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Mix, Alan C; Ruddiman, William F; McIntyre, Andrew (1986): Estimates of annual mean surface temperatures in the late Quaternary of the tropical Atlantic [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Mix, AC et al. (1986): Late Quaternary paleoceanography of the Tropical Atlantic, 1: spatial variability of annual mean sea-surface temperatures, 0-20,000 years B.P. Paleoceanography, 1(1), 43-66,

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Published: 1986 (exact date unknown)DOI registered: 2009-09-18

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At least two modes of glacial-interglacial climate change have existed within the tropical Atlantic Ocean during the last 20,000 years. The first mode (defined by cold glacial and warm interglacial conditions) occurred symmetrically north and south of the equator and dominated the eastern boundary currents and tropical upwelling areas. This pattern suggests that mode 1 is driven by a glacial modification of surface winds in both hemispheres. The second mode of oceanic climate change, defined by temperature extremes centered on the deglaciation, was hemispherically asymmetrical, with the northern tropical Atlantic relatively cold and the southern tropical Atlantic relatively warm during deglaciation. A likely cause for this pattern of variation is a reduction of the presently northward cross-equatorial heat flux during deglaciation. No single mechanism accounts for all the data. Potential contributors to oceanic climate changes are linkage to high-latitude climates, modification of monsoonal winds by ice sheet and/or insolation changes, atmospheric CO2 and greenhouse effects, indirect effects of glacial meltwater, and variations in thermohaline overturn of the oceans.
Median Latitude: 7.460373 * Median Longitude: -30.543900 * South-bound Latitude: -10.070000 * West-bound Longitude: -75.933300 * North-bound Latitude: 34.780000 * East-bound Longitude: 6.050000
Date/Time Start: 1959-05-08T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1983-04-03T00:00:00
A179-15 * Latitude: 24.800000 * Longitude: -75.933300 * Elevation: -3109.0 m * Campaign: A150/180 * Method/Device: Trigger corer (TC)
EN066-10GGC * Latitude: 6.670000 * Longitude: -21.900000 * Date/Time: 1981-05-26T00:00:00 * Elevation: -3527.0 m * Campaign: EN06601 * Basis: Endeavor * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
GIK12392-1 (M12392-1) * Latitude: 25.171667 * Longitude: -16.845000 * Date/Time: 1971-12-03T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2575.0 m * Recovery: 9.5 m * Location: East Atlantic * Campaign: M25 * Basis: Meteor (1964) * Method/Device: Kasten corer (KAL)
34 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 3) Stable oxygen isotope ratios of Globigerinoides ruber from sediment core A179-015.
  2. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core A179-15.
  3. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core EN66-10.
  4. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core GIK12392-1.
  5. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core RC09-49.
  6. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 2) Age model of sediment core RC13-184.
  7. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 3) Stable oxygen isotope ratios of Globigerinoides sacculifer from sediment core RC13-184.
  8. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core RC13-184.
  9. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core RC13-189.
  10. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core RC24-1.
  11. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core RC24-7.
  12. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core RC24-16.
  13. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 2) Age model of sediment core RC24-27.
  14. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core RC24-27.
  15. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V15-168.
  16. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V22-38.
  17. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V22-174.
  18. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V22-177.
  19. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V22-182.
  20. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 2) Age model of sediment core V22-222.
  21. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 3) Stable oxygen isotope ratios of Globigerinoides ruber from sediment core V22-222.
  22. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V22-222.
  23. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V23-110.
  24. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V25-56.
  25. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V25-59.
  26. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V25-60.
  27. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V25-75.
  28. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V29-144.
  29. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V30-36.
  30. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V30-40.
  31. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V30-41K.
  32. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V30-49.
  33. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V30-51K.
  34. Mix, AC; Ruddiman, WF; McIntyre, A (1986): (Table 4) Mean annual sea surface temperature estimates of sediment core V32-8.