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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Abdullateef, Raji Akintunde: (Table 1) Different treatments on effects of light, dark and hormone factors on rooting in Stem cuttings of stevia rebaudiana [dataset]. PANGAEA, (unpublished dataset), In: Abdullateef, RA: Impact studies from different factors on root development from Stevia rebaudiana bertoni [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA, (unpublished dataset)


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Akintunde Abdullateef, Raji; Osman, Mohamad Bin (2011): Effects of Visible Light Wavelengths on Seed Germinability in Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni. International Journal of Biology, 3(4), p83,
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1NumberNoAbdullateef, Raji Akintunde
2Number of cuttingsNo cuttings#Abdullateef, Raji Akintunde
3Day of first emergentd first emergent#Abdullateef, Raji Akintunde
4Percentage of rooted cuttingsPerc cutt%Abdullateef, Raji Akintunde
5Number of roots, averageNo roots av#Abdullateef, Raji Akintunde
6Length of roots, averagel of roots avcmAbdullateef, Raji Akintunde
7Width of roots, averagew of roots avcmAbdullateef, Raji Akintunde
8TreatmentTreatAbdullateef, Raji Akintunde
48 data points

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