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Kienast, Frank; Siegert, Christine; Dereviagin, Alexander Yu; Mai, Dieter Hans (2001): (Table 1) Plant macrofossils from Cape Sabler [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Kienast, F et al. (2001): Climatic implications of Late Quaternary plant macrofossil assemblages from the Taymyr Peninsula, Siberia. Global and Planetary Change, 31(1-4), 265-281,

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Plant macrofossil investigations were carried out on Late-Quaternary deposits at Cape Sabler (NW shore of Lake Taymyr, Siberia). Four dated samples (three Late Pleistocene, one Holocene) rich in plant macrofossils were analysed with respect to their floristic composition. The flora of the Holocene sample is similar to the recent plant cover in the study area and is mainly characterized by subarctic and high arctic dwarf-shrubs and hydrophytes. The Pleistocene samples, radiocarbon dated to ca. 30, 27 and 18 ka BP, reflect a species-rich vegetation. The high proportion of pioneer plants within these samples indicates frequent disturbances of the vegetation cover. Furthermore, an almost complete absence of hydrophytes and swamp plants and the dominance of xerophytes, respectively, are typical for the Pleistocene vegetation from the Cape Sabler section. The presence of the tundra–steppe Crassulaceae Orostachys spinosa gives evidence for extremely cryoxeric climatic conditions in the Central Taymyr Peninsula during the Late Pleistocene. The species composition of the Pleistocene samples thus proves the predominance of a continental climate during the Weichselian, which was characterized by a decreased cloud cover, and thus increased direct solar radiation reaching the ground and extreme annual temperature variations. That would have entailed higher summer temperatures, lower precipitation, and longer vegetation periods (due to shorter snowmelt), thus, better conditions than today for the growth of plants in the study area. The higher species diversity in the Weichselian samples confirms this assumption. All these factors caused mainly aerobic soil environments and favourable conditions for seasonal heating of soils.
Fourth Framework Programme (FP4), grant/award no. MAS3980185: Quaternary Environment of the Eurasian North
Latitude: 74.547667 * Longitude: 100.535833
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.75 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 25.20 m
Cape_Sabler_1 * Latitude: 74.547667 * Longitude: 100.535833 * Elevation: 26.5 m * Recovery: 24.5 m * Campaign: Taymyr_Exped * Basis: Sampling on land * Method/Device: Profile sampling (PROFILE) * Comment: two gaps at 16-17 m, 21.5-22 m
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2AGEAgeka BPGeocode
3Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyKienast, Frank
4EpochEpochKienast, Frank
5Alyssum obovatumA. obovatum#Kienast, FrankXerophyte, mainly forest steppe
6ArtemisiaArt#Kienast, FrankPrimarily steppe, cryoarid
7AzollaAzo#Kienast, Frankinterglacial-resedimented
8Betula sect. NanaeBet.Se.N#Kienast, FrankSubarctic, Atlantic
9Braya sp.Braya sp.#Kienast, FrankDisturbance indicator
10Cardamine bellidifoliaC. bellidifolia#Kienast, Frank
11Carex aquatilisC. aquatilis#Kienast, FrankHydrophyte, wetness indicator, boreal
12Carex cf. canescensC. cf. canescens#Kienast, FrankHydrophyte, boreal
13Carex cf. supinaC. cf. supina#Kienast, FrankSteppe indicator
14Carex ensifoliaC. ensifolia#Kienast, FrankHydrophyte, wetness indicator
15Carex maritimaC. maritima#Kienast, FrankHydrophyte, wetness indicator, mainly at sea shores
16Carex saxatilisC. saxatilis#Kienast, FrankHydrophyte, wetness indicator
17Carex sect. AcutaeCarex sect. Acutae#Kienast, FrankHydrophyte, wetness indicator
18Carex sect. Extensae subsect. fulvellaeCarex sect. Extensae subsect. fulvellae#Kienast, Frank
19Carex stenophyllaC. stenophylla#Kienast, FrankSteppe indicator
20Carex subspathaceaC. subspathacea#Kienast, FrankHydrophyte, wetness indicator, halophilous
21Carex ursinaC. ursina#Kienast, FrankHydrophyte, wetness indicator, at sea shores
22Carex sp.Carex sp.#Kienast, Frank
23Cassiope tetragonaC. tetragona#Kienast, FrankTypical arctic
24Cerastium alpinumC. alpinum#Kienast, FrankXerophilous, open habitats
25CerastiumCer#Kienast, FrankXerophilous, open habitats
26Cochlearia arcticaC. arctica#Kienast, FrankCalciphilous
