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Lichtschlag, Anna; Boetius, Antje; Felden, Janine; de Beer, Dirk: Pore water geochemistry of Nile Deep Sea Fan seep sediments measured during the BIONIL expedition in 2006 at station M70/2b_785 [dataset]. PANGAEA, (unpublished dataset)

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Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), grant/award no. 226354: Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Mans Impact On European Seas
Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), grant/award no. 511234: Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas
Median Latitude: 32.357008 * Median Longitude: 26.743917 * South-bound Latitude: 32.356850 * West-bound Longitude: 21.946667 * North-bound Latitude: 32.357167 * East-bound Longitude: 31.541167
Date/Time Start: 2006-11-09T11:09:00 * Date/Time End: 2006-11-09T11:31:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.005 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.135 m
M70/2b_785 (Gear-St.2) * Latitude Start: 32.356850 * Longitude Start: 31.541167 * Latitude End: 32.357167 * Longitude End: 21.946667 * Date/Time Start: 2006-11-09T11:09:00 * Date/Time End: 2006-11-09T11:31:00 * Elevation Start: -910.0 m * Elevation End: -918.0 m * Location: Amon * Campaign: M70/2b (BIONIL) * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Multicorer with television (TVMUC) * Comment: Posidonia
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Sulfate[SO4]2-mmol/lLichtschlag, AnnaIon chromatography
3ChlorideCl-mmol/lLichtschlag, AnnaIon chromatography
4SulfideS2-µmol/lLichtschlag, AnnaSpectrophotometry
5Iron 2+Fe2+µmol/lLichtschlag, AnnaSpectrophotometry
6Carbon, inorganic, dissolvedDICµmol/lLichtschlag, AnnaFlow injection analysis
68 data points

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