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Marsaglia, Kathleen M; Ingersoll, Raymond V (1992): Petrological parameters of sands and sandstones from DSDP and ODP holes in arc-related areas [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): Compositional trends in arc-related, deep-marine sand and sandstone: A reassessment of magmatic-arc provenance. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 104(12), 1637-1649,;2

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Published: 1992 (exact date unknown)DOI registered: 2009-07-16

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Detrital modes for 524 deep-marine sand and sandstone samples recovered on circum-Pacific, Caribbean, and Mediterranean legs of the Deep Sea Drilling Project and the Ocean Drilling Program form the basis for an actualistic model for arc-related provenance. This model refines the Dickinson and Suczek (1979) and Dickinson and others (1983) models and can be used to interpret the provenance/tectonic history of ancient arc-related sedimentary sequences. Four provenance groups are defined using QFL, QmKP, LmLvLs, and LvfLvmiLvl ternary plots of site means: (1) intraoceanic arc and remnant arc, (2) continental arc, (3) triple junction, and (4) strike-slip-continental arc. Intraoceanic- and remnant-arc sands are poor in quartz (mean QFL%Q < 5) and rich in lithics (QFL%L > 75); they are predominantly composed of plagioclase feldspar and volcanic lithic fragments. Continental-arc sand can be more quartzofeldspathic than the intraoceanic- and remnant-arc sand (mean QFL%Q values as much as 10, mean QFL%F values as much as 65, and mean QmKP%Qm as much as 20) and has more variable lithic populations, with minor metamorphic and sedimentary components. The triple-junction and strike-slip-continental groups compositionally overlap; both are more quartzofeldspathic than the other groups and show highly variable lithic proportions, but the strike-slip-continental group is more quartzose. Modal compositions of the triple junction group roughly correlate with the QFL transitional-arc field of Dickinson and others (1983), whereas the strike-slip-continental group approximately correlates with their dissected-arc field.
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Median Latitude: 16.222536 * Median Longitude: -142.882072 * South-bound Latitude: -40.507800 * West-bound Longitude: 22.468300 * North-bound Latitude: 57.882700 * East-bound Longitude: -58.641000
Date/Time Start: 1969-04-15T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1986-08-10T00:00:00
5-32 * Latitude: 37.127200 * Longitude: -127.556300 * Date/Time: 1969-04-15T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4758.0 m * Penetration: 215 m * Recovery: 85.9 m * Location: North Pacific/PLAIN * Campaign: Leg5 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 13 cores; 104 m cored; 9 m drilled; 82.6 % recovery
5-34 * Latitude: 39.470200 * Longitude: -127.275700 * Date/Time: 1969-04-23T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4322.0 m * Penetration: 384 m * Recovery: 102.2 m * Location: North Pacific/PLAIN * Campaign: Leg5 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 17 cores; 126 m cored; 0 m drilled; 81.1 % recovery
13-127 * Latitude: 35.731700 * Longitude: 22.496800 * Date/Time: 1970-09-06T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4654.0 m * Penetration: 437 m * Recovery: 90 m * Location: Mediterranean Sea/TRENCH * Campaign: Leg13 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 19 cores; 144 m cored; 37 m drilled; 63 % recovery
39 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 13-127.
  2. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 13-128.
  3. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 15-148.
  4. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 15-154.
  5. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 19-186.
  6. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 19-191.
  7. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 21-203.
  8. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 30-286.
  9. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 31-296.
  10. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 58-442A.
  11. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 58-444A.
  12. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 58-445.
  13. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 58-446.
  14. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 59-450.
  15. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 59-451.
  16. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 60-453.
  17. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 66-486.
  18. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 66-488.
  19. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 66-489A.
  20. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 66-490.
  21. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 66-491.
  22. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 66-492.
  23. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 66-493.
  24. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 67-494.
  25. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 67-497.
  26. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 67-498A.
  27. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 67-499.
  28. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 67-500.
  29. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 84-565.
  30. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 84-566C.
  31. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 84-567.
  32. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 84-568.
  33. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 84-569.
  34. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 84-570.
  35. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 90-593.
  36. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from ODP Site 110-671B.
  37. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from ODP Site 110-672A.
  38. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table 3) Petrological parameters of sands and sandstones from DSDP and ODP holes.
  39. Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from ODP Site 110-674A.