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Rabiger-Völlmer, Johannes; Schneider, Birgit; Fischer, Markus Lothar; Zielhofer, Christoph (2024): Ahr river overbank sediments: XRF elemental composition data set (Mayschoß-Transect, core Ahr2022-1_1, Ahr2022-1_2, Ahr2022-2_1, Ahr2022-2_2) [dataset]. PANGAEA, (DOI registration in progress)

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The elemental composition of samples from four sediment cores from the Mayschoß floodplain (Ahr river) was determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). In the first step of preparation, large organic matter and pebbles were removed from freeze-dried samples (8 g) by sieving (2 mm). Subsequently, the samples were powdered and homogenised with vibratory Retsch mill MM 200. The uniform pills for the analysis were pressed with a carbon-based binding agent by Vaneox press at 20 t for 2 min. The elemental analysis of 50 elements was conducted in a He atmosphere using a Spectro Xepos energy dispersive XRF spectrometer. The surface elevation was extracted from Brell et al. (2023).
Ahr river; high magnitude flood event; Overbank sediments; X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
Related to:
Rabiger-Völlmer, Johannes; Schneider, Birgit; Westermann, Henriette; Fischer, Markus Lothar; Zielhofer, Christoph (2024): Ahr river overbank sediments: grain sizes, carbonates and soil organic parameters (Mayschoß-Transect, core Ahr2022-1_1, Ahr2022-1_2, Ahr2022-2_1, Ahr2022-2_2) [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Zielhofer, Christoph; et al. (in prep.): Fluvial deposits of the Ahr River reveal recurring high-magnitude flood events during the last 1400 years.
Brell, Maximilian; Roessner, Sigrid; Dietze, Michael; Bell, Rainer; Magnussen, Sylvia; Schreck, Dana; Jany, Sven; Ozturk, Ugur; Merz, Bruno; Thieken, Annegret (2023): Eifel Flood 2021 - Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) and Orthophoto Data [dataset]. GFZ Data Services,
Median Latitude: 50.515776 * Median Longitude: 7.016372 * South-bound Latitude: 50.515609 * West-bound Longitude: 7.016083 * North-bound Latitude: 50.515867 * East-bound Longitude: 7.016889
Date/Time Start: 2022-06-22T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2022-06-23T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.050 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 5.350 m
Ahr2022_1-1 * Latitude: 50.515706 * Longitude: 7.016589 * Date/Time: 2022-06-22T00:00:00 * Elevation: 139.7 m * Method/Device: Sediment corer (SEDCO)
Ahr2022_1-2 * Latitude: 50.515789 * Longitude: 7.016334 * Date/Time: 2022-06-22T00:00:00 * Elevation: 139.5 m * Method/Device: Sediment corer (SEDCO)
Ahr2022_2-1 * Latitude: 50.515867 * Longitude: 7.016083 * Date/Time: 2022-06-23T00:00:00 * Elevation: 138.9 m * Method/Device: Sediment corer (SEDCO)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventZielhofer, Christoph
2Sample code/labelSample labelZielhofer, Christoph
3Depth, top/minDepth topmZielhofer, Christoph
4Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmZielhofer, Christoph
5DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmZielhofer, ChristophGeocode
6LATITUDELatitudeZielhofer, ChristophGeocode – WGS84
7LONGITUDELongitudeZielhofer, ChristophGeocode – WGS84
8DATE/TIMEDate/TimeZielhofer, ChristophGeocode
9SodiumNamg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
10Sodium, errorNa e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
11Sodium, reproducibilityNa reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
12Sodium, securityNa secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
13MagnesiumMgmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
14Magnesium, errorMg e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
15Magnesium, reproducibilityMg reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
16Magnesium, securityMg secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
17AluminiumAlmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
18Aluminium, errorAl e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
19Aluminium, reproducibilityAl reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
20Aluminium, securityAl secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
21SiliconSimg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
22Silicon, errorSi e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
23Silicon, reproducibilitySi reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
24Silicon, securitySi secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
25PhosphorusPmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
26Phosphorus, errorP e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
27Phosphorus, reproducibilityP reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
28Phosphorus, securityP secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
29SulfurSmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
30Sulfur, errorS e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
31Sulfur, reproducibilityS reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
32Sulfur, securityS secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
33ChlorineClmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
34Chlorine, errorCl e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
35Chlorine, reproducibilityCl reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
36Chlorine, securityCl secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
37PotassiumKmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
38Potassium, errorK e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
39Potassium, reproducibilityK reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
40Potassium, securityK secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
41CalciumCamg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
42Calcium, errorCa e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
43Calcium, reproducibilityCa reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
44Calcium, securityCa secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
45TitaniumTimg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
46Titanium, errorTi e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
47Titanium, reproducibilityTi reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
48Titanium, securityTi secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
49VanadiumVmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
50Vanadium, errorV e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
51Vanadium, reproducibilityV reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
52Vanadium, securityV secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
53ChromiumCrmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
54Chromium, errorCr e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
55Chromium, reproducibilityCr reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
56Chromium, securityCr secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
57ManganeseMnmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
58Manganese, errorMn e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
59Manganese, reproducibilityMn reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
60Manganese, securityMn secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
61IronFemg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
62Iron, errorFe e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
63Iron, reproducibilityFe reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
64Iron, securityFe secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
65CobaltComg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
66Cobalt, errorCo e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
67Cobalt, reproducibilityCo reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
68Cobalt, securityCo secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
69NickelNimg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
70Nickel, errorNi e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
71Nickel, reproducibilityNi reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
72Nickel, securityNi secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
73CopperCumg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
74Copper, errorCu e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
75Copper, reproducibilityCu reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
76Copper, securityCu secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
77ZincZnmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
78Zinc, errorZn e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
79Zinc, reproducibilityZn reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
80Zinc, securityZn secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
81GalliumGamg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
82Gallium, errorGa e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
83Gallium, reproducibilityGa reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
84Gallium, securityGa secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
85GermaniumGemg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
86Germanium, errorGe e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
87Germanium, reproducibilityGe reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
88Germanium, securityGe secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
89ArsenicAsmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
90Arsenic, errorAs e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
91Arsenic, reproducibilityAs reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
92Arsenic, securityAs secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
