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Sabaghy, Sabah; Abuzar, Mohammad; Crawford, Douglas L; McAllister, Andy; Sheffield, Kathryn (2024): Victoria Land Cover Map: Random Forest Classification Using Sentinel-2 Imagery from April 2021 - March 2022 [dataset]. PANGAEA, (DOI registration in progress)

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The land cover mapping of Victoria, Australia, for 2021/22 was conducted using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and the random forest machine learning algorithm. This map represents the entire Victoria at a spatial resolution of 20 meters, considerably improving earlier versions that previously were developed using coarser-resolution MODIS imagery. The map follows the FAO Land Cover Classification System to maintain consistency and accuracy in defining land cover types. Sentinel-2 data from April 2020 to March 2021 have been collected to capture seasonal variation relevant to a wide range of applications, from agricultural management to environmental monitoring, including climate change modelling. The data collection was done based on the usage of Sentinel-2 Level-1C orthorectified reflectance data that were further processed with the intention of deriving temporal aggregates of both spectral bands and vegetation indices. These pre-processed data then formed the basis of training a random forest classifier, calibrated with a blend of field data and desktop-derived samples from trustworthy sources. The land cover map has been rigorously validated, achieving an overall accuracy of 86%. This dataset could serve as a base tool in policy formulation, research, and land management applications to enable informed decisions on agricultural policy-making, climate resilience initiatives, and sustainable land use practices.
Land cover mapping; machine learning; remote sensing
Supplement to:
Sabaghy, Sabah; Abuzar, Mohammad; Crawford, Douglas L; McAllister, Andy; Sheffield, Kathryn (submitted): Remote sensing for land cover mapping across Victoria, Australia – a machine learning application. Scientific Data
Median Latitude: -36.560000 * Median Longitude: 145.390000 * South-bound Latitude: -39.270000 * West-bound Longitude: 140.630000 * North-bound Latitude: -33.850000 * East-bound Longitude: 150.150000
Victoria_Land_Cover * Latitude Start: -33.850000 * Longitude Start: 140.630000 * Latitude End: -39.270000 * Longitude End: 150.150000 * Method/Device: Sentinel -2 MSI (MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-1C) * Comment: Random Forest Classification from April 2021 - March 2022
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Binary ObjectBinarySabaghy, SabahMultiSpectral Instrument (MSI), Sentinel, 2A
Binary Object (File Size)Binary (Size)BytesSabaghy, SabahMultiSpectral Instrument (MSI), Sentinel, 2A
Binary Object (Media Type)Binary (Type)Sabaghy, SabahMultiSpectral Instrument (MSI), Sentinel, 2A
Binary Object (MD5 Hash)Binary (Hash)Sabaghy, SabahMultiSpectral Instrument (MSI), Sentinel, 2A
File contentContentSabaghy, Sabah
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
4 data points


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2021_22_VLUIS_LandCover_Victoria.zip72.2 MBytesapplication/zip6b9cc9c000dbeeeca70cf7e4745405d8This GeoTIFF (88.448 KB) contains land cover information for the state of Victoria, Australia, as derived from Sentinel-2 imagery and processed using a Random Forest classifier. The dataset is provided in .tif format and is compatible with most GIS software for spatial analysis and visualization.
VLUIS_LandCover_202122_metadata.pdf244.9 kBytesapplication/pdfc09c5d393e71d5988d88be456fb0f49dThe PDF provides detailed information on the structure, classification scheme, and validation methods used during the land cover mapping process.