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Description of lithologic section units from the above given hole of International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 386 (Japan Trench Paleoseismology). The content of this dataset is based on the visual core descriptions (VCD) done by sedimentologists during the onshore phase of expedition 386 (2022-02-14 – 2022-03-15 onboard D/V Chikyu). For digitalization of the information, content of the hand-drawn VCD sheets was transferred into the Drilling Information System database. The present dataset forms the basis for the digital lithologic columns and composite plots archived under the titles "Visual core description of IODP Hole 386-M0087A".
For further methodological information see methods chapter in Strasser, M. et al., 2023
International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP); Japan Trench; Lithology
Related to:
Strasser, Michael; Ikehara, Ken; Everest, Jeremy D; IODP Expedition 386 Scientists (2023): Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, International Ocean Discovery Program, 386,
Latitude: 39.440650 * Longitude: 144.216183
Date/Time Start: 2021-05-03T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-05-03T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.100 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 1.325 m
386-M0087A (JTPN-02A)  * Latitude: 39.440650 * Longitude: 144.216183 * Date/Time Start: 2021-05-03T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-05-03T00:00:00 * Elevation: -7520.0 m * Location: Japan Trench * Campaign: Exp386 * Basis: Kaimei * Method/Device: Trigger corer (TC) * Comment: IGSN: IBCR0386EH74001. Comment: 1.5 m
Data was submitted and proofread by Vera Barbara Bender, MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (University Bremen) and Mary R. Mowat, British Geological Survey, on behalf of ECORD Science Operator Data Management (
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEvent
Sample code/labelSample labelDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
Lithologic unit/sequenceUnitVisual description
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode – Section unit interval TOP core depth [m]
Lithologic unit/sequenceUnitVisual descriptionSection unit class
Bedding/bandingBedding/bandingVisual description
Main LithologyMain lithVisual description
StructureStructureVisual descriptionSediment structure
Color code HLS-systemColor HLSVisual description
10 Sediment contact to top unitSediment contact topVisual description
11 Sediment contact to bottom unitSediment contact botVisual description
12 BioerosionBioerosionVisual descriptionBioerosion intensity
13 Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyVisual descriptionMain description
14 Grain size descriptionGrain size descrVisual description
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
137 data points


Download dataset as tab-delimited text — use the following character encoding:


Sample label
(DSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation)

(Visual description)

Depth sed [m]
(Section unit interval TOP cor...)

(Section unit class, Visual de...)

(Visual description)

Main lith
(Visual description)

(Sediment structure, Visual de...)

Color HLS
(Visual description)
Sediment contact top
(Visual description)
Sediment contact bot
(Visual description)
(Bioerosion intensity, Visual ...)
(Main description, Visual desc...)
Grain size descr
(Visual description)
386-M0087A 386-M0087A-1P-1,10.0-10.520.100SEDStructurelesssilty clay2.5Y 4/3 (olive brown)oxydized surface 10-10.5 cmsilty clay
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-1,10.5-14.030.105SEDsilty clay7.5Y 5/2 (grayish olive)silty clay
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-1,14.0-14.540.140SEDsilty clay7.5Y 3/2 (olive black)concave up surface at 14.5 cmsilty clay
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-1,14.5-15.050.145SEDclay7.5Y 4/3 (dark olive)clay
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-1,15.0-19.060.150SEDsilty clay7.5Y 4/2 (grayish olive)planar surface at 18 cmsilty clay
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-1,19.0-37.570.190SEDStructurelessclay7.5Y 5/2 (grayish olive)Smear Slide 30 cmclay
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-2,0.0-9.010.375SEDclaysoft sed. deformation7.5Y 5/2 (grayish olive)irregularhalf has laminae, other half soft sediment deformationclay
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-2,9.0-16.020.465SEDParallel laminatedsiltsoft sed. deformation7.5Y 5/2 (grayish olive)irregularsilt
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-2,16.0-18.030.535SEDParallel laminatedvf sandsoft sed. deformation7.5Y 5/2 (grayish olive)sharpvery fine sand
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-2,18.0-22.040.555SEDParallel laminatedvf sandsoft sed. deformation7.5Y 5/2 (grayish olive)erosionalvf sand with coarse sandvery fine sand
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-2,22.0-26.050.595SEDclay7.5Y 5/2 (grayish olive)sharpclay
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-2,26.0-27.060.635SEDsilty clay7.5Y 3/2 (olive black)silty clay
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-2,27.0-42.070.645SEDsilty clay7.5Y 4/2 (grayish olive)irregularsilty clay
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-2,42.0-44.080.795SEDsilt7.5Y 3/2 (olive black)irregularsharpsilt
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-2,44.0-56.090.815SEDsilty clay7.5Y 4/2 (grayish olive)sharpsilty clay
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-2,56.0-60.0100.935SEDclaycolor bands7.5Y 5/2 (grayish olive)2.0clay
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-2,60.0-95.0110.975SEDclay7.5Y 5/2 (grayish olive)sharpclay
386-M0087A386-M0087A-1P-2,95.0-100.0121.325SEDParallel laminatedlaminated sand/silt7.5Y 5/2 (grayish olive)laminated interval is of silt but contains medium sandsandy silt