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Salisbury, Matthew H; Christensen, Nikolas I (1973): Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Legs 2 through 7, 9, and 14 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): Progressive weathering of submarine basalt with age: further evidence of sea-floor spreading. Geology, 1(2), 63 - 64,;2

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Published: 1973 (exact date unknown)DOI registered: 2009-02-19

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Densities of layer 2 basalt recovered during the Deep Sea Drilling Project have been found to decrease steadily with age, a finding ascribed to progressive submarine weathering in the context of sea-floor spreading. The least-squares solution for 52 density measurements gives a rate of decrease in density of (Delta p)/(Delta t) = -0.0046 g per ccm m.y. = -16 percent per 100 m.y., which is in excellent agreement with earlier estimates based on observed chemical depletion rates of dredged oceanic basalt. Weathering of sea-floor basalt, should it penetrate to any considerable depth in layer 2, will decrease layer 2 seismic refraction velocities, act as a source of geothermal heat, and substantially influence the chemistry of sea water and the overlying column of sediment.
Median Latitude: 6.797873 * Median Longitude: -94.189150 * South-bound Latitude: -30.889700 * West-bound Longitude: 140.301700 * North-bound Latitude: 40.984700 * East-bound Longitude: -8.011700
Date/Time Start: 1968-11-02T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1970-11-05T00:00:00
2-10 * Latitude: 32.862200 * Longitude: -52.215300 * Date/Time: 1968-11-02T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4712.0 m * Penetration: 459 m * Recovery: 76.3 m * Location: North Atlantic/CONT RISE * Campaign: Leg2 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 18 cores; 153.9 m cored; 18.2 m drilled; 49.6 % recovery
3-14 * Latitude: -28.331500 * Longitude: -20.941000 * Date/Time: 1968-12-20T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4343.0 m * Penetration: 108 m * Recovery: 76.1 m * Location: South Atlantic/HILL * Campaign: Leg3 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 10 cores; 83 m cored; 0 m drilled; 91.7 % recovery
3-15 * Latitude: -30.889700 * Longitude: -17.983200 * Date/Time: 1968-12-24T00:00:00 * Elevation: -3927.0 m * Penetration: 143 m * Recovery: 71.2 m * Location: South Atlantic/HILL * Campaign: Leg3 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 9 cores; 73.7 m cored; 0 m drilled; 96.6 % recovery
22 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 2-10.
  2. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 3-14.
  3. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 3-15.
  4. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 3-18.
  5. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 3-19.
  6. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 4-23.
  7. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 5-32.
  8. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 5-36.
  9. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 6-54.
  10. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 6-57.
  11. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 7-61.
  12. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 7-63.
  13. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 7-66.
  14. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 9-77B.
  15. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 9-79.
  16. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 9-82.
  17. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 9-83.
  18. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 9-84.
  19. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 14-136.
  20. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 14-137.
  21. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 14-138.
  22. Salisbury, MH; Christensen, NI (1973): (Table 1) Basalt density, basement age, and intrusive/extrusive relations from DSDP Site 14-141.