27Draba cf. alpinaD. cf. alpina#Kienast, FrankXerophilous, ephemeral
28Draba cf. cinereaD. cf. cinerea#Kienast, FrankXerophilous, thermophilous
29Draba cf. crassifoliaD. cf. crassifolia#Kienast, Frank
30Draba cf. dauricaD. cf. daurica#Kienast, FrankAssociated with well-drained habitats
31Draba cf. fladnizensisD. cf. fladnizensis#Kienast, Frank
32Draba cf. glacialisD. cf. glacialis#Kienast, FrankXerophilous, open habitats
33Draba cf. muralisD. cf. muralis#Kienast, FrankXerophilous, ephemeral
34Draba cf. nivalisD. cf. nivalis#Kienast, FrankAssociated with well-drained habitats
35Draba cf. norvegicaD. cf. norvegica#Kienast, FrankOpen habitats
36Draba cf. sibiricaD. cf. sibirica#Kienast, FrankDisturbance indicator in Central Yakutia
37DrabaDra#Kienast, Frank
38Dryas punctataD. punctata#Kienast, FrankCalciphilous, pioneer plant, disturbance indicator, tundra steppe component
39Epilobium cf. davuricumE. cf. davuricum#Kienast, FrankHydrophilous, subarctic
40Eriophorum gracileE. gracile#Kienast, FrankHydrophyte, boreal
41Eriophorum polystachionE. polystachion#Kienast, FrankHydrophyte, wetness indicator
42Eriophorum russeolumE. russeolum#Kienast, FrankHydrophyte, wetness indicator
43Eriophorum scheuchzeriErio.s#Kienast, FrankHydrophyte, wetness indicator
44Juncus biglumisJ. biglumis#Kienast, FrankMoist habitats
45JuncusJnc#Kienast, FrankMoist habitats
46LamiaceaeLamae#Kienast, Frank
47Leontopodium sp.Leontopodium sp.#Kienast, FrankMountain steppe, tundra steppe
48Luzula confusaL. confusa#Kienast, FrankMesophyte
49Luzula parvifloraL. parviflora#Kienast, FrankMesophyte
50Luzula wahlenbergiiL. wahlenbergii#Kienast, FrankMesophyte
51LuzulaLuz#Kienast, Frank
52Melandrium affineM. affine#Kienast, FrankAssociated with well-drained habitats, cryophilous
53Minuartia bifloraM. biflora#Kienast, FrankNival
54Minuartia rubellaM. rubella#Kienast, FrankArctic pioneer plant, associated with well-drained habitats, cryophilous
55Minuartia strictaM. stricta#Kienast, FrankSubarctic pioneer plant, disturbance indicator
56Minuartia vernaMin.v#Kienast, FrankSubarctic pioneer, associated with well-drained habitats
57Myosotis asiaticaM. asiatica#Kienast, FrankDisturbance indicator, steppe and forest zone
58Orostachys cf. iwarengeO. cf. iwarenge#Kienast, FrankCryoxerophyte
59Orostachys spinosaO. spinosa#Kienast, FrankExtreme cryo-xerophyte, mountain steppe, tundra steppe
60Oxyria digynaOxy.d#Kienast, FrankCryophilous, open habitats
61Papaver cf. lapponicumP. cf. lapponicum#Kienast, FrankCryoxerophilous, disturbance indicator
62Papaver sect. ScapifloraPapaver sect. Scapiflora#Kienast, FrankCryoxerophilous
63PapaveraceaePapae#Kienast, Frank
64PedicularisPed#Kienast, Frank
65PoaceaePoac#Kienast, Frank
66Populus tremulaPop.t#Kienast, FrankBoreal, moist habitats
67Potentilla hyparcticaP. hyparctica#Kienast, FrankCryoxerophilous,disturbance indicator
68Potentilla niveaP. nivea#Kienast, FrankDisturbance indicator, xerophilous
69PotentillaPti#Kienast, Frank
70Ranunculus hyperboreusR. hyperboreus#Kienast, FrankHydrophyte, wetness indicator
71Ranunculus pygmaeusR. pygmaeus#Kienast, FrankHydrophyte, maritime
72Ranunculus reptansR. reptans#Kienast, FrankBoreal, hydrophyte
73Rumex subgen. acetosellaR. subg. acetosella#Kienast, FrankNo indication, euryoecious
74Salix sp.Salix sp.#Kienast, FrankTypical arctic
75Saxifraga adscendensSax.d#Kienast, FrankCryoxerophilous, basophilous
76Saxifraga cespitosaS. cespitosa#Kienast, FrankCryoxerophilous, basophilous
77Saxifraga nelsonianaS. nelsoniana#Kienast, FrankCryophyte
78Saxifraga nivalisSax.n#Kienast, Frank
79Saxifraga tenuisS. tenuis#Kienast, FrankXerophilous, disturbance indicator
80SaxifragaSax#Kienast, FrankCryophytes
81Sedum roseumS. roseum#Kienast, Frank
82Selaginella selaginoidesSel.s#Kienast, FrankMoist but well drained habitats
83SelaginellaSel#Kienast, Frankresedimented
84Silene acaulisSil.a#Kienast, FrankBasophilous, xerophilous, cryopilous
85Spergularia rubraS. rubra#Kienast, FrankIndicator for alternating moisture
86Stellaria mediaSt. media#Kienast, FrankSteppe, disturbance indicator
87StellariaSte#Kienast, FrankXerophilous, disturbance indicator
88Trichophorum cespitosumT. cespitosum#Kienast, FrankHydrophyte, wetness indicator
89Vaccinium uliginosum ssp. microphyllumV. uliginosum ssp. microphyllum#Kienast, FrankSubarctic, boreal
90Vaccinium vitis-idaeaV. vitis-idaea#Kienast, FrankSubarctic, boreal
352 data points

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