: 2011-12-23
An original method of paleotemperature analysis on planktonic foraminifera is substantiated and actively used for stratigraphy of bottom sediments and paleoceanologic reconstructions. On the base of this method, as well as on lithological, geochemical, and oxygen isotope data, radiocarbon dating, constructions of other investigators, etc., the main features of dynamic Quaternary paleoceanology of the Atlantic Ocean is reconstructed. It is discussed in the context of global paleogeography. Paleotemperature field, climatic zonation, paleoecology of foraminifera, position of the main water masses, water fronts, currents, distribution of sea ice boundaries, upwelling activity, benthic circulation, processes of sedimentation are econstructed and analyzed.
Archive of Ocean Data (ARCOD)
Median Latitude: 24.824389 * Median Longitude: -15.242722 * South-bound Latitude: -23.001667 * West-bound Longitude: -47.950000 * North-bound Latitude: 63.933000 * East-bound Longitude: 12.165000
AK3-205GC * Latitude: -23.001667 * Longitude: 12.165000 * Elevation: -2400.0 m * Location: Benguela Upwelling * Campaign: AKU3 * Basis: Akademik Kurchatov * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
ML3_198-4GC * Latitude: 55.708333 * Longitude: -18.901667 * Elevation: -1265.0 m * Location: Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: ML3 * Basis: Mikhail Lomonosov * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
ML5_348 * Latitude: 63.933000 * Longitude: -30.033000 * Elevation: -2262.0 m * Location: Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: ML5 * Basis: Mikhail Lomonosov * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
6 datasets
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Datasets listed in this publication series
- Barash, MS (1988): (Table 7) Planktonic foraminifera species in bottom sediments of Core ML5_348, North Atlantic.
- Barash, MS (1988): (Table 8) Planktonic foraminifera species in bottom sediments of Core ML3_198-4GC, North Atlantic.
- Barash, MS (1988): (Table 9) Isotopic composition of oxygen from CaCO3 of planktonic foraminifera complexes in bottom sediments of Core ML3_198-4GC and calculated paleotemperatures.
- Barash, MS (1988): (Table 11a) Isotopic composition of oxygen from CaCO3 of foraminifera shells in bottom sediments of Core AK3-205GC, Benguela upwelling.
- Barash, MS (1988): (Table 11b) Radiocarbon datings of bottom sediments from Core AK3-205GC, Benguela upwelling.
- Barash, MS (1988): (Table 12) Planktonic foraminifera species in bottom sediments of Core ML6_475, North Atlantic.