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Niller, Hans-Peter (1998): Geochemistry of soil profile 7140-240 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Niller, H-P (1998): Prähistorische Landschaften im Lößgebiet bei Regensburg - Kolluvien, Auenlehme und Böden als Archive der Paläoumwelt. Regensburger Geographische Schriften, Institut für Geographie an der Universität Regensburg, ISBN 3-88246-204-3, 31, 429 pp, hdl:10013/epic.32998.d001

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Latitude: 48.821250 * Longitude: 12.360710
Date/Time Start: 1996-08-29T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1996-08-29T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 1.725 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 3.475 m
7140-240 (KleineLaaber 40a/b) * Latitude: 48.821250 * Longitude: 12.360710 * Date/Time: 1996-08-29T00:00:00 * Elevation: 353.0 m * Penetration: 3.5 m * Recovery: 1.8 m * Location: Lößgebiet bei Regensburg, Eastern Bavaria * Campaign: Loess_Reg * Method/Device: Rammkernsonde (RKS) * Comment: land use: green land
Profil nicht als Gesamtprofil untersucht, bis in 170cm Tiefe schluffig-toniger Auenlehm
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Sample code/labelSample label
Depth, top/minDepth topm
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botm
Soil horizonSoil horiNiller, Hans-Peter
HumusHumus%Niller, Hans-Peter
Carbon, organic, totalTOC%Niller, Hans-PeterElement analyser CHN, LECO
Calcium carbonateCaCO3%Niller, Hans-Peter
Color descriptionColor descNiller, Hans-PeterVisual description
10 SkeletonSkel%Niller, Hans-Peter
11 pHpHNiller, Hans-Peter
289 data points


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Depth sed [m]

Sample label

Depth top [m]

Depth bot [m]

Soil hori

Humus [%]

TOC [%]

CaCO3 [%]

Color desc
Skel [%]
1.725101.701.75Gr2.11.20.75Y 4/1 (grau)0.06.1
1.775111.751.802.31.41.15Y 4/1 (grau)0.06.6
1.825121.801.852.71.60.05Y 4/1 (grau)0.07.0
1.875131.851.902.81.65.25Y 4/1 (grau)0.07.3
1.925141.901.953.01.70.65Y 4/1 (grau)0.0
1.975151.952. 3/1 (oliv schwarz)0.0
2.025162. 3/1 (braeunlich schwarz)0.0
2.075172. 3/1 (braeunlich schwarz)0.0
2.125182. 3/1 (braeunlich schwarz)0.0
2.175192. 5/1 (braeunlich grau)0.0
2.225202.202.2515.28.970.910YR 5/1 (braeunlich grau)0.0
2.275212.252.30Cv+fAa25.714.932.22,5Y 2/1 (schwarz)0.0
2.325222.302.35fnHw50.229.210.410YR 2/1 (schwarz)0.0
2.375232.352.4053.831.32.85Y 2/1 (schwarz)0.0
2.425242.402.4553.331.00.07,5YR 2/1 (schwarz)0.0
2.475252.452.50fAa26.515.40.07,5YR 2/1 (schwarz)0.0
2.550262.502.6026.415.40.07,5YR 2/1 (schwarz)0.0
2.625272.602.6523.413.60.010YR 3/1 (braeunlich schwarz)0.0
2.675282.652.7034.019.80.07,5YR 2/1 (schwarz)0.0
2.725292.702.7526.615.50.07,5YR 2/1 (schwarz)0.0
2.775302.752.8024.414.20.07,5YR 2/1 (schwarz)0.0
2.825312.802.8523.313.60.010YR 3/1 (braeunlich schwarz)0.0
2.875322.852.90fAh+Gr11.86.80.010YR 3/1 (braeunlich schwarz)0.0
2.925332.902.9510.66.20.010YR 4/1 (braeunlich schwarz)0.0
2.975342.953.0011.96.90.05Y 4/1 (grau)0.0
3.025353. 5/1 (braeunlich grau)0.0
3.075363. 5/1 (braeunlich grau)0.0
3.125373. 5/1 (braeunlich grau)0.0
3.175383. 5/1 (braeunlich grau)0.07.3
3.225393. 5/1 (grau)2.57.4
3.275403.253.304.52.613.810YR 5/1 (grau)4.27.3
3.325413.303.354.52.611.810YR 5/1 (grau)1.47.4
3.375423.353.403.62.110YR 5/1 (grau)6.77.4
3.425433.403.45Cn10YR 5/1 (grau)28.97.5
3.475443.453.5010YR 5/1 (grau)54.67.4