This is the metadata for: MUMBA_PM2.5_2013-01-24_2013-02-15 (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.871997) Measurement: PM2.5 particle mass concentration (Particulate matter, < 2.5 µm) Instrument: Met One eSampler Owner: CSIRO Campaign: MUMBA Location: Main measurement site - Nissan Hut Kids Campus / Campus East, Wollongong (-34.3972, 150.8996) Dates of operation: 24-Jan-2013 to 15-Feb-2013 Original measurement time resolution: 5 minutes Averaging time: 1 hour Units: ug/m3 Inlet/Installation detail: The instrument was positioned at a height of 1.8 m and operated at a flow of 2L/minute Data/sample collection detail: This is a laser scattering technique (forward light scatter), calibrated using ~weekly integrated gravimetric filter samples Calibration: How was the calibration applied? eSampler calculates mass as µg m-3 from light scattering and a factory setting calibration factor. By collecting particles on a filter over a set period of time we determine a site specific calibration factor and scale the eSampler real time light scattering mass proxy measurement with this site-specific value. Precision (manufacturer specifications): 3 ug/m3 or 2% of reading Accuracy (manufacturer specifications): 8 % of NIOSH 0600 Issues: The instrument was inoperational due to its internal electronics getting wet during heavy rain on 29-Jan-2013 Corrections: no blank corrections applied Detection Limit: calculated by determining standard deviation of the baseline (~0.2 ug/m3) Missing data reported as empty fields Data below detection limit reported as values File headers: date yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSz PM2.5 (ug/m3) mean hourly PM2.5 particle mass concentration in micrograms per cubic meter Contact(s): Ruhi Humphries Melita Keywood