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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Thomisch, Karolin; Spiesecke, Stefanie; Lefering, Katharina; Mattmüller, Ramona; Menze, Sebastian; Preis, Loretta; Van Opzeeland, Ilse; Zwicker, Sarah; Boebel, Olaf (2024): Passive acoustic monitoring data recorded by recorder SV1033 at mooring AWI207-9 in the Weddell Sea, Southern Ocean, in 2013 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) data were collected by recorder SV1033 of type Sono.Vault (manufactured by develogic GmbH, Hamburg, Germany) at 63.7015° S, 50.8268° W, mooring AWI207-9, in the Weddell Sea, Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. During a deployment period from January 2013 to January 2017, passive acoustic data were collected from January 2013 to August 2013 (recording period) by SV1033 as part of the Hybrid Antarctic Float Observing System (HAFOS) in the Weddell Sea. The recorder was moored at 1012 m depth and scheduled to record continuously at a sample rate of 9,600 Hz. Further details about the data acquisition and processing of this data set can be found in the accompanying metadata file (see Additional metadata) as well as the data processing report (see Data Processing Report). Passive acoustic data archived here represent data processing Level 1+, according to the standards defined in the associated Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) Glossary (Thomisch et al. 2023a). Further information on data processing with regard to data preparation and standardization can be found in the associated SOP Part 1: Data preparation and standardization (Thomisch et al. 2023b).
Related to:
Boebel, Olaf (2013): The Expedition of the Research Vessel Polarstern to the Antarctic in 2012/2013 (ANT-XXIX/2). Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 671, 99 pp,
Boebel, Olaf (2017): The Expedition PS103 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the Weddell Sea in 2016/2017. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 710, 160 pp,
Thomisch, Karolin; Spiesecke, Stefanie; Boebel, Olaf (2023): Standard operating procedures: Featuring Passive Acoustic Data by The Open Portal to Underwater Soundscapes (OPUS), Glossary. Zenodo,
Thomisch, Karolin; Spiesecke, Stefanie; Boebel, Olaf (2023): Standard operating procedures: Featuring Passive Acoustic Data by The Open Portal to Underwater Soundscapes (OPUS), Part I: Data preparation and standardization. Zenodo,
Data processing report:
AWI207-09 SV1033 Data Processing Report 2024-09-12. AWI207-09_SV1033_DataProcessingReport_20240912.txt
Additional metadata:
AWI207-09 SV1033 metadata sheet. AWI207-09_SV1033.toml
SENSOR (2013): Sensor metadata for SonoVault of mooring awi207-9. Deployment from 2013-01-12 08:23:00. Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, hdl:10013/sensor.3e71d996-6887-445d-9bb2-504936a2aac7
Median Latitude: -63.725710 * Median Longitude: -50.859652 * South-bound Latitude: -63.726200 * West-bound Longitude: -50.860700 * North-bound Latitude: -63.724270 * East-bound Longitude: -50.856540
Date/Time Start: 2013-02-23T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2013-06-19T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 960 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 960 m
AWI207-9 * Latitude Start: -63.726200 * Longitude Start: -50.860700 * Latitude End: -63.726200 * Longitude End: -50.860700 * Date/Time Start: 2013-01-12T10:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2014-08-01T18:00:00 * Elevation Start: -2482.0 m * Elevation End: -2482.0 m * Location: Weddell Sea * Campaign: ANT-XXIX/2 (PS81) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Mooring (long time) (MOORY)
PS81/108-3 (AWI207-9) * Latitude: -63.726170 * Longitude: -50.860670 * Date/Time: 2013-01-12T08:23:00 * Elevation: -2542.0 m * Location: Weddell Sea * Campaign: ANT-XXIX/2 (PS81) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Mooring (MOOR) * Comment: deployment
PS103_54-2 * Latitude: -63.724270 * Longitude: -50.856540 * Date/Time: 2017-01-25T11:50:00 * Location: Weddell Sea * Campaign: PS103 (ANT-XXXII/2) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Mooring (MOOR) * Comment: recovery
Each daily .tar contains the 10-minute audio files (.wav format) collected during the respective day.
Please note that this data set may also be listed as AWI207-09_SV1033 at other data portals, such as the Open Portal to Underwater Soundscapes (OPUS), available at
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
DATE/TIMEDate/TimeThomisch, KarolinGeocode
DEPTH, waterDepth watermThomisch, KarolinGeocode
Audio fileAUDIOThomisch, KarolinPassive acoustic recorder Sono.Vault, develogic GmbH
Audio file (File Size)AUDIO (Size)BytesThomisch, KarolinPassive acoustic recorder Sono.Vault, develogic GmbH
Curation Level: Basic curation (CurationLevelB)
117 data points


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Depth water [m]


AUDIO (Size) [Bytes]
2013-02-23T00:0096020130223.tar137.3 MBytes
2013-02-24T00:0096020130224.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-02-25T00:0096020130225.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-02-26T00:0096020130226.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-02-27T00:0096020130227.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-02-28T00:0096020130228.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-01T00:0096020130301.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-02T00:0096020130302.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-03T00:0096020130303.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-04T00:0096020130304.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-05T00:0096020130305.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-06T00:0096020130306.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-07T00:0096020130307.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-08T00:0096020130308.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-09T00:0096020130309.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-10T00:0096020130310.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-11T00:0096020130311.tar1.3 GBytes
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2013-03-13T00:0096020130313.tar1.3 GBytes
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2013-03-15T00:0096020130315.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-16T00:0096020130316.tar1.3 GBytes
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2013-03-18T00:0096020130318.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-19T00:0096020130319.tar1.3 GBytes
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2013-03-21T00:0096020130321.tar1.3 GBytes
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2013-03-23T00:0096020130323.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-24T00:0096020130324.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-25T00:0096020130325.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-26T00:0096020130326.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-27T00:0096020130327.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-28T00:0096020130328.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-29T00:0096020130329.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-30T00:0096020130330.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-03-31T00:0096020130331.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-01T00:0096020130401.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-02T00:0096020130402.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-03T00:0096020130403.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-04T00:0096020130404.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-05T00:0096020130405.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-06T00:0096020130406.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-07T00:0096020130407.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-08T00:0096020130408.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-09T00:0096020130409.tar1.3 GBytes
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2013-04-11T00:0096020130411.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-12T00:0096020130412.tar1.3 GBytes
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2013-04-19T00:0096020130419.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-20T00:0096020130420.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-21T00:0096020130421.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-22T00:0096020130422.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-23T00:0096020130423.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-24T00:0096020130424.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-25T00:0096020130425.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-26T00:0096020130426.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-27T00:0096020130427.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-28T00:0096020130428.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-29T00:0096020130429.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-04-30T00:0096020130430.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-05-01T00:0096020130501.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-05-02T00:0096020130502.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-05-03T00:0096020130503.tar1.3 GBytes
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2013-05-13T00:0096020130513.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-05-14T00:0096020130514.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-05-15T00:0096020130515.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-05-16T00:0096020130516.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-05-17T00:0096020130517.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-05-18T00:0096020130518.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-05-19T00:0096020130519.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-05-20T00:0096020130520.tar1.3 GBytes
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2013-05-31T00:0096020130531.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-06-01T00:0096020130601.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-06-02T00:0096020130602.tar1.3 GBytes
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2013-06-09T00:0096020130609.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-06-10T00:0096020130610.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-06-11T00:0096020130611.tar1.3 GBytes
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2013-06-16T00:0096020130616.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-06-17T00:0096020130617.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-06-18T00:0096020130618.tar1.3 GBytes
2013-06-19T00:0096020130619.tar155.6 MBytes