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García-Herrera, Ricardo; Können, Gunther P; Wheeler, Dennis A; Prieto, Maria del Rosario; Jones, Philip D; Koek, Frits B (2010): Meteorological observations during VENUS cruise from St. Eustatius to St. Martin started at 1843-01-22 [dataset]. Nationaal Archief of the Netherlands, Den Haag, Netherland, PANGAEA,, In: Jones, Philip D; Wheeler, Dennis A; Können, Gunther P; Koek, Frits B; Prieto, Maria del Rosario; García-Herrera, Ricardo (2007): Climatological observations from ship logbooks between 1750 and 1854 (release 2.1) [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2010-11-02DOI registered: 2010-11-30

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Related to:
García-Herrera, Ricardo; Können, Gunther P; Wheeler, Dennis A; Prieto, Maria del Rosario; Jones, Philip D; Koek, Frits B (2005): CLIWOC: A Climatological Database for the World's Oceans 1750–1854 (and 10 more publications about CLIWOC results in the same volume). Climatic Change, 73(1-2), 1-12ff,
Fifth Framework Programme (FP5), grant/award no. EVK2-CT-2000-00090: Climatological Database for the Worlds Oceans: 1750-1854
Latitude: 17.730000 * Longitude: -63.190000
Date/Time Start: 1843-01-22T16:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1843-01-23T00:00:00
Venus_18430122_MAR_D23905_4694 * Latitude Start: 16.020000 * Longitude Start: 61.900000 * Latitude End: 16.420000 * Longitude End: -63.120000 * Date/Time Start: 1843-01-22T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1843-01-23T00:00:00 * Campaign: Cliwoc_cruise * Method/Device: Underway cruise track measurements (CT) * Comment: Ship: Venus (Brik), Voyage: St Eustatius - St Martin, Company: MAR
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
4Wind directiondddegWind direction (from which the wind is blowing) in whole degrees from: 1-360; 361 = calm, 362 = variable. It is not clear from many logbook entries whether the wind direction has been corrected for the magnetic variation (or declination). To avoid any misunderstanding, all winds from reports that included a valid position in the period 1750-1854 were corrected. All other wind directions are given without being corrected.
5Wind speedffm/scalculated from the descriptive terms of wind force given in the observations
6Pressure, atmosphericPPPPhPaNo temperature correction was applied. The following factors have been used for the conversion to hPa: 2.54 cm in an inch; 13.596 specific gravity of mercury; 980.65 cm/s gravity at 45° latitude
7Temperature, airTTT°C
8Image number/nameImage no/nameIdentification Number of the original image
9LandmarkLandmarkName of first landmark
10BearingBearingBearing of the first landmark
11LandmarkLandmarkName of second landmark
12BearingBearingBearing of the second landmark
13LandmarkLandmarkName of third landmark
14BearingBearingBearing of the third landmark
15--1 If position is considered to be coastal (in port or near coastal disturbances)
16WatchWatchName of the period of 4 hours which is known as a watch or duty on board ships
17GlassesGlassesNumber of glasses within a watch; one watch equals 8 glasses
18CourseCourseCourse of the ship during the past 24 hours
19DistanceDistancearbitrary unitsDistance travelled during the previous 24 hours
20CommentCommentOther remarks, that were not possible to put in the other remark fields
21DeclinationDecldegIt is generally accepted by the CLIWOC team that the wind directions, reported by the ships officers, were relative to the magnetic North direction. Navigators were well aware of the difference between the true and magnetic north direction, but the compasses (we assumed that the bearing-compasses were mostly used for determining the wind direction) were not always adjusted. Therefore the wind direction has to be corrected. The magnetic declination (or variation, as it is known on board ships) is given for the whole CLIWOC period (1750-1850) for every 5x5 degree square. The number was added to the wind direction to get the true wind direction.
22Sensor readingReadingarbitrary unitsReading of the (outside) air thermometer
23Sensor readingReadingarbitrary unitsReading of the air pressure
24Wind direction descriptionWind dir descrAll reported wind directions on this day. The wind direction is the direction that points to where the wind comes from.
25Wind force descriptionWind force descrAll reported wind forces on this day
26Cloud typeCloud type
27GustsGusts1 If wind gusts are reported
28Precipitation/RainRain1 If rain was reported
29FogFog1 If fog was reported
30Snow typeSnow1 If snow was reported
31ThunderThunder1 If thunder and or lightning was reported
32HailHail1 If hail was reported
33Sea iceSea ice1 If sea-ice or icebergs were reported
34IdentificationIDCLIWOC 2.1 line number
40 data points

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