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Schmiing, Mara; Laudien, Jürgen; Sahade, Ricardo José (2006): Early succession in benthic hard bottom communities in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard - biomass [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Schmiing, Mara (2005): Sukzession in benthischen Makrofauna-Gemeinschaften der Arktis - ein Jahresvergleich. Diploma Thesis, University of Bremen, Germany
Latitude: 78.972833 * Longitude: 11.489167
Date/Time Start: 2002-07-02T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2004-08-04T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 20 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 20 m
Kongsfjorden_2003 * Latitude: 78.972833 * Longitude: 11.489167 * Date/Time Start: 2003-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2003-12-31T00:00:00 * Elevation: -99.0 m * Location: Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen, Arctic * Campaign: KOP51_2003 * Method/Device: Sampling by diver (DIVER)
Kongsfjorden_2004 * Latitude: 78.972833 * Longitude: 11.489167 * Date/Time Start: 2004-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2004-12-31T00:00:00 * Elevation: -99.0 m * Location: Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen, Arctic * Campaign: KOP51_2004 * Method/Device: Sampling by diver (DIVER)
Kongsfjorden_2005 * Latitude: 78.972833 * Longitude: 11.489167 * Date/Time Start: 2005-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-12-31T00:00:00 * Elevation: -99.0 m * Location: Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen, Arctic * Campaign: KOP51_2005 * Method/Device: Sampling by diver (DIVER)
To study early succession round Polyethylen-succession-panels (40 x 1.5 cm) were directly installed on a vertical rock face. Panel surface area: panel front = 907 cm**2, back = 753 cm**2, edge = 851cm**2.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
4Date/time endDate/time endLaudien, Jürgen
5Duration, number of daysDurationdaysLaudien, Jürgen
6Sample code/labelSample labelLaudien, Jürgen
7Ectocarpus sp.Ectocarpus sp.g/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
8Desmarestia aculeataD. aculeatag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
9Desmarestia viridisD. viridisg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
10Desmarestia sp.Desmarestia sp.g/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
11Dictyosiphon foeniculaceusD. foeniculaceusg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
12CorallinaceaeCorallinaceaeg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimensSpecies unknown
13Hildenbrandia rubraH. rubrag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
14Phaeostroma pustulosumP. pustulosumg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
15Phycodrys rubensP. rubensg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
16Acrosiphonia sp.Acrosiphonia sp.g/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
17Foraminifera, benthicForam benthg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimensSpecies unknown
18PoriferaPoriferag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimensSpecies unknown
19Lafoea sp.Lafoea sp.g/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
20Obelia dichotomaO. dichotomag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
21Hydractinia sp.Hydractinia sp.g/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
22Autolytus sp.Autolytus sp.g/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
23Circeis spirillumC. spirillumg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
24Harmothoe imbricataH. imbricatag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
25Janua pagenstecheriJ. pagenstecherig/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
26Jugaria granulataJ. granulatag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
27Paradexiospira vitreaP. vitreag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
28Paradexiospira cancellataP. cancellatag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
29Polynoide, juvenilePolynoide juvg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimensSpecies unknown
30Spionida, planktic, juvenileSpionida plankt juvg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimensSpecies unknown
31Spionida, benthic, juvenileSpionida bent juvg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimensSpecies unknown
32Sphaerosyllis erinaceusS. erinaceusg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
33Spirorbis spirorbisS. spirorbisg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
34Spirorbis spp.Spirorbis spp.g/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
35Spirorbis tridentatusS. tridentatusg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
36TerebellidaeTerebellidaeg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimensSpecies unknown
37OstracodaOstracg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimensSpecies unknown, var 1
38OstracodaOstracg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimensSpecies unknown, var 2
39OstracodaOstracg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimensSpecies unknown, var 3
40OstracodaOstracg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimensSpecies unknown, var 4
41Copepoda, biomassCopepodag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimensSpecies unknown
42Balanus crenatusB. crenatusg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
43TanaidomorphaTanaidomorphag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimensSpecies unknown
44Munna boeckiiM. boeckiig/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
45Dajus sp., larvaeDajus sp. larvg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
46Amphithoe rubricataA. rubricatag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
47Caprella septentrionalisC. septentrionalisg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
48Ischyroceros anguipesI. anguipesg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
49Metopa sp.Metopa sp.g/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
50Parapleustes sp.Parapleustes sp.g/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
51Parapleustes monocuspisP. monocuspisg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
52Eualus gaimardiiE. gaimardiig/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
53Tonicella marmoreaT. marmoreag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
54Lepeta caecaL. caecag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
55Margarites groenlandicusM. groenlandicusg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
56Margarites helicenusM. helicenusg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
57Chlamys islandicaC. islandicag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
58Crenella decusataC. decusatag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
59Hiatella arcticaH. arcticag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
60BivalviaBivalviag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimensSpecies unknown, var 1
61Bivalvia, juvenileBivalvia juvg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimensSpecies unknown, var 2
62Berenicea arcticaB. arcticag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
63Crisia sp.Crisia sp.g/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
64Disporella verrucariaD. verrucariag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
65Oncousoecia canadensisO. canadensisg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
66Tubulipora sp.Tubulipora sp.g/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
67CheilostomatidaCheilostomatidag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimensSpecies unknown
68Callopora craticulaC. craticulag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
69Callopora lineataC. lineatag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
70Celleporella hyalinaC. hyalinag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
71Dendrobeania fruticosaD. fruticosag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
72Diplosolen obelia var. arcticaD. obelia var. arcticag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
73Electra crustulenta var. catenularia-similisE. crustulenta var. catenularia-similisg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
74Electra pilosaE. pilosag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
75Hippoponella fascigatoavicularisH. fascigatoavicularisg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
76Schizoporella incertaS. incertag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
77Schizoporella poriferaS. poriferag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
78Schizoporella sp.Schizoporella sp.g/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
79Scrupocellaria arcticaS. arcticag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
80Scrupocellaria scabra var. paenulataS. scabra var. paenulatag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
81Tegella arcticaT. arcticag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
82Tegella arctica var. retroversaT. arctica var. retroversag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
83Tegella armiferaT. armiferag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
84Tegella unicornisT. unicornisg/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
85Tricellaria ternataT. ternatag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
86Doryporella spathuliferaD. spathuliferag/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
87Styela sp.Styela sp.g/m2Laudien, JürgenWeighing of dry specimens
6468 data points

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