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Siccha, Michael (2024): Processed MPS-mounted CTD data from SONNE cruise SO303 BIOGIN [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2024-11-13DOI registered: 2024-12-12

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Research expedition SO303 took place from January 23rd, 2024 (La Réunion, France) to February 19th, 2024 (Colombo, Sri Lanka).
CTD data for 9 stations with a total of 16 individual casts were recorded using a Sea & Sun Technology CTD90M (SN 979), attached to a HydroBios Multi-Plankton-Sampler down to depths of about 400 m. The CTD was equipped with sensors for pressure (PA7LHE, Keller AG), temperature (Pt100 model 1509, Thermal Developments International), conductivity (7-pole platinum coated electrode cell in quartz glass, Sea & Sun Technology), chlorophyll a (Seapoint Chlorophyll Fluorometer, Seapoint) and photosynthetically active radiation (QSP 2200, Biospherical Instruments Inc.).
The data files contain the data for temperature, conductivity, salinity, density, chlorophyll a concentration, sound velocity and photosynthecially active radiation; as raw data and processed and flagged according to the recommendations for real-time data processing of EuroGOOS and GTSPP, as well as the outlier detection method CoTeDe ( Biogeographic regions are determined according to Spalding et al. (2012). TEOS-10 unit conversions have been performed with the GSW Oceanographic Toolbox (McDougall and Barker, 2011).
Chl a; CTD; PAR; physical oceanography; Temperature and Salinity
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Siccha, Michael (2024): CTD Data SO303 - Data Processing Report. University of Bremen / MARUM, CTD_processing_report_SO303.pdf
Median Latitude: -2.847803 * Median Longitude: 73.538111 * South-bound Latitude: -15.000017 * West-bound Longitude: 67.498383 * North-bound Latitude: 3.006783 * East-bound Longitude: 80.000100
Date/Time Start: 2024-01-27T11:33:32 * Date/Time End: 2024-02-15T21:00:48
Minimum DEPTH, water: 0.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 419.895 m
SO303_1-7 * Latitude Start: -14.999950 * Longitude Start: 67.499900 * Latitude End: -14.999983 * Longitude End: 67.499917 * Date/Time Start: 2024-01-27T11:33:32 * Date/Time End: 2024-01-27T12:00:33 * Elevation Start: -3162.8 m * Elevation End: -3170.6 m * Location: Indian Ocean * Campaign: SO303 (BIOGIN (IIEO2)) * Basis: Sonne_2 * Method/Device: Multiple opening/closing net (MSN)
SO303_1-8 * Latitude Start: -15.000017 * Longitude Start: 67.499950 * Latitude End: -14.999933 * Longitude End: 67.500050 * Date/Time Start: 2024-01-27T12:12:51 * Date/Time End: 2024-01-27T12:36:37 * Elevation Start: -3121.7 m * Elevation End: -3178.6 m * Location: Indian Ocean * Campaign: SO303 (BIOGIN (IIEO2)) * Basis: Sonne_2 * Method/Device: Multiple opening/closing net (MSN)
SO303_3-6 * Latitude Start: -9.999950 * Longitude Start: 67.499983 * Latitude End: -10.000033 * Longitude End: 67.499967 * Date/Time Start: 2024-01-30T06:59:38 * Date/Time End: 2024-01-30T07:30:54 * Elevation Start: -3331.3 m * Elevation End: -3331.1 m * Location: Indian Ocean * Campaign: SO303 (BIOGIN (IIEO2)) * Basis: Sonne_2 * Method/Device: Multiple opening/closing net (MSN)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventSiccha, Michael
2Latitude of eventLatitudeSiccha, Michael
3Longitude of eventLongitudeSiccha, Michael
4Elevation of eventElevationmSiccha, Michael
5DEPTH, waterDepth watermSiccha, MichaelCalculatedGeocode
6Pressure, waterPressdbarSiccha, MichaelCTD, Sea & Sun Technology, 90M [SN: 979]in situ, sensor 1
7Data processed (true/false)Data procSiccha, MichaelPressure, merged data processing flag
8Temperature, waterTemp°CSiccha, MichaelCTD, Sea & Sun Technology, 90M [SN: 979]ITS-90, sensor 1
9Data processed (true/false)Data procSiccha, MichaelTemperature, merged data processing flag
10ConductivityCondmS/cmSiccha, MichaelCTD, Sea & Sun Technology, 90M [SN: 979]sensor 1
11Data processed (true/false)Data procSiccha, MichaelConductivity, merged data processing flag
12SalinitySalSiccha, MichaelCalculatedpractical, sensor 1
13Data processed (true/false)Data procSiccha, MichaelSalinity, merged data processing flag
14Radiation, photosynthetically activePARµmol/m2/sSiccha, MichaelCTD, Sea & Sun Technology, 90M [SN: 979]sensor 1
15Data processed (true/false)Data procSiccha, MichaelPAR, merged data processing flag
16Density, sigma, in situSigma in situkg/m3Siccha, MichaelCalculatedTEOS-10, sensor 1
17Data processed (true/false)Data procSiccha, MichaelDensity, merged data processing flag
18Chlorophyll aChl amg/m3Siccha, MichaelCTD, Sea & Sun Technology, 90M [SN: 979]sensor 1
19Data processed (true/false)Data procSiccha, MichaelChlorophyll a, merged data processing flag
20Sound velocity in waterSVm/sSiccha, MichaelCalculatedTEOS-10, sensor 1
21Data processed (true/false)Data procSiccha, MichaelSound Velocity, merged data processing flag
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
1171752 data points

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