Interdisciplinary observations of the under-ice environment using a remotely operated vehicle

philipp.anhaus [ at ]


Improving our understanding of the climate and ecosystem of the sea-ice covered Arctic Ocean was a key objective during MOSAiC. We aimed for a better understanding of the linkages of physical and biological processes at the interface between sea ice and ocean. To enhance the quantification of these linkages, year-round observations of physical, biological, and chemical parameters are needed. We operated a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) equipped with an interdisciplinary sensor platform to simultaneously measure these parameters underneath the drifting sea ice. These observations were made synchronous in time and place enabling a description of their spatial and temporal variability. Overall, we completed more than 80 surveys covering all seasons and various sea ice and surface conditions. We focused on optical parameters, sea-ice bottom topography, and upper ocean physical and biological oceanography. In addition, visual documentation of the under-ice environment was performed, nets for zooplankton were towed, and the ROV was used for instrument deployment and maintenance. Here, we present all ROV sensor data, allowing for a comprehensive picture of the under-ice environment. We are inviting discussions on further collaboration in data analyses and usage, in particular co-location and merging with other datasets from MOSAiC and other (also future) projects.

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Conference (Poster)
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Anhaus, P. , Katlein, C. , Matero, I. , Arndt, S. , Krampe, D. , Lange, B. A. , Regnery, J. , Rohde, J. , Schiller, M. and Nicolaus, M. (2023): Interdisciplinary observations of the under-ice environment using a remotely operated vehicle

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