93SeleniumSemg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
94Selenium, errorSe e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
95Selenium, reproducibilitySe reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
96Selenium, securitySe secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
97BromineBrmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
98Bromine, errorBr e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
99Bromine, reproducibilityBr reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
100Bromine, securityBr secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
101RubidiumRbmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
102Rubidium, errorRb e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
103Rubidium, reproducibilityRb reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
104Rubidium, securityRb secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
105StrontiumSrmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
106Strontium, errorSr e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
107Strontium, reproducibilitySr reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
108Strontium, securitySr secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
109YttriumYmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
110Yttrium, errorY e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
111Yttrium, reproducibilityY reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
112Yttrium, securityY secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
113ZirconiumZrmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
114Zirconium, errorZr e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
115Zirconium, reproducibilityZr reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
116Zirconium, securityZr secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
117NiobiumNbmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
118Niobium, errorNb e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
119Niobium, reproducibilityNb reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
120Niobium, securityNb secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
121MolybdenumMomg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
122Molybdenum, errorMo±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
123Molybdenum, reproducibilityMo reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
124Molybdenum, securityMo secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
125SilverAgmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
126Silver, errorAg e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
127Silver, reproducibilityAg reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
128Silver, securityAg secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
129CadmiumCdmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
130Cadmium, errorCd e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
131Cadmium, reproducibilityCd reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
132Cadmium, securityCd secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
133TinSnmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
134Tin, errorSn e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
135Tin, reproducibilitySn reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
136Tin, securitySn secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
137AntimonySbmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
138Antimony, errorSb e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
139Antimony, reproducibilitySb reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
140Antimony, securitySb secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
141TelluriumTemg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
142Tellurium, errorTe e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
143Tellurium, reproducibilityTe reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
144Tellurium, securityTe secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
145IodineImg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
146Iodine, errorI e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
147Iodine, reproducibilityI reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
148Iodine, securityI secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
149CaesiumCsmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
150Caesium, errorCs e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
151Caesium, reproducibilityCs reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
152Caesium, securityCs secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
153BariumBamg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
154Barium, errorBa e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
155Barium, reproducibilityBa reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
156Barium, securityBa secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
157LanthanumLamg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
158Lanthanum, errorLa e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
159Lanthanum, reproducibilityLa reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
160Lanthanum, securityLa secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
161CeriumCemg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
162Cerium, errorCe e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
163Cerium, reproducibilityCe reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
164Cerium, securityCe secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
165PraseodymiumPrmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
166Praseodymium, errorPr e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
167Praseodymium, reproducibilityPr reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
168Praseodymium, securityPr secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
169NeodymiumNdmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
170Neodymium, errorNd e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
171Neodymium, reproducibilityNd reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
172Neodymium, securityNd secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
173HafniumHfmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
174Hafnium, errorHf e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
175Hafnium, reproducibilityHf reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
176Hafnium, securityHf secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
177TantalumTamg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
178Tantalum, errorTa e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
179Tantalum, reproducibilityTa reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
180Tantalum, securityTa secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
181TungstenWmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
182Tungsten, errorW e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
183Tungsten, reproducibilityW reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
184Tungsten, securityW secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
185MercuryHgmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
186Mercury, errorHg e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
187Mercury, reproducibilityHg reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
188Mercury, securityHg secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
189ThalliumTlmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
190Thallium, errorTl e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
191Thallium, reproducibilityTl reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
192Thallium, securityTl secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
193LeadPbmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
194Lead, errorPb e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
195Lead, reproducibilityPb reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
196Lead, securityPb secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
197BismuthBimg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
198Bismuth, errorBi e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
199Bismuth, reproducibilityBi reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
200Bismuth, securityBi secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
201ThoriumThmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
202Thorium, errorTh e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
203Thorium, reproducibilityTh reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
204Thorium, securityTh secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
205UraniumUmg/kgZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
206Uranium, errorU e±Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
207Uranium, reproducibilityU reproZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersivevery good: very good reproducibility, highly reliable data; moderate: moderate reproducibility (values can definitely be used in terms of proportions within this data set); poor: data should be treated with caution, since the values were measured close to the detection limit!
208Uranium, securityU secuZielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive1: individual values are not secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with < 1000 pulses; 2: individual values are secured, since concentrations are based on measurements with >1000 pulses; 0: no data
209TotalTotal%Zielhofer, ChristophX-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectro XEPOS energy disersive
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
22668 data points

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