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Marsaglia, Kathleen M; Ingersoll, Raymond V (1992): (Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from ODP Site 110-671B [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Marsaglia, KM; Ingersoll, RV (1992): Compositional trends in arc-related, deep-marine sand and sandstone: A reassessment of magmatic-arc provenance. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 104(12), 1637-1649,;2

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Latitude: 15.525800 * Longitude: -58.732500
Date/Time Start: 1986-06-28T12:45:00 * Date/Time End: 1986-07-10T23:15:00
Minimum Elevation: -4942.0 m * Maximum Elevation: -4942.0 m
110-671B * Latitude: 15.525800 * Longitude: -58.732500 * Date/Time Start: 1986-06-28T12:45:00 * Date/Time End: 1986-07-10T23:15:00 * Elevation: -4942.0 m * Penetration: 691.2 m * Recovery: 553.13 m * Location: North Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: Leg110 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 74 cores; 691.2 m cored; 0 m drilled; 80 % recovery
Parameters and counted parameters used in the paper:
Qpt = Polycrystalline quartz with tectonite fabric
Qpw = Polycrystalline quartz without tectonite fabric
Qm = Monocrystalline quartz
P = Plagioclase feldspar
K = Potassium feldspar
Lvo = Other volcanic lithic
Lvd = Devitrified vitric volcanic lithic
Lvv = Vitric volcanic lithic
Lvf = Volcanic lithic with felsitic texture
Lvmi = Volcanic lithic with microlitic texture
Lvl = Volcanic lithic with lathwork texture
Lvp = Pyroclastic volcanic lithic
Lmv = Metavolcanic lithic
Lmm = Polycrystalline mica lithic
Lmt = Quartz-mica tectonite lithic
Lma = Quartz-feldspar-mica aggregate lithic
Lmp = Phyllite lithic
Lsa = Argillite-shale lithic
Lsc = Sedimentary carbonate lithic
Lsch = sedimentary chert or cherty argillite lithic
Lsi = Siltstone sedimentary lithic
M = Phyllosilicate minerals
D = Dense minerals
Carb = Carbonate minerals
Bio = Bioclastic debris (siliceous and/or carbonate)
Misc = Miscellaneous and unidentified
Q = Total quartzose grains
L = Unstable lithic grains
Lm = Metamorphic lithic grains
Lv = Volcanic-hypabyssal (and volcaniclastic) lithic grains
Ls = Sedimentary lithic grains
Lvm = Volcanic-hypabyssal and metavolcanic lithic grains
Lsm = Sedimentary and metasedimentary lithic grains
Lst = Sedimentary and polycrystalline quartz grains
F = Total feldspar grains
Qp = Polycrystalline quartz grains
Q = Qm + Qpw + Qpt
Qp = Qpw + Qpt
L = Lm + Lv + Ls
Lv = Lvo + Lvv + Lvf + Lvmi + Lvl + Lvp
Lm = Lmv + Lmm + Lmt + Lma
Lsm = Ls + Lmm + Lmt + Lma
Lvc = Lvf + Lvmi + Lvl
Lv = Lvo + Lvv + Lvf + Lvmi + Lvl + Lvp
F = P + K
Ls = Lsa + Lsc
Lvm = Lv + Lmv
Lst = Ls + Qp
QFL%Q = 100Q/(Q + F + L)
QFL%F = 100F/(Q + F + L)
QFL%L = 100L/(Q + F + L)
QmKP%Qm = 100Qm/(Qm + P + K)
QmKP%P = 100P/(Qm + P + K)
QmKP%K = 100K/(Qm + P + K)
LvfLvmiLvl%Lvf = 100Lvf/Lvc
LvfLvmiLvl%Lvmi = 100Lmi/Lvc
LmLvLs%Lm = 100Lm/L
LmLvLs%Lv = 100Lv/L
LmLvLs%Ls = 100Ls/L
QpLvmLsm%Qp = 100Qp/(L + Qp)
QpLvmLsm%Lvm = 100Lvm/(L + Qp)
QpLvmLsm%Lsm = 100Lsm/(L + Qp)
LvfLvmiLvl%Lvl = 100Lvl/Lvc
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample code/labelSample labelMarsaglia, Kathleen MDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
2Sample, optional label/labor noLab noMarsaglia, Kathleen M
3QuartzQz#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mpolycrystalline with tectonite fabric
4QuartzQz#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mpolycrystalline without tectonite fabric
5QuartzQz#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mmonocrystalline
6PlagioclasePl#Marsaglia, Kathleen M
7FeldsparFsp#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mpotassium
8Grains, counted/analyzedGrains#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mother volcanic lithic
9Grains, counted/analyzedGrains#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mvitric volcanic lithic
10Grains, counted/analyzedGrains#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mvolcanic lithic with felsitic texture
11Grains, counted/analyzedGrains#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mvolcanic lithic with microlitic texture
12Grains, counted/analyzedGrains#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mvolcanic lithic with lathwork texture
13Grains, counted/analyzedGrains#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mpyroclastic volcanic lithic
14Grains, counted/analyzedGrains#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mmetavolcanic lithic
15MicaMica#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mpolycrystalline lithic
16Grains, counted/analyzedGrains#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mquartz-mica tectonite lithic
17Grains, counted/analyzedGrains#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mquartz-feldspar-mica aggregate lithic
18Grains, counted/analyzedGrains#Marsaglia, Kathleen Margillite-shale lithic
19Grains, counted/analyzedGrains#Marsaglia, Kathleen Msedimentary carbonate lithic
20SiltstoneSiltstone#Marsaglia, Kathleen Msedimentary lithic
21ChertChert#Marsaglia, Kathleen Msedimentary or cherty argillite lithic
22MineralsMinerals#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mphyllosilicate
23MineralsMinerals#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mdense
24MineralsMinerals#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mcarbonate
25Grains, counted/analyzedGrains#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mbioclastic debris (siliceous and/or carbonate)
26MiscellaneousMisc#Marsaglia, Kathleen Mand unidentified
27SumSum#Marsaglia, Kathleen M
81 data points

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