Schnabel, Ellen; Vuillemin, Aurèle; Laczny, Cédric C; Kunath, Benoit J; Soares, André R; Di Primo, Rolando; Kallmeyer, Jens; PROSPECTOMICS, Consortium (2025): Pore water solutes, total cell counts, dissolved gases and sulfate reduction rates of the 50 gravity cores of the PROSPECTOMICS project [dataset]. PANGAEA, (DOI registration in progress)
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Published: 2025-01-20
During an expedition to the southern Barents Sea in 2021, 50 gravity cores were collected at about 350 m water depth at three sampling areas with known underlying hydrocarbon reservoirs (i.e. Zone 1, Zone 10, Zone 12) and two reference areas (i.e. Ref 5, Ref 6). The cores were subsampled on board and further analyzed for: pore water geochemistry (IC, ICP-MS, titration and spectrophotometry); dissolved gas concentrations (GC) and total cell counts (fluorescence optical microscopy).
Related to:
Schnabel, Ellen; Vuillemin, Aurèle; Laczny, Cédric C; Kunath, Benoit J; Soares, André R; di Primio, Rolando; Kallmeyer, Jens; PROSPECTOMICS, Consortium (preprint): Influence of minor hydrocarbon seepage on sulfur cycling in marine subsurface sediments and its significance for hydrocarbon reservoir detection.
Horizon 2020 (H2020), grant/award no. 899667: Using Omics Techniques for Hydrocarbon Prospecting (PROSPECTOMICS)
Median Latitude: 71.966404 * Median Longitude: 21.600443 * South-bound Latitude: 71.956215 * West-bound Longitude: 21.470713 * North-bound Latitude: 71.996099 * East-bound Longitude: 21.651513
Date/Time Start: 2021-10-30T16:46:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-11-05T12:44:00
Minimum Elevation: -356.0 m * Maximum Elevation: -346.0 m
SV21_Ref5C01 * Latitude: 71.979330 * Longitude: 21.470713 * Date/Time: 2021-11-03T15:45:00 * Elevation: -348.0 m * Campaign: SV21 (PROSPECTOMICS) * Basis: H.U. Sverdrup II * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
SV21_Ref5C02 * Latitude: 71.979805 * Longitude: 21.471961 * Date/Time: 2021-11-03T16:26:00 * Elevation: -348.0 m * Campaign: SV21 (PROSPECTOMICS) * Basis: H.U. Sverdrup II * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
SV21_Ref5C03 * Latitude: 71.980356 * Longitude: 21.472602 * Date/Time: 2021-11-04T08:09:00 * Elevation: -348.0 m * Campaign: SV21 (PROSPECTOMICS) * Basis: H.U. Sverdrup II * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
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Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
9877 data points
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