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Emelyanova, T A; Lelikov, Evgeny P (2010): Age and isotopic and chemical compositions of volcanic rocks from the Japan and Okhotsk Seas [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Emelyanova, TA; Lelikov, EP (2010): Miocene-Pleistocene volcanism of deep-water basins of the Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk. Tikhookeanskaya Geologiya, 29(2), 57-80

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This paper reports results of petrographic and geochemical studies of Miocene-Pleistocene volcanic rocks that accompanied formation of deep-water basins of the Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk. Geochemical types of these rocks, their geodynamic settings, and their derivation from different magmatic sources were determined. Marginal-sea basaltoids from the Sea of Japan are derivatives of fluid-enriched mantle (EMI), while volcanics from the Kuril basin were generated from mantle enriched in continental crust matter (EMU). In spite of different conditions of their genesis, they have some common geochemical features, in particular, their calc-alkaline signatures. These traces of influence of the sialic crust on magma generation confirm development of the basins of both these seas on the continental basement.
Median Latitude: 43.611148 * Median Longitude: 139.671488 * South-bound Latitude: 39.500000 * West-bound Longitude: 132.373300 * North-bound Latitude: 49.663300 * East-bound Longitude: 152.160000
BeV-P-34-B * Latitude: 41.420000 * Longitude: 134.966700 * Location: Sea of Japan * Method/Device: Dredge (DRG)
BoV-P-34-A-B * Latitude: 42.551700 * Longitude: 136.321700 * Location: Sea of Japan * Method/Device: Dredge (DRG)
BoV-P-34-A-T * Latitude: 42.658300 * Longitude: 136.275000 * Location: Sea of Japan * Method/Device: Dredge (DRG)
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